1934 1984
John W. Kluge, Chairman and President of Metromedia, Inc., received a B.A. degree from Columbia University in 1937 and, in the same year; joined Otten Brothers Co., Detroit paper converters. Within four years he became a vice presi- dent and part owner of the firm. Following his military ser- vice, Mr. Kluge sold his Otten interest and moved to Wash- ington, D.C. where in 1946, with a partner, he founded station WGAY Radio in Silver Spring, Md.
Mr. Kluge formed the New England Fritos Corporation in 1947 and four years later founded a food brokerage firm, Kluge and Co. This was expanded in 1956 through the formation of Kluge, Finkelstein and Co. in Baltimore, in part- nership with David Finkelstein. Subsequently, Mc Kluge served as a marketing consultant to some of America's leading packaged foods producers.
In January 1959, Mr. Kluge joined Metropolitan Broad- casting Corporation and be- came Chief Executive Officer. At that time, the company con- sisted of two television and four radio stations. Following the acquisition of Foster &
Kleiser's outdoor advertising operations and a number of additional television and radio stations, the company's name was changed to Metromedia, Inc. in 1961, to reflect the growing scope and diversity of its activities.
Today, Metromedia, Inc. is
the nation's leading indepen- dent broadcaster and outdoor advertising company. During the broadcast week, Metro - media's television and radio stations reach more homes in the United States than any other broadcasting group with the exception of the three major networks. Foster &
Kleiser is the leader in the outdoor advertising industry. Metromedia's entertainment division encompasses tele- vision program production and distribution, as well as the world-famous Harlem Globe- trotters and the Ice Capades. In the field of telecommunica- tions, Metromedia is a leading radio common carrier in the United States.
Metromedia Radio is the nation's leading independent group broadcaster, operating both AM and FM stations in ten major U.S. metropolitan areas. Although Metromedia's radio stations vary in format from rock to all -news, each one uniformly communicates information of local interest and importance to listeners.
WNEW is the flagship sta- tion of Metromedia, Inc. With the support and guidance of John W. Kluge, WNEW con- tinues to be one of the most lis- tened to adult music radio stations in metropolitan New York.
In addition to his responsi- bilities with Metromedia, Inc., Mr. Kluge is a director of The Shubert Foundation, The United Cerebral Palsy Associ-
ations, Inc., Armand Hammer College: The United World College of the American West, CONAIR, Waldorf-Astoria Corporation, Chock Full O'Nuts Corporation, West - mount International Hotels, Inc., and Just One Break, Inc. He is a Governor of the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, as well as a Trustee of the Preventive Medicine Institute-Strang Clinic, a member of the Advisory Com- mittee of Manufacturers Han- over Trust Company, a member of the Board of Governors of the Metropolitan Club, and a Trustee of the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture.
Mr. Kluge's numerous honors and awards include Knight of the Order of Sant'Agata; INTV Award (Independent Television Association) for Outstanding Leadership in Independent Television; Man of the Year Award, Catholic Relief Ser- vices; John Jay Award, Columbia College, New York; Humanitarian Award, United Cerebral Palsy of New York City; Gold Medal Award, Inter- national Radio and Television Society; Man of the Year Award, The Bedside Network; Honorary Degree, Doctor of Laws, College of Mount St. Vincent; Honorary Degree, Doctor of Laws, New York Institute of Technology; Distin- guished Public Service Award, Anti -Defamation League; and Man of the Year Award, New York Association for the Blind.
JOHN W. KLUGE Chairman and President of Metromedia, Inc.
The 50th anniversary of WNEW is a celebration of our past and a fanfare for our future. We're proud of what has come before and of the wonderful people who have made it all possible.
We honor the on -air personalities whose voices and talent have created the unmistakable sound of WNEW.
We recognize the commitment of the dedicated men and women who have worked to make WNEW the best radio station in the country.
We salute the artists who have sung the songs and played the music which have made us famous. For half a century, WNEW has been the station of the stars.
And most of all, we appreciate you-our loyal listeners. You have danced to our music, applauded our triumphs, and taken us to your hearts.
I am honored to preside over the renaissance of WNEW as we reclaim a long and beloved musical past. WNEW is where it all began, and we are proud to be the standard bearer for the best in classic American music.
JACK THAYER Vice President and General Manager of WNEW
I was a teenager, keeping house for my father and two brothers. On my birthday, November 28,1934, I was given a small radio.
I turned the dial, found something I liked, WNEW, and never changed stations. In 1944, my husband, who loved classical music, decided to change stations.
My poor little radio promptly broke. HARRIET S. PAULSON
Jackie Tamburel was known to radio audiences as The Little Mono Lisa of the Air.
"WNEW TO DEFY SUPERSTI- TION' ran the headline in the New York Evening Journal on February 6,
1934. The article went on: "The manage- ment of WNEW, the newest of the met- ropolitan broadcasting plants, has an utter disregard for superstition, and will flaunt it to the world by opening WNEW on the evening of February 13.
WNEW will, at its inaugural, throw tra- dition to the winds and make its bow without any guest stars. The premiere will merely feature its own staff of mu- sicians and other artists in a grand re- view, so that John Q. Public will be able to gather some notion of the calibre of entertainment plotted out by the owners:'
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In 1936 WNEW stayed on the air all night, as John Jaeger reported the latest developments in the King Edward - Wallis Simpson affair.
WNEW took to the airwaves at 8 P.M.
on a Tuesday evening. The first hour was devoted to a review of radio his- tory, with outstanding events drama- tized. At 9, President Franklin Roosevelt pressed a button in his White House study which illuminated a golden lamp in the transmitter room. Following the signal from Washington, soprano Yvonne D'Arle sang The Star-Spangled Banner and Governor A. Harry Moore of New Jersey delivered an address of welcome. A musical review followed, featuring choruses, mountaineers, har- mony groups, and sports announcers. The Kilocycle Club with Zoel Parento and the staff orchestra presented a pro- gram designed to popularize the 1250
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In the late Thirties, my sister got a Silvertone table radio for her birthday. It had pushbuttons on it, and she wrote away to Sears and
got four little WNEW stickers to paste on the buttons- she had them all tuned to WNEW.
kilocycle wavelength. Broadcast signals radiated from a
424 -foot tower near the transmitter. WNEW's transmitter, originally owned by the Columbia Broadcasting System, had been located in Wayne, N.J. It was taken apart and reassembled in Carls- tadt by engineer Max Weiner. WNEW operated on a 1250 kilocycle frequency using 2500 watts in the daytime and 1000 at night. Programs emanated from studios in the Industrial Office Building in Newark and from auxiliary facilities at 501 Madison Avenue. The station was on the air from 7 A.M. until mid- night, with the exception of a few hours on Sunday afternoon and Monday evening.
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WNEW presented a varied program during its first week of operation. In accordance with its announced policy of broadcasting as many sports events as possible, WNEW ran live coverage of the Tilden-Vines tennis match in Phila- delphia on Friday night, February 16.
On Saturday evening, a program dedi- cated to the mayor of Newark featured soprano Jackie Tamburel, known as The Little Mona Lisa of the Air. A live or- chestra performed in the Newark studio with vocalist Theresa Stabile, who later went on to fame as Dolly Dawn and her Dawn Patrol. Kay Reed, former organist at the Roxy Theater, signed on in the early days and remained house organist for many years.
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Faith Fortune, one of radio's first advice columnists, reminded WNEW listeners that "where there's life, there's hope:'
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As a young teenager back in the Thirties, I remember Martin Block's Make Believe Ballroom playing on many radios in the building I lived in.
Most people kept their doors open in those days and the wonderful Big Band music permeated the air.
Biow and Bulova, occupied with their own growing businesses, ap- pointed Bernice Judis General Manager less than a year after she joined WNEW. With no previous experience in radio, she soon discovered she had a talent for programming. As Jim Lowe remarks, "She knew, she just instinctively knew"
N THE MID -THIRTIES, THE RADIO industry was dominated by the net- work giants which were just ap- proaching the height of their power. Independent WNEW competed with
the programming strength of the Columbia Broadcasting System, the Mutual Broadcasting System, and two branches of the National Broadcasting Company, the Red which remained NBC and the Blue which later became the American Broadcasting Company. Network radio in the Thirties was sim- ilar to network television today, and programs followed a set pattern. The day began with a cheerful morning show, followed by recipes, soap operas, noon news, more soap operas, organ in- terludes, children's shows, and sports events. Evenings were dominated by elaborate music and comedy shows fea- turing established stars like Jack Benny, Georgie Jessel, Buddy Rogers, and Rudy Vallee.
Bernice Judis lacked the budget to match these programs, but more impor- tant, she found them boring and unap- pealing. She felt that women listening at home were sated with the "tune in to- morrow and learn if Gwendolyn's sweetheart ran off with her best friend" diet of soap operas. And she was of the firm belief that "a woman who has to
boil the beef doesn't necessarily want to hear about it on the radio:' Judis countered serials and recipes with a flow of lively popular recorded music, providing welcome distraction for thou- sands of housewives. Suddenly, WNEW's ratings began to climb, as New Yorkers discovered a new kind of radio fare.
ERNICE JUDIS WAS A BRIL- liant, dedicated administrator, determined to make WNEW the best independent radio station in the country. Uncompromising
in her adherence to the highest stan- dards and keenly aware of public tastes, she drew an enormous audience tó the station. Through innovative programming and the recruitment of popular on -air personalities, Judis suc- cessfully rivaled the networks and cre- ated a formula for independent radio which revolutionized the industry.
John Van Buren Sullivan has known Judis since he joined the sales staff in 1942, later succeeding her as General Manager. In describing the influence Judis had on station personnel, Sullivan says, "You couldn't help but benefit be- cause she challenged you, she dared you, she rewarded you, she compli- mented you and she understood...she got the best out of you." Bernice Judis was intimately involved in every aspect of running the station, holding morning coffee klatches with salesmen, coach- ing and prodding announcers, pro- claiming her opinions with outspoken passion.
Nevertheless, she was always willing to experiment. Sullivan explains that "it
I have been listening to WNEW all my life since we were both born in 1934. My earliest recollection is of my sister singing along with Martin Block's Ballroom with her song sheet, and my wishing I could read.
wasn't just looking for somebody new, it was looking for somebody good so that the listeners could benefit. Somebody could have 800 solid gold records in Australia, and if he came in here sound- ing like a kangaroo with a bad cold, she'd say get lost: Her instincts changed the nature of radio, giving Martin Block the opportunity to become America's first disc jockey and nurturing the un- conventional style of Gene Rayburn and Dee Finch. She initiated the first all-night radio show, originated news around the clock, and brought unknown announcers to WNEW who went on to become the best-known personalities in radio.
"I love radios like some men love cars;" Bernice Judis once said. She had a radio in every room in her house, in every office at the station, and even car- ried a small portable in her purse. Judis constantly monitored WNEW's broad- casts, never hesitating to telephone the studio with praise or, more often, criti- cism. A disc jockey speaking too loudly at 3 A.M. might receive a call to "please pipe down:' She liked to think of herself as an average listener, giving vent to her exasperation.
