"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How many episodes of Evil are on Paramount Plus season 1?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
SeasonEpisodesOriginally released
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  • Evil - Season 1

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Episode 01: Genesis 1 Episode 02: 177 Minutes Episode 03: 3 Stars Episode 04: Rose390 Episode 05: October 31 Episode 06: Let x = 9 Episode 07: Vatican III Episode 08: 2 Fathers Episode 09: Exorcism Part 2 Episode 10: 7 Swans a Singin' Episode 11: Room 320 Episode 12: Justice x 2 Episode 13: Book 27

Through a chain of exciting events, this series follows a female clinical psychologist who participates with a priest and a contractor in an attempt to discover the truth behind the abnormal and supernatural events. They have to pass many difficulties and exciting adventures.

Actors: Michael Mulheren, Michael Mulheren Briana Femia, Briana Femia Keith Buterbaugh, Keith Buterbaugh Aishling Pembroke, Aishling Pembroke Alexandra Socha, Alexandra Socha Vondie Curtis-Hall, Vondie Curtis-Hall 30 September 1950, Detroit, Michigan, USA Dalya Knapp, Dalya Knapp Jake David Smith, Jake David Smith Jake Schwencke, Jake Schwencke Eve OBrien, Eve OBrien Darrin Baker, Darrin Baker 7 May 1965, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ...»

Genre: Drama

Director: Robert King, Ron Underwood

Country: United States

Release: 2019

IMDb: 7.8


Duration: 45 min

Keywords: #Brooke Bloom #Evelyn Giovine #Evil #Noah Robbins #Season 1

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Country: Genre: Play Now';

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ACTORS OF "Evil - Season 1"

Michael Mulheren Briana Femia Keith Buterbaugh Aishling Pembroke Alexandra Socha Vondie Curtis-Hall 30 September 1950, Detroit, Michigan, USA Dalya Knapp Jake David Smith Jake Schwencke Eve O'Brien Darrin Baker 7 May 1965, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Raul Torres

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CRITICS OF "Evil - Season 1"

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September 25, 2019

This is one scary show that hooks you from the start. Big plus in the casting is Michael Emerson. It's been too long since "Lost" and I am glad this show found him.

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New York Magazine/Vulture


September 26, 2019

That sense of mystery, as well as some mysteries in the characters' personal lives, are persuasive reasons to keep watching.

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September 23, 2019

It's like being haunted by someone who's part-devil and part-snarky David Spade. It's very unsettling - and somehow, even creepier.

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September 26, 2019

Evil was one of our favorite network pilots this fall, for the simple reason that it's not stupid, which is more than we can say for most of the dramas that have been foisted on us this week.

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September 25, 2019

Both the writing and direction take the time to make sure that the emotional repercussions linger and build on each other, but the in-the-moment stuff is sometimes active for both characters and audience.

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TV Insider


September 26, 2019

I'm intrigued, if not entirely convinced, but mostly fascinated that CBS is even taking this bizarre swing at all. Good for them.

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September 26, 2019

As entertaining as the pilot episode is, it nevertheless has all the hallmarks of a typical pilot episode... but it also comes off as an unusually confident series, one that knows exactly what it aims to be even if it's not quite ready to show its cards.

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New York Times


September 26, 2019

If the Kings commit to the horror - and give Emerson more to do - "Evil" might become a less refined but more entertaining show.

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September 26, 2019

So far, it's an admirable attempt, if sometimes overly simplistic.

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Hollywood Reporter


September 26, 2019

If it continues that momentum, Evil could evolve into something very good and if it doesn't, it could just be a well-made broadcast procedural. That's not so bad.

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GALLERY OF "Evil - Season 1"

123movies - Click and watch Evil - Season 1 Free and without registration. Watch the latest Episodes here (2024)


Where can I watch evil Season 1? ›

You are able to stream Evil for free on Paramount Plus or Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel .

Where can I watch the Evil TV show season 4? ›

Evil season 4 is streaming exclusively on Paramount Plus in the US, with episodes arriving weekly on Thursdays. The fourth and final season will comprise a larger episode count than normal, with fourteen episodes in total (see our episode guide below for further information).

What network is the show Evil on? ›

Where can I watch Evil season 1 in the UK? ›

Watch Evil, Season 1 | Prime Video.

Where can I watch most evil Season 1? ›

Right now you can watch Most Evil on Amazon Prime Video, Discovery +, and Discovery+ Amazon Channel.

Where else can I watch Evil? ›

Currently you are able to watch "Evil" streaming on Paramount Plus, Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel , Paramount+ Amazon Channel, Paramount+ Roku Premium Channel, Netflix, Netflix basic with Ads or buy it as download on Apple TV, Amazon Video, Fandango At Home, Google Play Movies.

Why was Evil cancelled? ›

Evil star Katja Herbers is speaking out on the cancellation of the Paramount+ series, indicating it was a network decision that the series would end. She also put out feelers to Netflix for a possible pickup.

What happened to Kristen's husband on Evil? ›

Sheryl, Leland, and demonic forces conspire to have Andy lead one last expedition in Napal, under false pretenses. Begrudgingly, Andy goes to Napal unaware of the plot against him. He is then abducted, drugged, and imprisoned in Leland's apartment in a vegetative state.

Has Evil been renewed for season 5? ›

"Evil" won't see a fifth season.

Will Netflix pick up Evil? ›

Yes, yes it is.

How scary is the show Evil? ›

I would not recommend for children under 14 because some parts of it are quite scary. That being said, I really enjoy paranormal, scary shows, but I despise blood and gore. I think a show can be psychologically scary without having to contain blood and gore to get it's point across.

Does Netflix have Season 1 of Evil? ›

Watch Evil — Season 1 with a subscription on Paramount+, Netflix, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

Where was Evil Season 1 filmed? ›

Evil was filmed in 2234 21st St, Argyle Rd & Ditmas Ave, Astoria, Faraway Farm Alpacas, New York City and Yonkers City Hall.

What should I watch if I like the show Evil? ›

How many episodes of Evil are on Paramount Plus season 1? ›

SeasonEpisodesOriginally released
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Where can I watch Evil Lives Here Season 1? ›

Every episode of Evil Lives Here is now available on discovery+. A couple shares what happened when they learned their son was an arsonist. A wife discovers that her husband is a serial killer.

Where can I watch See No Evil Season 1? ›

Watch See No Evil | Prime Video.

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