Bernice Judis was a colorful woman who embellished her relentless ambi- tion with expensive clothing, spectacu- lar jewelry, and heavy perfumes. She occasionally delighted in the shock of outrageous behavior. Yet as one of the few women prominent in broadcasting, she commanded tremendous respect. Ethel Eisenberg, who came to fame in the Forties as singer Ann Perry, tells of the time that Golda Meir and Eleanor Roosevelt visited the station. "They
were sitting in her office and saying, 'We compliment you, we've never known a woman who runs a successful business all on her own:" Bernice Judis remained at the station for twenty years, and under her guidance WNEW became one of the most successful independent stations in the history of radio.
Organist Kay Reed remembers Judis from the beginning: "We were a big family. We all worked together, one for the other. But I'll tell you frankly, it was Miss Judis that held us together. She was the spark of the whole thing:'
The successful WNEW team, from top: Bobbie Godet, Jimmy Rich, Marion Joyce, Bernice Judis, Lanny Grey.
My memories of WNEW go back to Martin Block, starting in 1936. Conven- tional wisdom had it that if you could pick 30 songs and one became a hit,
you would succeed as a music publisher. I thought I was the greatest business brain since F.W. Woolworth, because more than half the songs I liked became hits. Little did I realize that by the time a song made it to the
Make Believe Ballroom, it was well on the way to becoming a hit. JAMES F. SELIGMAN
Music by Harold Green. l yri s by Mickey Stoner and
Martin Block. Recorded by Glenn Miller.
The format of the program never changed. Employing the gentle fiction that each record was a live perfor- mance, Block welcomed popular bands and singers to an imaginary ballroom with a revolving stage. Each performer stayed under the crystal chandelier for 15 minutes. Millions of people vis- ualized the ballroom in the theater of their imagination.
"He had a feel for the ear of New York that was remarkable;' observes Wil- liams. "Martin had an uncanny ability to know what kind of music, which bands, which new releases would be the ones that would satisfy the public:'
This ability gained him considerable in- fluence. Block's Friday night previews of new releases, Saturday morning top - 20 countdowns, and the semi-annual popularity polls carried enormous weight with listeners, artists, and record companies. Programs like Make Believe Ballroom seemed to create hit records, and disc jockeys soon became the major promotion channel for the phonograph industry.
AT THE HEIGHT OF ITS Popu- larity Make Believe Ballroom commanded an astonishing 25%
of the listening audience against strong network competition.
Block once estimated that he played 365,000 records during the 21,500 hours he hosted the Ballroom. In addition to presenting the Big Band sound to a vast radio audience, Block emceed live shows and broadcasts from places such as the Glen Island Casino. His fame approached that of the artists whose music he loved.
Away from the spotlight, Martin Block revealed a less serious side. He delighted in strolling off the elevator as the Ballroom theme was playing, reach- ing the microphone just as the music ended. A barber might be giving him a shave in the studio and as a record ended, Block stood up with lather on his face and a sheet around him to deliver the commercial. Country star Zeke Manners once gave Block his cowboy hat and for months Martin came to work wearing the hat and toy holsters. As Franklin remembers, Martin Block was "a great practical joker, he never grew up, and he loved life:
The first theme music for Make Believe Ball- room was Sugar Blues by Clyde McCoy, who had a band in the Mid- west when Block introduced his music to New York. Later, the theme became Charlie Barnet's Make Believe Ballroom. Glenn Miller, winner of the 1940 popularity poll, recorded It's Make Believe Ballroom Time, and following Miller's death in World War II, his close friend Block announced that hereafter the theme would never change.
Martin Block And he 2 -L
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Block devisera special micro .hone, custom tailored in England to his vocal dimensions, which allowed him re talk within an inc of the casing. His seductive whispers wer inaudible in t - e studio but irresistible to his many listener;.
According to a 1949 review, the film version of Make Believe Ballroom featured "one of the jumpin'est jivin'est arrays of rhythm stars in screen history:"
...listening to WNEW while growing up in the Israel Orphan Asylum for ten years. The only joy was listening to the radio, and WNEW whenever
possible. We would listen to Martin Block and Make Believe Ballroom, and I would dream that I was away from the horrors of the place.
The music of WNEW was a lifeline to the rest of the world. ARLETTE SAS
Block was proud of being `America's super salesman: Sponsors paid a total of $10 million for time on his program, and he was credited with selling $750 million worth of their products. During one month as participating sponsor, Purity Bakers increased sales by 432,000 donuts per week. Writing in The New York Times in 1944, John K. Hutchens described Block's unique commercial delivery: "He breathes into the microphone a commercial having to do with fur coats. He does not urge fur coats on his feminine listeners. His voice merely carries an undertone of fervent sympathy for any woman who does not have a fur coat:"
THE ART OF SELLING, WHETHER promoting a performer, introducing a record, or delivering a commer- cial, was the key to Martin Block's appeal. He left his first job as an
office boy at General Electric at 15 because "I wanted to sell things-sales- manship was my life's ambition." Drop- ping out of school, Block took to selling razor blades and potato peelers on the streets of New York. His first job in radio came at a station in Tijuana, where he delivered commercials. Mov- ing to Los Angeles, Block listened to radio personality Al Jarvis who hosted a show called Make Believe Ballroom, and coming to New York, borrowed the program's name. For most of his career at WNEW Martin Block was on the air for three and a half hours a day, six days a week, with morning and evening edi- tions of the Ballroom. He left the station in 1954, moving to ABC with a similar show. From 1961 until his death on Sep-
tember 19, 196Z Block hosted weekend Hall of Fame shows on WOR. Block's extensive record collection was do- nated to New York University.
Block was never able to translate his magic to television. Although he ap- peared on several programs, he realized his appeal was better suited to radio. Interviewed at the 1954 premiere of A Star Is Born, Block said: "Television for some reason spoils a person's ability to use his imagination. And when we lose our imagination, I think we're losing something very important in our lives:'
Martin Block played to the imagina- tion. He made each listener feel like an intimate confidant, sharing a special world of music, conversation, and ad- vice. Writing in the February 1937 issue of Bandstand, a newspaper published by the Tommy Dorsey band, Block made this prophecy:
"It's your Make Believe Ballroom, You and You and especially You, and it's always been that way as I've stood before the microphones at WNEW in- troducing the music of the country's leading orchestras, telling about the new recordings and discussing the trend of the moment ...I think we'll always have programs like my Make Believe Ballroom-where listeners can hear the best in music...! think it's radio's job to give samples of the music of the modern masters."
considered exploitation. In 1936 WNEW became the defendant in a legal action initiated by Paul White- man, Sammy Kaye, and Fred Waring. At that time, phonograph record labels carried the warning: Not Licensed for Radio Broadcast. The purpose was to prevent records from undermining per- formers' network contracts, which usu- ally called for exclusive services. The court ruled that a broadcaster, having purchased a phonograph record, could broadcast it without further obligation, regardless of the wishes of artists or manufacturers. The warning on the label was held to have no legal signifi- cance. The ruling put the disc jockey for the first time on a secure legal footing. Ironically, the initial opposition of the artists was to turn in subsequent years into a desperate attempt to get the sta- tions to play their records. WNEW's victory opened the door for all the coun- try's radio stations to fill the air with recorded music.
I remember the Thirties. Martin Block called it Saturday Night in Harlem and we would hear all the black bands-Claude Hopkins,
Maxine Sullivan, Duke, Count Basie, Earl Hines. ED WILLIAMS
THE APPEARANCE OF GLEN GRAY and his Casa Loma Orchestra on the stage of New York's Paramount Theater in December 1935 marked the beginning of the Big Band era.
The networks began offering live re- motes to satisfy the enormous demand for the new sound. Playing recorded music was the only way for an indepen- dent station to survive.
Live music was still important, and WNEW maintained a studio band, the Five Shades of Blue led by Merle Pitt, as well as a house organist. Jimmy Rich, in charge of the music department, scouted for singers to perform with Roy Ross and the studio orchestra. Many newcomers had short-term contracts as house singers, including Frank Sinatra, Dinah Shore, Bea Wain, and Helen Forrest.
But more and more, records began to dominate the programs. Many artists were pleased to have their discs fea- tured, but others objected to what they
Two of WNEW's musical giant Merle Pitt, right, led The Five Shades of BIw and Roy Ros, conducted the studio orchestra.
I've been listening to WNEW since 1935. I always caught Martin Block every night. I believe he played the new releases on Friday night.
I'd buy the records (Bluebird, Decca, Capitol, Columbia and Harmony) on Saturday. The cost -35e a record.
When Fanny Rose Shore arrived in New 'fork, she landed a non-paying job at WNEW. Music director Jimmy Rich, above, sensed her g -eat potential and arranged an audition for Martin Block. Shore chose the song Dinah. Intro iucing her on the air later, Block forgot her first rame. Without missing a beat, he said, "Ladies znd gen- tlemen, Miss Dinah Shore." "I was so gral ful," Shore said recently, "that I never corrected him." Dinah Shore performed on several sustaiiing programs on WNEW, and sang duets with another young singer-Frank Sinatra.
One afternoon, my older sister came bounding into the house and coiled out to me "Hey, kid.
how would you like to come over to Fort Lee with me tonight. Julie's brother-in-law is wowing the bobby soxers at the Paramount Theater in New York, and we have been invited to his apartment tonight!' With the vision of a night owl I replied, "Oh, who feels like going way
over to Fort Lee! I'd rather listen to some GOOD music on the radio!' And so instead of spending an evening with Frank Sinatra, I listened at hone to the groovy music set forth by
Martin Block on trusty WNEW. I'm still eating my old bobby socks, thread by thread, to atone for my misdemeanor.
When Frank Sinatra performed on WNEW in 1939, Bernice Judis refused to pay his carfare. Discouraged, Sinatra got a job ae master of ceremonies, headwaiter, and sometime singer at the Rustic Cabin, a roadhouse near Alpha, NJ. WNEW carried live broadcasts from the Rustic Cabin on the evening Dance Pomde program. One night, a former trumpeter in Benny Goodman's band, named Harry james, heard the show and called the station for the singer's name.
40 James had started his own band and was looking for a vocalist. He stopped at the Rustic Cabin to hear Sinatra, and signed him up.
SHORTLY AFTER THAT LAND - mark decision, WNEW became the first station to broadcast around the clock, and Stan Shaw became New York's only
all-night DI. The name Milkman's Ma tiaee is commonly attributed to Walter Winchell. The show quickly he - came a success.
1.0c. t h;tober23,1939:
"On i he night shift in New York's met- ropolitan area, more than 400,000 people keep the vigil until dawn. They are police sergeants at their desks in precinct houses. charwomen scrubbing
floors, bakers working at their ovens, tugboat crews out to meet an early freighter, tired cabbies waiting for another fare. As their vigil turns to boredom, most of them switch on radios, tune to WNEW the only Man- hattan station on the air all night, to hear the Milkman's Matinee. Radio's longest program. it fills the lonely Sours between 2 and 7 A.M., six days a week. with an endless stream of request re- cordings and cheery ad lib.
"Conductor of the program, on terms of big -city intimacy with his listeners. is
Stan Shaw, 'Your very good frien,_l the
Stan Shaw, left, changes records with his assistant John Flora by double -tossing two records into mid-air at once. Breakage was at a minimum.
.'. '. âg
Millie of Postal (Myldred Enright) took telegram requests. Hearing Shaw's ecstatic praises, dstene imagined her a glamorous figurie.
Milkman' To fill their 100 to 250 requests that thump in on two teletype machines installed in the studio, Stan and his assistant, John Flora, riffle through a library of 10,000 records, play an average of 80 in their five hours on the air. The program's only set piece is Liebestruurn, which Stan introduces around 4:30 A.M. with a tender dedica- tion in Spanish to his Spanish dancer wife, Gloria Garcia.
"Proprietors of gathering places for his audience have found that the price of a telegram nets them a cheap and ef- fective form of radio advertising. The effectiveness of Stan's program is fur- ther attested by the fact that similar programs have sprung up in other U.S. big cities. But he is proudest of his three public services. For farmers and fish- ermen he intones weather reports and market news. For the police he reads de- scriptions of missing persons, which have helped locate 17 so far. And for sleepless patients in at least one New York hospital, Stan's soothing records have cut down on opiates:''
From 1938 until I went into the service, I would always get home in time for Martin Block at 5:30. My sister told me that my mother used to
turn it on just to conjure up my presence at home. THOMAS DOHERTY
Stan the All -Night Music Man, The Night Mayor of New York, brought mil- lions of listeners to WNEW. Jimmy Rich attracted a large audience to his Dance Parade, and every morning Rosalind Sherman interviewed celebrities on Guess Who Came to Breakfast. Writ- ten and produced by Gary Stevens, the show marked the radio debut of Paul Muni and Barry Fitzgerald, as well as featuring appearances by Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Kate Smith. Alan Courtney hosted the Joymakers' Club every day at 11:30 A.M., with Tempo King a popular part of his show. On a jazz - oriented program developed by Bob Bach, regular panelists and guest per- formers like Charlie Barnet and Benny Carter fielded listeners' questions in a format modeled on Information Please. And every day at 5:15 PM. Richard Brooks offered news and commentary.
One popular show would seem un- suited to the radio medium. Here's Looking at You featured Richard Willis giving advice on make-up and groom- ing. John Van Buren Sullivan remem- bers: "If there ever was a visual show, it was this one. But Richard Willis was good, and he and Judis would fight like cats and dogs. 'What the hell do you mean a pastel? What color pastel? What is pastel? That's an adjective: But that show ran for years. Especially when he had that studio the orchestra performed in. he filled that every day"
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ENNY GOODMAN WON Metronome's 1938 Dance Band Contest, as he had done in 1937.
Hal Kemp was the number one Sweet Band, also retaining his
title from the previous year. The song most played on New York radio in June 1938 was This Time It's for Real.
Martin Block's celebrity continued to grow, and he became strongly associ- ated with the Big Band sound. Block hosted many live appearances by the bands, and in 1938 he assembled the largest live concert ever held in New York. Here is an account from the July issue of Metronome:
"A gala day for the jitterbug, alligator, cat and all the menagerie of swing was Sunday, May 29, when Martin Block presented his colossal Carnival of Swing at Randall's Island Stadium.
"Weather was swell, except for the wind that sometimes carried the music off, giving a fade-out effect like a trans- oceanic broadcast. Also tough on vocals and gag lines. But it didn't rain, so what the hell?
"Attendance bettered the 25,000 mark....
"Presentation moved fast. Huge stage permitted two full bands to set up at once with room for smaller outfits in the middle. That way, while one band swung out, another was always in prep- aration. Length of show didn't seem to worry anyone. Entire gang stuck to their seats from around ten in the morn- ing until nearly five in the afternoon, during which time over thirty bands (leaders and full personnel) appeared.
`Applause was lavish for everyone, but emphasis was noted after Duke
Growing up in a small town in South Jersey, we did not receive the New York stations. However, one Saturday morning my radio dial shifted and a very
staticy Martin Block came on. On that day a young girl became hooked, both on WNEW and the Big Band era. Somehow, only on Saturday did we
receive the station, and so, every Saturday morning, I would pull up my chair to the radio, put my ear to it, and listen enraptured.
Ellington, Larry Clinton, Count Basie, Chick Webb (with Ella Fitzgerald), Will Hudson, and, of course, Gene Krupa who closed the bill.
"Surprise item was Rudy Vallee who wowed them with his non -swing Butcher Boy. Kay Kyser was welcomed with roars....
"Space doesn't permit listing all the leaders who rallied 'round to this ben- efit for New York's Local 802, but rest as- sured everybody available turned out and gave their best. The Carnival of Swing should go down in history as a classic example of the real popularity of jazz music and its makers"
Martin Block welcomes Count Basie to the 1938 Carnival of Swing on Randall's Island.
The year was 1940 and my grocer boss and I were listening to Martin Block. Martin played a song called "Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone"
and he commented that he had received several letters admonishing him for playing such music using undesirable language. "Doggone."
Things have surely changed. SAL SPADAFORA
hours a d_7 days a week!
ANN PERRY-Song Stylist
Noted News Analyst
"Make -Believe Ballroom"
From Ann to Zeke._They Hold the Key to World's Richest Market! THESE artist -salesmen talk the language of the city. They are warm friends to New York's millions-nursed, doted upon, accepted as very special proteges. No wonder-when these entertainers tell of your products over WNEW-your goods move fast at lowest cost of any station in the metro- politan trading area!
WNEW's VAST LISTENING AUDIENCE Independent surveys prove that-in and around Neu, York more people listen to WNEW than any other independent station. Additional proof indeed, that: WNEW is your best bet in the world's richest market!
1130 on Your Dial WNEW New York Serving New York and New Jersey-Represented Nationally by John Blair & Co.
` "News Thru A Woman's Eyes"
FRANK FROEBA- Pianolog,,r
ZEKE MANNERS America's No. 1 Hillbilly
- Sports
Institution "Milkman's Matinee"
One episode I remember was during the first year of World War II when Martin Block asked his listeners for old, used or new pianos for the various U.S.O. clubs. With Martin's great salesmanship and his
fantastic rapport with his listeners, needless to say, he got quite a few. JOE TIRONE
600,000 votes were cast in the Janu- ary -February 1939 Make Believe Ball- room Orchestra Popularity Poll. The re- sults: Artie Shaw and Benny Goodman tied for first place, followed by Tommy Dorsey, Glen Gray, and Sammy Kaye.
Metronome, October 1939:
"Jitterbug over -exuberance may bring to a sudden close the series of swing concerts sponsored by New York's indie station WNEW. Direct cause is a near riot that sprang up dur- ing the broadcasting of Count Basie and Eddie DeLange on September 19, each hep -cat trying to climb over the one in front of him in order to gain a spot closer to the bands. Result was a con- stant background clamor that almost drowned out the music and announce- ments, and which m.c. Martin Block, being on the air at the time, was unable to quell. Block, highly incensed, threat- ened after the broadcast to discontinue further concerts unless kids could con- trol themselves:'
OPULAR PROGRAMS DURING the Forties included WW Ranch, later to become Zeke Manners and the Gang featur- ing America's No. 1 Hillbilly in
an hour of country songs and down- home humor. New Yorkers woke up to By the Dawn's Early Light, spent the morning with The Music Makers, Make Believe Ballroom, and Keys to Hap- piness, and tuned in to 30 minutes of Luncheon Music. Afternoon audiences listened to The Singing Cowboy, Insur- ance Talk, Fashions in Music, and
String Fever until Music Hall came on at 3. The Five Shades of Blue played live music every evening at 5. After the eve- ning Ballroom, the nighttime hours were filled with 15 -minute segments of music featuring such artists as Dinah Shore, Sammy Kaye, and Tommy Dor- sey. Most people ended the evening with Dance Parade, but night -owls stayed up with Milkman's Matinee.
On March 29, 1941, WNEW changed to its present frequency, 1130 kilocycles.
WNEW was broadcasting news re- ports six times a day, including News Thru A Woman's Eyes with Kathryn Cravens. However, three weeks after the invasion of Pearl Harbor in Decem- ber 1941, Bernice Judis issued an edict: "We've got to have more news. People are in this war, America is in this war." Jack Sullivan remembers: "She talked to the Daily News, and they set up the radio broadcast desk. Eighteen people compiled and wrote and sent it to the station by teleprinter, 24 five-minute newscasts a day. The station had final say in the editing, and broadcast them on the half-hour. Everybody else did news on the hour, and there was some- thing about 7:30 On Your Clock, 1130 On Your Dial:'
On January 1, 1942, WNEW News went on the air. The relationship with the Daily News lasted until WNEW created its own news operation in 1958. WNEW was the first radio station in the country with hourly news around the clock, and the station's new slogan became Your Favorite Station for Music and News. News
Martin Block is temporarily overcome when he brings together the leading jazz musicians of the day for a live session in the WNEW studios. Left to right: Tommy Dorsey, Jack Jenney, Bunny Berigan and Roy Eldridge. Other artists who appeared include Harry James, Coleman Hawkins Gene Krupa and Count Basie.
1100 1200
º°0 1pp0 dcost schedule: Daily News broc
REGULAR 4 ornes a day on
the huff hour.
EXTRA editions on
never news is urgent.
the hour, whenever
During the Forties, `Block Dances" were very popular. We'd get permission from the city and rope off part of a block. The music was supplied by a
phonograph and many 78s. These dances usually ended about 11 P.M. After we put away the records, we'd put on Art Ford and the Milkman's Matinee
on our car radios and we'd dance on the sidewalk until 1 or 2 A.M.
ART FORD TOOK OVER Milkman's Matinee in 1942, and the first song he played was Moonglow by the Benny Good- man Quartet. Betty Obrecht, in
Turntable Tunesmiths, reports that Ford credits John Barrymore with his choice of a career in radio. Art had a one -line role in a Shakespearean play, and one night Barrymore came backstage. Ford asked his opinion of the performance. Barrymore gave him a long look, and quietly said, "Young man, as an actor, you'd make a fine radio announcer."
Ford was the first air personality to play complete musical scores from movies. At first, Art featured American films, but listeners soon became accus- tomed to hearing music from Japanese
filliK4 i 1/4e\
or Greek movies. A portion of his show might feature Haitian, Hindustani, or Swahili music, followed immediately by the music of Porter, Gershwin, Ellington, or Pee Wee Hunt. In an inter- view with Rex Lardner of the New York Herald Tribune, Ford explained:
"You always have to mix diplomacy with showmanship when you wander too far off the track. If I can get Chiemi Eri over here, I'll have to introduce her as the Rosemary Clooney of Tokyo. If I
play a record by a quartet of Swahilis, I
call them the Mills Brothers of Zanzi- bar. Swedish jazz and French vocalists are a little bit more acceptable. Partly because I've introduced the platters of so many vocalists here, Radio Diffusion Française has made me an honorary program director. Sometimes I persuade American lyricists to bang out Ameri- can words to French tunes:' Art Ford continued on Milkman's Matinee until 1954, when he shifted to the daytime schedule.
Santa's helper Barbara Nichols brings holiday cheer, among other things, to Art Ford when she visits Milkman's Matinee.
IN 1944.
Way back in 1942-43 I was a young naval officer who had moved his young family-wife and baby-to New York City. After weather forecasting training at N Y.U, I was sent to Bermuda. I had gotten used to WNEW's music while in New York. What a great comfort it was to hear my station again, which
came in after midnight and lasted until dawn. It made me feel close to home and my dear wife and child who, I felt, were listening to the same music.
IN THE EARLY FORTIES, WNEW continued to add personalities to its line-up. Jerry Marshall, hired in June 1943, would remain at the station for 14 years, hosting Music Hall until
succeeding Martin Block in the Ball- room. And one night in 1944, WNEW staffer John Jaeger was driving home, listening to the competition on his car radio. He was struck by the voice of a young announcer named Bill Williams, and the next morning Jaeger called to ask Williams whether he'd like to audi- tion. Williams tells the story:
"I got off the air, I guess about 6 or 7 in the morning, and I came over to the city and auditioned with quite a few others. I was either too young to be nervous or too tired from doing an all-night show, and I got the job:'
New York audiences were soon capti- vated by the warmth and low-key humor of William B. Williams, and for the next three years he held several time slots. One day in 1947, Bernice Judis
walked into the studio while Williams was on the air. He'd taken off his shoes, and his feet were up on the desk, reveal- ing bright red socks. The fastidious Judis was horrified, not at his informal- ity but at the color of those socks. And on that day, Williams was fired from WNEW for a breach of style.
Ted Cott began his eight -year term as Program Director in 1943, hired by Judis to boost the station's public service broadcasting. Among his many innova- tions, Cott produced one program which significantly affected the role of blacks in radio. A series by the Ameri- can Negro Theater, which ran on WNEW in the mid -Forties, introduced actors like James Earl Jones and Ruby Dee in serious dramas, adaptations of grand opera, and plays drawn from major fiction. In 1945, WNEW pro- duced several musical programs featur- ing black entertainers such as Josh White, Mary Lou Williams, Pat Flow- ers, and the trio, Day, Dawn and Dusk.
Fall 1943, and the war was going full blast. Eight A.M. would be heralded by the strains of "Der Fuhrer's Face"-
my signal to head for high school in my bobby socks. JESSIE LANG
NEW YORK 22, N. Y.
July 5, 1945
Mr s . Anna Milano 4607 104th Street
Corona, Long Island
New York
Dear Mrs. Milano:
WNEW is happy to send you a
Corporal Frank Milano's voice,
of This we received from-
overñeTue Tuesday, July
cription was played Your our program, "These Are
3rd on Boys".
you e
We hope thatwe extend our b e s enjoyed hearing th
broadcast and may return of Corporal wishes for a speedy
Milano. Cordially yours,
Ted Cott Pro gram
It was November 1945. World War II faded into the pages of history and the S.S. Jonathan Worth was steaming westward taking us home
to the shores we had fought for. One morning, still at sea, the ship's radio was broadcasting over the intercom and I heard the very familiar
and warm tones of Martin Block. I knew I was home. There was this interior surge and swell and dammit, I cried.
ROADCASTING TO A WAR - saddened New York during World War II, WNEW offered music to soften the war news, but also presented many pro-
grams of community service. One fea- ture, developed by Ted Cott, was called These Are Your Boys, compiled from special material sent directly from battle fronts all over the world. The sta- tion sent out postcards informing people when news of their loved ones would be broadcast.
Sometimes, help for the war effort came unexpectedly. Martin Block told of the day he was handed a new record- ing by a "cute little fellow with a pan- cake hat" who was waiting backstage: "I took the record over to the studio and I put it on and I played it and it was hys- terical! And the minute I played it the telephone rang. 'Play it again, play it again: Suddenly, the thought came to me, why should I play it for nothing? If
it's that funny I can get money for it or a bond.
"So on the air I said, 'As soon as I
have sold $5,000 worth of war bonds, I'll play it again. Well, the phone started lighting up, `I'll take 100, I'll take 50, I'll take 500: `Okay, we have $5,000, here we go again with Der Fuhrer's Face by Spike Jones: I refused to play the record unless I got $25,000 worth of bonds. Well, within one week we played that record 50 times. We sold a quarter of a million dollars worth of bonds, and made Spike Jones the most popular man in the United States:'
The WNEW signal was so strong that pilots returning with troops at the end of the war used the frequency as a guide to fly into New York. Pete Johnson, long-time WNEW engineer, explains that since the signal is beamed northeast, pilots followed it directly to the airfield, listening to WNEW all the way home.
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Martin Block's postcards to servicemen overseas were a welcome voice from home.
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WNEW was outgrowing its offices on Madison Avenue. Biow and Bulova spent over $1 million to construct new studios, and in 1947 the station moved to 565 Fifth Avenue. For the next twenty-two years, large golden call let- ters on the second floor balcony caught the eyes of passersby.
the magnet, the hub of the enter- tainment world. Orchestras played at hotel ballrooms, ele- gant clubs, and giant theaters.
Glamorous Manhattan nightlife re- volved around jazz joints and bistros from the Village to Harlem. WNEW was the station of the stars. Most major performers would not open a nightclub engagement or theatrical appearance without first coming on the station for an interview Celebrities filled the studio every evening.
WNEW provided something for every listener. On Sunday mornings, children knew that when Merle Evans and his Circus Band began to play
Nursery Rhyme Songs, it was time for Henry Walden. News, public service programs, and sportscasts continued to inform. But above all, it was popular music that drew the largest audience, beating the networks against shows like Ma Perkins and Stella Dallas.
Bob Bach, writing in the April 1947
issue of Metronome, issued this warn- ing to the networks:
"Have you, by any chance, heard the news about disc jockeys? Have you heard, for instance, about Martin Block's Make Believe Ballroom topping all your network shows at dinnertime? Another thing: do you remember any disc jockeys back around 1935 or '36 or '37? The truth of the matter, gents, is that the disc jockey is a phenomenon of the past 6 or 7 years, and guess who made him what he is today? YOU did. You did it with your little red pencils and short-sightedness when you brushed off live popular music for the quizzes. But make no mistake about it,
the disc jockey is growing bigger and bigger and BIGGER all the time!
"The young audience, the kids, are going to grow up and become your audience of 1957. Do you think they will hold still for that inferior brand of pop- ular music that sneaks through here and there on your biggest shows? Do you think they will not notice the com- plete lack of any important modern music on your air waves? Maybe tele- vision will have arrived by 1957 and you'll have a much larger problem on your hands:
Art Ford held a "Welcome to New York" all-night broadcast for Mel Torme in 1947. Among the celebrities who stopped by for the occasion were, left to right, Nat King Cole, Carlos Gastel, Torme, Ford, Stan Kenton, and June Christy.
Henry Walden, a well known newscaster in the Forties and Fifties, was my uncle. He had a Sunday morning children's show during which he read the Sunday comics aloud. He was known to his
audience as "Uncle Henry" then, but I felt that only my family could really call him our "uncle."
AMUCH LARGER PROBLEM indeed. In 1946 there were 7,000 television sets in use throughout America. In 1947, 178,000 were manufactured and the audience
was estimated at one million. In 1948, Milton Berle began on NBC, and New York theater and restaurant owners no- ticed a collapse in business at 8 on Tuesday nights. A year later, more than 3 million sets were made. In 1950, Balti- more became the first city where more hours were spent watching television than listening to the radio. The radio networks were clearly in trouble.
Before World War II there were 900 radio stations in America. Today there are more than 10,000, and the greatest growth occurred right after the war. Competition was intense, and the key to survival was specialization.
Unlike network radio which was forced to create new kinds of program- ming, WNEW remained with an al- ready specialized, highly successful
format. The station felt the early effects of television when business fell slightly in 1949, after steady yearly growth. A remarkable recovery occurred the next year, as sales and profits again climbed. Sales fell again in 1951, but the cause was not television but a flood of the Hackensack River which silenced the transmitter for several days. By 1952, sales and profits were again the highest of any year to date. Television held little threat because WNEW maintained a commitment to musical quality which the new medium would never make.
Bernice Judis saw television as "just another competitor," but a greater chal- lenge lay ahead. As rhythm and blues became rock and roll in the Fifties, musical tastes began to change. Throughout the country, independent stations adopted Top 40 formulas, but WNEW stood firm in its "good music" format. The station's resistance to rock would lessen in the next decades, with almost disastrous results.
In 1950 or '51, Martin Block played a song called "Oh Happy Day" by Johnny Howard. Martin said that this song was so bad that if it ever
reached the Top 20 he would eat the record. In two weeks it was number one. He was flooded with ketchup, mustard, salt, and pepper.
HE BEGINNING OF THE FIFTIES brought a new owner to WNEW. Biow and Bulova sold the station in 1950 to a syndicate headed by William Cherry, owner of WPRO
in Providence. Judis was a key figure in the transition, becoming Executive Vice President in addition to General Manager.
WNEW concentrated its most ag- gressive competitive programming dur- ing the daytime hours of 6 A.M. to 8 PM.
The station conceded the evenings to the major television networks, but dur- ing these less competitive hours WNEW offered unusual diversions. When extravagant giveaway shows swept the country, Judis countered with a satirical program called Lose Your Shirt, in which WNEW took money away from the audience.
Evening and Sunday shows featured top stars who were willing to perform for nominal fees because they were per- mitted to do something they wouldn't get a chance to do on the networks. When CBS suspended its Sunday after- noon symphony broadcasts for the summer, WNEW jumped in with an hour of symphonic recordings with Benny Goodman doing the commen- tary. In a series called Play It Straight, Milton Berle appeared in complete se- riousness as Hamlet. Jose Ferrer did a series as a Shakespearean disc jockey playing recordings of various actors re- citing soliloquies.
One of the last live music shows on WNEW was the noon program featur- ing announcers who sang with Roy Ross' studio orchestra in addition to introducing records and doing commer-
Peggy Ann Ellis bandies with Gene Rayburn on Let Yourself Go.
Peggy A Ellis, left, takes musical direction From Rooss on one of the last live music programs n WNEW, Let Yourself Go. Noted jazz pianist Teddy Wilson gave Bernice Judis piano lessons after the show. The popular program was originally bosted by Alan Courtney, and Ellis appearedith Gene Rayburn from 1948 until 1952. Ted Brown later took over the show.
Bobby Hodges was the first Black radio producer of programs not specifically created for Black audiences. Hodges' career began when he wrote to Martin Block in 1937,
asking for a job in radio. As producer - director, Hodges was responsible for shows hosted by Al Collins, Art Ford, and Bob Haymes.
cials. Bob Haymes, talented singer and songwriter, took over the show in 1953, and his wise -cracking style and unusual record selections brought complaints from the sales staff. Haymes recalls Bernice Judis' reaction: "She came in and said, 'Leave him alone: She pointed a finger at me and said, 'Bob, you've got three months. You either get a rating or you're fired. Nobody will talk to you, nobody will bother you. Just do your own thing. Good luck:" Haymes went on to great success, later leaving the show to Bill Harrington, another popu- lar announcer -singer.
Another interesting show in the early Fifties was Collins On A Cloud, in which Jazzbeaux pretended to float high above Manhattan, reporting the sights below, with harp music playing in the background. Collins was a success- ful young announcer in Salt Lake City when he came to New York in 1950, hop- ing to audition for WNEW. He remem- bers the first time he met Bernice Judis:
"I went around to the back of the place, and there she was in her office, which was diamond shaped and the elongated ends were coming toward you and ending where she was. So you walked across 25 feet of carpet to get to where she's sitting behind a big desk with a light shining down on her.
"I walked in and I was about halfway across the carpet, she pointed at my beard. She said, 'What the hell is that?' I
said `That's my heard. I grew it out in Salt Lake City for Pioneer Day and I just kept it: I said, 'If you don't like it I could shave it off right away.' She said to me, 'I wouldn't give a damn if your entire body and face were covered with hair,
A 1950 Nat King Cole concert in Birmingham set off riots, and Williams broke the story on WNEW when Cole called him at the studio.
( ` 03 -.
do you talk like that all the time?' I said 'Yeah, I do: She said, 'Well, I'd like to have you join our station. Can you start Thursday?"
Collins started that week. He contin- ues the story: "The first night I went to work, I was assigned to Studio 1, and I
went in there and the entire studio was purple. I got on the air at 9:35, and I
don't know where it came from, but I
said, 'This is Jazzbeaux and I'm in the Purple Grotto: And I had my Nat Cole going underneath it, the piano music, and I said, 'Yeah, you know, I play jazz music, but you can't play jazz in a fluo- rescently lit air-conditioned studio, it's too clinical, there's just no atmosphere. And I came down here this afternoon, it's beneath the studios and it's really beautiful. It's a grotto:"
Just as Martin Block had done with his Ballroom, Jazzbeaux created. an imaginary world in the minds of his lis- teners. Soon he was sending out solid purple postcards, reputedly photo- graphs shot with special purple -tinted filters, with the bold caption: Al Jazz - beaux Collins at work in the Purple Grotto.
Al"Jazzbeaux" Collins in the Purple Grotto.
'WIDEX "° xr em WHEW
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Gene Klavan remembers: "We always looked as handsome as we could. Judis used to say we're appealing to women and we have to look sexy:'
Gene Klavan
N 1952, WNEW INCREASED ITS power to 50,000 watts. That year, Gene Rayburn moved on to tele- vision and Dee Finch found himself without a morning partner. Gene
Klavan was a young reporter who had come to New York to audition for one of the new television stations. Told of the opening at WNEW he was reluctant to audition because he saw his future in television. Three hundred people tried out for the morning spot, and Klavan was offered the job. "What the hell" he remembers thinking, "I'll go back to television a week later:'
Listeners thought that the new an- nouncer had changed his name to Klavan because of the similarity to Ray- burn. They were completely unpre- pared for the craziness of the two men. Finch played straight man, and during the first week Klavan used dozens of voices and characters. Judis called him into her office and said, "You don't have to do every accent, you don't have to do every impression. Take it easy. Coast a little bit:' Judis was on the phone every morning, giving direction, shaping the team. The 15 -year partnership of Kla- van and Finch was born.
New Yorkers formed a new morning habit, and the pair appealed to all ages. Vicki Callahan, Executive Vice Presi- dent, Radio Division, Metromedia, grew up with Klavan and Finch, and she remembers that they became two more members of the family. "It was part of getting ready for school in the morning and having breakfast with ycur par- ents:' Klavan and Finch brought to morning radio a new kind of wild, sati- rical, irreverant lunacy, and their style was widely copied. They rema:ned to- gether until 1968, and Klavan stayed for another nine years as "the first one-man team on American radio:' Dee Finch died in 1983,. and Gene Klavan spoke recently of his long-time partner:
"He was spectacular. He was more than just a straight man. People say a straight man, but he had a marvelous sense of humor. A great voice and a fetching laugh. I mean, if he laughed even I couldn't help it, I would break up. And basically, he was really a good actor. He ad libbed. We never prepared anything, even though I used to hope we would sometimes. He had a great understanding of what we were doing. We were two minds without any
WNEW General manager Harvey Glasco*ck brought Klavan, Finch, and Rayburn together for an evening.
Dee Finch
While attending college between 1949 and 1954, I wrote Ted Brown a letter asking him to play a song called "My Happiness."
I signed the letter "The Boys from 3625." He was good enough to play the song and commented humorously
"with their taste in music, no wonder they keep them in a cell block." C. WARREN NERZ
Shortly after Klavan joined Finch, William B. Williams returned to WNEW. Still known as Bill Williams, he added the middle initial for its dis- tinctive sound. Williams hosted Music In a Sentimental Mood from 1 to 2 P.M.,
as well as the morning William B.
Williams Show. Another newcomer to WNEW was
Ted Brown. "I always wanted to come to WNEW," Brown recalls. "I finally decided to audition, and afterwards Bernice Judis said, "Send the guy with the sexy voice in here:"
Ownership of WNEW changed again in 1954, when the station was sold to a group headed by Dick Buckley, then President of the John Blair station rep firm. The tremendous surge of tele- vision and the uncertain future of radio may have influenced Cherry's decision to sell the station.
AFTER ALMOST 20 YEARS OF unequaled success, Martin Block announced that he was leaving WNEW. Bernice Judis conducted a nationwide search
for a replacement, but Block's successor came from within the station. On Janu- ary 1, 1954, Jerry Marshall, host of Music Hall, took over Make Believe Ballroom and continued for three years with great success, his popularity often sur- passing the competing Arthur Godfrey.
artin appe hall's Ballroom. The next day, Jerry Lewi
wed up demanding equal time. When told Martin had been on for half an hour, Lewi "Good, I'll do 35 minutes." He stayed on an hour.
JERRY MARSHALL hrbringing.n lien' spclrkle,
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WhtY°M 1 Ill 10.11130 A. M. >tnd 61351:30 P.
YOUR favorite station for MUSIC and `E ON YOUR DIAL
Fast-moving Marshall welcomes Tony Bennett, Perry Como, Kitty Kallen, and Lena Home to the Ballroom.
On our honeymoon, we drove around and listened to Martin Block. Our favorite recording was "Swamp Girl;' by Frankie Laine and we adopted it as "our song:' Imagine when we heard Martin Block-on
Thanksgiving Day-play "our song" as one of the "Turkeys of the Year." DANIEL D. SCHECHTER
Lonny Starr hosted Music Hall and Art Ford left the all-night show for Ford At Four and the evening Art Ford Show. Jazzbeaux replaced Ford on Milkman's Matinee and once he kept half of New York awake all night.
"I came in at 12 and opened my mail and there was a record from Cadence Records, it was the Chordettes doing Mr. Sandman and it ran about 2 min- utes and 7 seconds. I said, 'Hey, this is very nice but too short. I'd like to hear more of that: So I put it on again, and in the middle of playing it the second time someone called and said, 'Hey, you know I like that record. And when it's over this time, play it again, will you?' I
said `All right, I'll do it: I played it 3
times and I said, `Look, I'll play it as long as you people want to hear it: And I
played that record 55 times that night. The police station called up and said, `People are calling, they want to know what's going on: I said `Nothing, man, I'm just doing my show' Then after a couple of hours I would change the name of the record. I'd say, `Here's Benny Goodman, here's Tommy Dor- sey,' and I'd always play the same thing:'
When Jazzbeaux returned ten years later, the first record he played was Mr. Sandman by the Chordettes.
The Buckley group, which had sub- sequently merged with DuMont Broad- casting, sold WNEW in 1957 to Metromedia, which continues to own the station. By this time Bernice Judis had left, and Dick Buckley took over as General Manager.
WNEW acquired an FM license to broadcast on 102.7 and beginning in 1958, programming was delivered si- multaneously on both AM and FM. A
Sales Manager John Van Buren Sullivan, John Jaeger and Program Director Jack Grogan toast Richard Buckley, third from left, on his appointment as President and General Manager.
Al Trilling, flanked by Williams and Sinatra, began his career as Chief Record Librarian in 1940. In an average week, Trilling and his staff screened 75-100 new releases, classifying and filing records, selecting songs to be played, and often choosing hit tunes before they became popular.
separate identity would emerge later. The broadcast day began with Klavan and Finch, followed by Make Believe Ballroom, now hosted by William B. Williams. Lonny Starr followed at 11:35 with Starr, Sinatra and Strings. Bob Landers and the popular Losers' Club
Top row: AI "Jazzbeaux" Collins, Dick Shepard, Jack Lazare. Middle row: Gene Klavan, Dee Finch, William B. Williams, Dick Partridge. Bottom row: Lonny Starr, Bob Landers, Bob Howard.
lam a nightnic by decree of Oick Shepard
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came on at noon, and Lonny Starr returned at 2 with Music Hall. Dick Partridge, Jack Lazare, and Jazzbeaux Collins hosted two-hour shows until midnight, when Dick Shepard appeared with Milkman's Matinee at midnight.
Louis Armstrong appeared on Jack Lazare's evening program after a special Carnegie Hall concert in which the two performed.
I remember when William B. would start his 8 P.M. show with "Good evening, world." We lived in Amsterdam, N.Y., at the time and the only radios that
could pick up WNEW were car radios, so just before 8 we would go out to a car just to hear William B. introduce his show with "Good evening, world."
That made our night. LARRY SPINAK
NEWS HAD ALWAYS HELD AN important place on WNEW, with hourly reports increasing to news every half-hour. But in 1958, the station created its own
news department. The orchestra disap- peared and the big central studio was converted to a newsroom. Martin Weldon was the first News Director, fol- lowed by Lee Hanna. Early in January 1959, WNEW News came on the air.
WNEW organized the most elaborate news operation in independent radio. From the beginning, WNEW demon- strated that a radio station can have the resourcefulness to create its own sto- ries. The station scooped the networks by airing the first interview in English with Fidel Castro, recorded in 1959 in the Sierra Maestra mountains of Cuba. WNEW News has gone on to become
Ike Pappas
James Van Sickle
In a photograph which appeared on the front page of the December 23, 1960 Journal American, WNEW newsman Rudy Ruderman shares a laugh with former President Harry Truman.
II30/0N rout DIAL *USX end NEWS 24 IlOutS A 0<r
one of the most honored radio news op- erations in the nation, winning virtually every major award in broadcast jour- nalism. WNEW won the Peabody Award in 1960 and, most recentt}. the Associated Press Award for the best regularly scheduled news program in New York, the 8 A.M. report, beating the all -news stations. The news depart- ment has included such distinguished journalists as Reid Collins, Dave Mar - ash, Marlene Sanders, James Van Sickle, and Rudy Ruderman.
Ike Pappas, today CBS Washington Correspondent, came to WNEW in 1958 with little radio training. Pappas con- siders himself "the luckiest person in journalism. WNEW gave me an oppor- tunity to work with the very best people in the business. It gave me an idea of what the best is, and to emulate it:'
Carl Brazell, President, Radio Divi- sion, Metromedia, remembers his days at a radio station in Houston. One of the newsmen was Dan Rather, and the two men met again on a New York street cor- ner when Brazell came to WNEW. "We hadn't talked to each other for a couple of years, and he said, `What are you doing?' I said, `I just came up from Washington. I'm the News Director of WNEW' And he said, `You couldn't be with a better station. I listen to that news every morning:"
John W. Kluge, President of Metro- media, has said, "Give us the right peo- ple, the best people, and we'll give them the authority and the autonomy to do their jobs the way they should be done:' One of Kluge's first acts as President was the appointment of John Van Buren Sullivan as General Manager in 1959.
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Reid Collins
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Will the real lohn Van Buren Sullivan please stand up? Celebrants at an August 1967 party honoring Sullivan on his 25th year al WNEW don masks bearing his likeness.
SULLIVAN CARRIED ON THE tradition begun by Bernice Judis, bringing to the station a flair for innovative programming, a com- mitment to maintain the high
Standards already set, and a talent for motivating his staff. George Duncan, 3en or Vice President, Operations, Met- -ompdia, observes that "Sullivan's pos- ture and his philosophy was as much molded by his hwn character as it was by Hs association with Bernice Judis." Sullvan recently remarked, "I had great trairing, and if I hadn't learned some- thing since 1942, Judis would have whipped me:'
William B. Williams: "Sullivan had this marvelous feel for the New York ear.
He was also one of the best m?n in the world as far as relationships with talent rvere concerned. No matter what your groblem, you felt you could go to Jack ani he would sit and listen to it:'
_ack Sullivan believed that W.VNEW's greatest strength was its on -air person- alities. Ted Brown remembers: "He'd say, 'Listen, I didn't hire you to do time and temperature. People have watches and they know what the weather is. I
want to know about you. I want to know how you feel:"
"He made each guy an individual,' Brown continues. "He said, 'That's why you're here. You're here to tell about .ourself. Be interesting, interesting,
interesting:" °'
TO KEEP WNEW "INTERESTING" to its listeners, Sullivan decided to broadcast the New York Giants. Yankee Stadium was sold out every Sunday, and New Yorkers were
wild over professional football. "It was a natural;' Sullivan recalls. "It seemed like a WNEW type of thing to do:' So in 1961, WNEW began what would be- come a long association with the Giants. Later Pete Rozelle told Sullivan: "You people rescued radio football:'
Marty Glickman, who had been broadcasting for the Giants since 1948, came to WNEW and for ten years pro- vided spellbinding play-by-play cov- erage, in addition to nightly sports recaps. Chip Cipolla first came to the station in 1958, hired as a field reporter for the newly -formed news department. Cipolla became Sports Director in 1967,
and remained at WNEW until 1979. Al DeRogatis handled the commentary along with Glickman during one of the greatest eras of pro football.
New York sports fans quickly came to depend on WNEW. Home games were blacked out on television, and some- times as many as 60% of the New York radio audience tuned in to WNEW on Sunday afternoons. During television coverage of out-of-town games, many people turned down the sound and lis- tened to Glickman and DeRogatis. Fans attending games at Yankee Stadium would regularly bring along their radios. Al DeRogatis tells this story:
"I remember one experience in par- ticular, a very tight game for the Giants, and Sullivan was standing behind us. The Giants put in Andy Robustelli, a tight end. It looked like they were going
to go for a field goal, except I saw Andy look at Ralph Gugliomi. I turned to Sulli- van and I said, `They're going to fake the field goal and throw a pass for a touch- down: Jack said, Say it: In those days so many people were carrying radios to the game that I said, `I can't do it. Be- cause if everybody yells fake field goal, we just blew the game for the Giants:"
Former All-American and Giants star Kyle Rote was Sports Director of WNEW when the station began broad- casting Giants games. Formerly, sports- casters were required only to report
Former N.Y. Giants star Sam Huff, center, joined the WNEW sports team of Chip Cipolla, left, and Marty Glickman.
Al DeRogatis Kyle Rote
Ted Brown, center, adds his inimitable charm to a Giants broadcast.
what was happening on the field, but Rote brought to broadcasting the in- sight and experience gained from his participation as a player. Rote was the first of several former athletes to broad- cast on WNEW. Sam Huff, after eight seasons with the Giants, came to WNEW in the Sixties and hosted the post -game show. Today, another former Giants star, Dick Lynch, hosts pre -game and post -game shows, in addition to providing in -game commentary. Lynch is joined by Jim Gordon, known for the past nine years as the Voice of the
Giants. Kyle Rote has a low-key, affable style,
and Klavan and Finch were particularly fond of trying to break him up during Rote's sportscasts. Kyle was the perfect foil, responding quickly with flustered laughter. Over the years, the pair did everything they could to interrupt Rote's delivery, from walking around naked to bursting balloons over his head to having hands come out of the air vents holding martinis. One day, Rote decided to get even. He secretly taped his sportscast for the day and while it was playing over the air, pre- tended to deliver his morning report. As soon as he opened his mouth, Klavan and Finch began their assault. Rote slammed his script down and let fly a string of obscenities. Klavan and Finch were devastated. All the four-letter words going out over the air would ruin Rote's career. Later, Kyle let them in on the hoax. From that day on, Klavan and Finch never teased him again.
John Kennelly, present Sports Direc- tor, came to WNEW in 1976. He was hired by Jim Gordon, then News Direc- tor, who said of him- at the time: "Kennelly is a bar guy on the air. The kind of guy that you walk into a saloon on a Saturday and meet and have a couple of cold ones and discuss and argue about sports: Kennelly brings a unique quality to his morning news commentaries, in addition to hosting the popular pre -game show
WNEW has been the voice of New York sports since 1961, broadcasting the Giants, the Mets, the Rangers, and the Knicks, in addition to frequent sports - casts during the news.
Sports Director John Kennelly, far right, with Dick Lynch, above left, and Jim Gordon.
EMPHASIS ON PUBLIC SERVICE programming has long held an important place at WNEW. In 1960, WNEW listeners contrib- uted more than $20,000 to the
WNEW-Brooklyn Fund when an air crash reduced a neighborhood to rubble. Several years later, WNEW brought to the attention of New York editorials of Ira Harkey, writing in the Pascagoula Chronicle. The courageous Mississippi publisher pleaded for an end to racial discrimination. Eight hun- dred listeners ordered subscriptions to the newspaper. Ira Harkey's single- handed fight for reason and good judg- ment won him the Pulitzer Prize.
In the Sixties, WNEW News pre- sented documentaries exploring issues ranging from Freedom Riders and the slums to psychiatry, astronauts, and the
Twist. In 1961, James Van Sickle came to WNEW joining the respected news team of Reid Collins, Henry Cassidy, and Marlene Sanders. By 1964, WNEW presented New York's most compre- hensive news report, the Six O'Clock Closeup, anchored by Van Sickle and including reports by David Schoen - brun, Jim Gash's Inside Story of the Local Scene and Kyle Rote's Closeup on Sports. Lee Hanna, then News Direc- tor, wrote in 1963: "No listener will quickly forget Reid Collins' moving de- scription as he watched the St. Peter's Square throng and caught the first glimpse of Pope Paul VI; or the electric excitement of Earl Ubell and Stuart Loory as an Atlas with a man aboard lofted away from Cape Canaveral; or Jim Gash's daily enchantment with the foibles of New York; or Ike Pappas' con-
session with Jean Monnet, creator of the Common Market, and joined General Lyman Lemnitzer, Commander of NATO and of U.S. forces in Europe, for luncheon. A high point was a dinner at Maxim's with literary luminaries such as Janet Flanner, columnist for The New Yorker. The group left Paris for Vienna, where journalists met with Bruno Kreisky, Foreign Minister and later Chancellor of Austria.
WNEW instituted special program- ming in the days following the assassi- nation of President John Kennedy. The station cancelled the scheduled Sunday broadcast of the Giants at Yankee Sta- dium, and suspended all commercials for the duration of the funeral. During the period of national mourning, WNEW broadcast only appropriate funereal music.
siderable anger (and not inconsiderable fear) as he told how an Oxford, Mis- sissippi, mob attacked him and smashed his tape recorder; or James Van Sickle's calm reassurance as he guided us through the awesome detail of the rapidly escalating Cuban crisis. WNEW knew that this was the direc- tion for radio to travel. It had to bring into the home-to the listener-the feel- ing of what was happening to us as a nation, as a world:'
In 1964, WNEW organized Operation Schoenbrun to inaugurate the appoint- ment of journalist David Schoenbrun as World Affairs Correspondent. The sta- tion brought 20 journalists and guests to cover French President Charles de Gaulle's press conference announcing new policy on China. The journalists participated in a question -and -answer
World Affairs Correspondent David Schoenbrun introduced General Lemnitzer to visiting Metromedia journalists.
TO CELEBRATE THE THIRTIETH anniversary of the station, WNEW presented a four-hour show at Madison Square Garden on July 24, 1963, featuring one of the largest
groups of performers ever assembled. In support of the Musicians Aid Society, the concert carried the theme The Best Is Yet To Come. 18,000 people ap- plauded the artists, performing on two giant revolving stages. The show was hosted by WNEW personalities, and featured the Dave Brubeck Quartet, Vic Damone, Bobby Darin, the Tommy Dor-
sey Orchestra with Frank Sinatra, Jr. and Helen Forrest, Jack Jones, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Billy Tay- lor, and Della Reese. The entire New York Giants team appeared, as well as the Peppermint Lounge Twisters.
The celebrities appeared without fee, in support of their favorite radio station. "We had everybody," Ted Brown re- members. "All the people that we played on the air were there in person. Everything went well. It was a fantastic, unbelievable show. A really proud mo- ment for all of us:'
WNEW TOASTS What Makes a WNEW Personality ANNA
The anniversary gala was so success- ful that WNEW decided to follow it a year later with an even larger show. On June 10, 1964, station personalities em- ceed a spectacular at the Garden to benefit the Greater New York Fund. Art- ists appearing included Tony Bennett, Sarah Vaughan, Steve and Eydie, Jerry Vale, Trini Lopez, Buddy Greco, and the Smothers Brothers.
H ß11D10
)NESDAY, JULY 24, 1963
Life & Times of a `Perky Little
- ..... .1 l t AI i
Any time -Any place
Musical lighter played the WNEW theme.
Billy Taylor
Buddy Hackett
William B. Williams and the elegant Duke Ellington.
WNEW continued to present the best in popular music during the Sixties. Seven nights a week, noted pianist - composer Billy Taylor hosted live studio performances by such jazz greats as Erroll Garner, Woody Herman, and Duke Ellington. Regular Music Spec- taculars featured live appearances by artists like Ella Fitzgerald, Robert Gou- let, Count Basie, George Shearing, and Tony Bennett. Buddy Hackett served as the regular Sunday night replacement for William B. Williams, and celebrity disc jockeys included Dinah Shore, Milton Berle, and Mitch Miller. Sarah Vaughan spent a week on WNEW in 1963, announcing records and even de- livering commercials.
Promotion Director Nat Asch came up with the idea of using rotating celeb- rities to review theatrical productions. Tony Randall, Faye Emerson, Walt Kelly, June Havoc, Ayn Rand, and David Susskind appeared, and Ben Hecht re- viewed Richard Burton's radical street - clothes production of Hamlet. Bennett Cerf panned David Merrick's Martin Luther, and so angered Merrick that the producer asked for equal time. He chose to review his own production of Oliver! Asch remembers: "He not only reviewed it, he reviewed it as only David Merrick could. A paean of praise, not only to that show, but to every other property that he had. He took full ad- vantage of the 2 minutes, 45 seconds. And only incidently referred to Oliver!"
Celebrities also did station breaks and recorded holiday greetings. Duke Ellington lent his inimitable charm by announcing "WNEW is an elegant radio station:
I can remember, as a teenager, doing the dishes on Christmas night and listening to Willy B. and the Christmas party he was having at his
home... and thinking that his wife probably wasn't doing the dishes for all those people. When Ted Brown was on in the afternoon, I used to listen to him as I was preparing supper for my family. Many times the potatoes got
peeled to the beat and gyrations of "The Stripper." LOIS M. ROMANO
Live Music Spectaculars featured such stars as Jimmy Durante and Sammy Davis, Jr. WNEW personality Big Wilson joins Jonah Jones, right, for a trumpet- clavietta duet.
Sarah Vaughan spent a week on WNEW as a elebrity disc jockey.
Surrounding Miss Vaughan, from left: Ted Brown, Gene Klavan, Skitch Henderson, Jack Sullivan, Ed McMahon, William B. Williams, Dee Finch, Jim Lowe, and Program Director Varner Paulsen.
Sometimes my whole 'i fe passes before me in the span of a day-the song of my first date, first love, engagement, first baby....
Fans followed Jim Lowe everywhere he went when The Green Door hit the top of the charts.
THE REGULAR MULTI-HOURED shows continued. Ted Brown began his 3 to 6 PM. drive -home slot in 1962. Fred Robbins gave the Robbins Report on Saturday morn-
ings and Robbins Nest on Sunday evenings. William B. Williams hosted Make Believe Ballroom, and in 1964 began a Sunday Ballroom from 6 to 7 P.M. On his first show, Williams aired a WNEW exclusive, a recording of the appearance at the station by the origi- nal Benny Goodman Quartet, with Lionel Hampton, Teddy Wilson, Gene Krupa, and Goodman. Wally King hosted the evening show from 8 to n, and Marty O'Hara took over the all- night program.
Jim Lowe came to WNEW in 1963, and a few years later, anchored a popu- lar show called Jim Lowe's New York. Covering everything from disco open- ings to murders, three field reporters ranged throughout the city. Audiences were delighted with Lowe's inquisitive charm and fascination with details, qualities which would endear him to late -night listeners when he took over Milkman's Matinee. It was there that Lowe introduced a subject for which he has become famous. "It was something I
used to fool around with on the air. Long about 4 in the morning, I had people calling to answer questions. No prize then. But I got it started and to this day I don't know if I thought up the name trivia or not. But I was the first to popularize the name:'
WNEW 1130
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We asked William B.Williams of WNEW Radio
what he thought of rock'n'roll:
to keep WNEW in the mainstream by playing Arthur Fiedler's version of I
Want To Hold Your Hand and George Martin's treatment of Hard Day's Night. William B. Williams, however, refused to acknowledge the Rolling Stones.
During the late Sixties and through much of the Seventies, WNEW tried a variety of adult contemporary formats, most of which were unsuccessful. jack Thayer, current Vice President and General Manager, attributes the sta- tion's difficulties to a lack of clear direc- tion. "WNEW went through a very trying time;' he explains. "They did not find an answer anywhere because they were afraid to give up what they had to plunge into something new, and they were afraid of the new because it was not their genre:' George Duncan ob- serves: "Where we started to fail was when we stopped recognizing what our role was and tried to become something else. The minute we became something else, we were no longer unique and we slipped severely."
My memories of WNEW don't go back very far as I'm only in my mid -twenties. My friends are still listening to the rock stuff and that's nostalgia
to me! Most of it sounds terriby dated. You guys are what's happening! A Fifties recording by Frank or Billie or Ella sounds like it could have been
recorded yesterday. It's not memories to me. It's right now. KENNETH ROSE
MUSICAL TASTES WERE changing in the Sixties, and performers who came to promi- nence in the Forties and Fifties were finding it difficult to
maintain their popularity. While WNEW tried to stay with its former programming philosophy, the rapidly expanding youth market was eroding the station's audience. WNEW was willing to experiment with the new music, but only if it met standards of quality. While rejecting Chubby Checker's version of the Twist, the sta- tion played Twist music in a more pol- ished vein. WNEW was the first station in the New York area to introduce the Bossa Nova, and even played some of Elvis Presley's more restrained recordings.
Jack Sullivan recognized that the sta- tion would have to reflect current musi- cal preferences. In the mid -1960s he instituted a policy in which WNEW began to air those Top 40 hits which least offended his tastes. Sullivan tried
During the Sixties and Seventies, advertising campaigns sought to give the station a trendier image. But the foresight of William B. Williams anticipated a return to proven standards.
Through most of the Seventies, WNEW searched for direction. Pro- gramming changes made in 1970 cut back on music. Milkman's Matinee was shortened, and a two-hour sports show hosted by Marty Glickman came on from 11 P.M. to 1 A.M. Julius LaRosa manned the afternoon show, followed by Jim Gearhart from 5 to 9 P.M.
Ted Brown returned to the afternoon spot in 1972. Jack Sullivan recalls: "I knew I wanted to do something about the evening drive -time and Ted Brown was the guy because he was a WNEW personality. There are some people who are created to work at the station and help build it. Ted's approach, his con- viction and intensity, are very fitting, and it was a natural for him:' Brown stayed in the afternoon slot for five years and took over the morning show upon Gene Klavan's departure in 1977.
Over the years, Brown has developed
Ted Brown interviews Judy Garland in London for a special Mother's Day program on WNEW.
a close rapport with his listeners. "One day,' Ted Brown recalls, "a woman called and said, 'I'm getting married at St. Patrick's Cathedral. I don't have a father, and my mother and my sister and I have been listening to you for so long that we just feel like you're part of our family. Would you give me away?' And I said 'Yes, I'd love to: So I got into my tuxedo and walked down the aisle as her father. And I'm still her father. Her second daddy'' Brown continues to host the morning program today.
Another popular personality to re- turn in 1972 was Jim Lowe. After filling in part time for two years, Lowe revived Jim Lowe's New York in 1974. The new format was not as elaborate as the ear- lier program, but continued to present fascinating interviews with Broadway personalities, popular music, and Lowe's trivia quizzes.
Bill Hickok hosted Milkman's Mati-
nee in the early Seventies. In the middle of the decade the name of the program was changed to The Nightmare Show. Bob Jones took over in 1976, and he re- calls what happened: "I brought in my own personal copy of the Milkman's Matinee theme, and played 50 of the greatest records I could think of, start- ing with Because Of You. The next day the secretaries told me the phones didn't stop ringing all night. 'Who was that guy playing all that wonderful music?' Every time I did the show I called it Milkman's Matinee. And pretty soon, there was a Milkman's Matinee again:'
Jones first came to the station in 1973. As a young boy in New Haven, he had listened to Martin Block, William B. Williams, and Art Ford. "By the time I was about 11;' Jones recalls, "I wanted to do the Milkman's Matinee. It was always my goal:' He continued in the all-night show until 1980, when he began hosting the evening edition of Make Believe Ballroom. Today Jones says: "What I know about music pro- gramming I learned by listening to WNEW and about presentation I learned from Williams and Ford and Block:' He carries on the WNEW tradi- tion as evening Ballroom host today.
Jonathan Schwartz was revolution- izing the rock music radio world on
IN 1976.
WNEW-FM, and in 1976 he added a Sunday morning show on the AM sta- tion. But the new program was quite different from what his FM fans might expect. Schwartz concentrated on music from the Forties and Fifties, along with contemporary songs which blended well with earlier standards. He played the songs of Rodgers and Hart and Gershwin, Dave Brubeck and early Peggy Lee, and between records, delivered impromptu essays on com- posers, writers, baseball, and Sinatra. Schwartz never failed to surprise: on Super Bowl Sunday, he played only songs with baseball themes. But it was Frank Sinatra to whom Schwartz paid the greatest respect. Introducing a re- cording, Schwartz would announce: "In just one hour, you will hear the pre- miere of Sinatra's new album, both sides, for the first time anywhere on this planet:' For as Schwartz' numerous fans can attest, there is little about Sinatra which Schwartz does not know nor care about.
Management sought to improve fall- ing ratings by rearranging the station line-up, and in 1977 a major shake-up occurred. Bob Fitzsimmons replaced Julius LaRosa in the afternoon show, and Jonathan Schwartz took over the evening program from Jim Lowe. Lowe had been holding down the most diffi- cult period in radio, the hours of heavi- est competition from television. In addition, many evenings were given over to broadcasts of the Mets, which continued to hold last place in the standings. The reshuffling did little to enlarge WNEW's audience, and changes were clearly required.
Bob Jones
Jonathan Schwartz
I have been a WNEW "addict" for over two of my fourteen years....
This page, left to right:
SINCE 1954, WHEN BILL HALEY and the Comets launched the era of rock and roll with their re- cording of Rock Around the Clock, American radio had
turned its back on the great sounds of the past. Reacting in panic to the arrival of television, record companies and radio stations zeroed in on teenagers with the strong message: rock is your music. Top 40 formats were designed to capture the growing economic power of the post-war youth market. Older audi- ences were virtually ignored.
The dominance of rock music was briefly challenged by disco in the mid - Seventies. Although rock prevailed, it reached the end of the decade in a
weaker form. New artists were failing to excite young audiences, and rock was falling back on its former giants. A
Susan Murphy small but discernible trend away from Bob Harris rock music was evident on AM stations.
As the nation's population gradually aged, advertisers became more con- scious of the economic strength of the over -35 market. And slowly, a resur- gence of the old sounds was growing throughout the country.
George Duncan, then head of the radio division at Metromedia, decided that the time was right to return WNEW to its former glory. Searching
Ted Brown
William B.
Jim Lowe
Bob Jones
Al"Jazzbeaux" Collins
Jonathan Schwartz
for the appropriate person to lead the revival, Duncan looked for someone who understood and related to WNEW's halcyon days. In 1979 Jack Thayer was appointed General Man- ager of WNEW.
Jack Thayer has been with Metro- media since 1959, and came to WNEW with many years of experience in radio. He recalls those first days: "The sense of loss of purpose was probably the most prevalent among the people on the air. The irony of hearing William B.
Williams introduce Bread or Meat Loaf while meanwhile he's on the studio phone talking to Steve and Eydie and couldn't play their records seemed very inconsistent with what the strength of the station was:' Duncan and Thayer re- alized that WNEW's two greatest assets were not being used-the music for which the station had become famous, and the talent of the on -air personal- ities. Together, they set about to recreate the sophistication and literate elegance of WNEW because they believed that a place existed in radio for the classic popular music which the station had done so much to popularize.
"When we first talked about creating WNEW again;" Duncan said recently, "it was predicated on nostalgia:' The new format began as an experiment by
r You, Enny Double You,
I live in a nudist camp in New Jersey. I want to tell you that I wake up with Ted, I listen to William B., I love Jim Lowe, and Igo to bed with
Bob Jones. As a matter of fact, WNEW is the only thing I ever have on. ANONYMOUS
playing swing music in a revived Ball- room hosted by Williams on October 6, 1979. Positive response led to a live remote broadcast from the Rainbow Room in November. WNEW got its old records out of storage, moved to new studios at 655 Third Avenue, and opened its play list to pre -1955 Big Band music, as well as anything new by art- ists of that era and contemporary mate- rial that captured the feeling of the period. And within a few months, WNEW was back in all its glory.
Jack Sullivan insisted on treating re- cordings not as museum pieces of wax and vinyl, but as "living breathing per- formances by living breathing artists." Thayer carries on the tradition of Judis and Sullivan, blending what has worked in the past with the immediacy of the present, striving always toward musical quality. Thayer sums it up: "WNEW is doing something wonder- ful-twice:'
Jim Lowe became Program Director in 1982. He maintains that "it's very im- portant that those of us who are talking sound as if we're in exact step with today's tempo. We cannot sound as if we were recorded in 1940"
Ted Brown remains on the morning show, carrying on the great tradition of Lescoulie, Rayburn, Klavan, and Finch.
William B. Williams hosts the morning edition of Make Believe Ballroom, and in 1983 celebrated his thirtieth anniver- sary on WNEW. Jim Lowe, Mr. Broad- way, lends his special charm to the afternoon Music Hall, and Bob Jones hosts the evening Ballroom. Jones, one of the stepping stones to the future of WNEW, plays "the music I grew up with, the music I always felt was appro- priate on the station:' Jazzbeaux Col- lins continues the all-night legacy of Stan Shaw and Art Ford on Milkman's Matinee, and Jonathan Schwartz works his magic on weekends. Bob Haymes, Marty O'Hara, and Ray Otis round out the line-up, captivating listeners in the metropolitan area.
News Director Mike Preelee states: "You give me a small group of people who are really dedicated and devoted and I'll give you great coverage:' Jour- nalists Bruce Charles, Peggy Stockton, Mike Eisgrau, Charles Scott King, and Carol D'Auria form this nucleus. Close - Up has become an award -winning pro- gram covering topics ranging from the economy to social issues and cultural developments. Bob Harris forecasts the weather and Susan Murphy rescues commuters with her weekday traffic re- ports. John Kennelly's caustic sports analysis brightens any morning.
This page left to right:
John Kennelly
Jack Thayer
Bruce Charles
Mike Preelee
Carol D'Auria
Charles Scott King
Peggy Stockton
Mike Eisgrau
777 leven-
Three- Oh, in New Yorh
I don't think of the music you play as nostalgia. Are great operas nostagia? Is Beethoven, Bach, or Mozart nostalgia?
Is reading a novel by Flaubert, Bronte, or Edna Ferber nostalgia? No, these are only the best, having withstood the test of time.
NIL SIC REMAINS THE HEART OF the station, chosen and played with discrimination developed over 50 years. "In our scheme of things;' says Jim Lowe, "there's
a right and a wrong. I think it's refresh- ing to krow that in an undisciplined world, there is an area in which there is good and bad:' Jonathan Schwartz calls it "great classical music' and Williams voices V1:NEW's guiding philosophy: "We do not care how a record sells, but how it sounds: This commitment has led the station to produce frequent spe- cials spotlighting individual artists and musical themes.
The renaissance of WNEW occurred as the nation was recovering from an angry decade of revolution and social change. The youth culture and rock dominated the music scene. Could a station survive whose revival appeared to depenc largely on nostalgia?
Histor-an Les Brown observes a
strong swing toward quality taking place in society. Using the popularity of foreign automobiles and specialty food shops as examples, he notes a growing desire fora better quality of life, includ- ing what 3rown calls "the most artful of the popular music:'
Once thought of as nostalgia, music of the Thirties, Forties. and Fifties has come to oe regarded by many as evi- dence of the greatest period of Ameri- can popular culture. One appreciates a
Renoir or Rembrandt not because they are old paintings, but as masterpieces. Awareness of the music's enduring ap-
peal is evident in the current cultural scene. Lena Home's live show recently toured the country to great acclaim. Mel Torme, Margaret Whiting, and Helen Forrest play at New York nightclubs and sell out every performance. The 92nd Street YM-YWHA is in its thirteenth season of Lyrics and Lyricists, evenings devoted to the giants of American music. And the Kool Jazz Festival con- sistently presents artists of the highest caliber to large audiences.
WNEW has played an important role in the revived interest in classic Ameri- can music, both reflecting and respond- ing to a changed musical environment. Younger listeners are beginning to ap- preciate the craftsmanship of a musical past they never experienced. Jim Lowe observes that two generations grew up without ever having heard of Gershwin, Porter, Rodgers, and Berlin. They went from The Mickey Mouse Club to the Vietnam War. But now, Lowe says, "The
Bob Jones greets Tony Bennett, and William B.
Williams listens to Margaret Whiting and Jimmy Bowles.
I am 24 years old. Thank you for giving people the chance to hear some really wonderful music, especially the classic songs that people of my generation wouldn't have had the chance to hear or experience
if it weren't for WNEW. GERARD F. DONNELLY
younger people are saying, 'Hey, wait a minute, these melodies are beautiful:" And Williams agrees: "I notice in the phone calls I get and the mail that when guys and gals get to be about 21 or 22, they suddenly discover love songs and lyrics. I think there will always be a young audience growing up into this kind of music:'
THE FUTURE OF WNEW LIES IN both its young audience and the evolution of American music. "We need more good songs and good singers;' says Jonathan Schwartz.
And Jack Thayer concurs: "The past is our strength and the fut'ure is our poten- tial. WNEW has always been the show- case for the best in American music. We welcome the great sounds of tomorrow"
"We can make a success just playing those same records forever, because they're that glorious' notes Lowe, "but I
don't believe that's the answer. I want to
continue in this genre. I want more of the same. I want to enlarge the borders but with the quality intact:'
Lowe continues: "We're at a very deli- cate time right now in the history of American popular mus:c. Somewhere out there is a Jerome Kern, a George Gershwin. There has to be a spark. We cannot play In the Mood for the rest of our lives. We'd be a museum if we did:'
Without question, the need for such a museum exists. But WNEW is much more than a rich repository for music of the past. The station pursues a critical examination of current music, seeking compatible quality in an on -going com- mitment to the best. Contemporary per- formers and composers are creating new music, based on an appreciation of classic American songs. WNEW stands firmly grounded in the golden age of popular music, but with an ear finely tuned to all the beautiful songs yet to come.
Across the dial, the sound is unmistakable. No other station plays WNEW's kind of music. And nowhere are the voices so immediately recognizable.
The men who broadcast on WNEW have different styles and temperaments. But they share a tradition which for 50 years has made WNEW personalities the best known, most listened to professionals in radio.
Bernice Judis sought friendly, sexy voices that tempted people to answer back. John Van Buren Sullivan believed in a close match between the announcers and the tastes and experiences of their listeners.
WNEW remembers. The seductive intimacy of Martin Block. The literate looniness of Gene Klavan and Dee Finch. The legacy of Stan Shaw, Art Ford, Gene Rayburn, and Jerry Marshall. A blend of the best of yesterday and the immediacy of today.
You hear it in the erudition of Jonathan Schwartz and the enthusiasm
of Bob Jones. It comes through in the sorcery of Jazzbea ux and the encyclopedic charm of Jim Lowe.
William B. radiates warmth and a sense of delight. A listener calls with a joke, and Williams can't wait to tell all his other friends.
Ted Brown paints verbal pictures with many wonderful voices. Although he gets up each morning at 4A.M., he enriches his show by attending the theater, seeing movies, reading, and observing the world around him.
They understand New York and the day-to-day concerns of their listeners. They communicate genuine enjoyment and interest. And they are united by a love of the music they play.
It's been said that if WNEW were to go off the air, thousands of cab drivers wouldn't show up. For half a century audiences have tuned in to WNEW with interest, with loyalty, and with love. They've tuned in to hear good music and the voice of a friend.
My father had a
retail food market, and I worked in the
store when I was a
kid... always waiting on customers, waiting on women... "Take a taste, you'll love it:' That's all I'm
doing now, the same thing. It's no different.
I lie to myself. I set the clock for 4:30, and then I push it ahead. So what I'm doing, I'm getting up at 4. I'll say I'm getting up at 4:30, that's not so bad. Most people get up at 5:30. But it's really 4.... You say, who wants to get up at 4? I love it. I turn on WNEW, and the minute I hear that music I can feel my blood starting to move.
Ted and Torme.
I would do the same thing if I were sitting home in the living room. I'm the same way with my kids. I'm just the same at home.
There's a beauty to radio, in that the imagination comes into play. If I put on an old Miller recording or Sinatra, Artie Shaw, Goodman or Basie, people can close their eyes and literally take themselves back in time to when they first heard Sinatra sing Night and Day or the Miller band play Sunrise or Moonlight Serenade.... There is great therapy involved in getting out of stressful situations by listening to music associ- ated with maybe nicer days.
The chance of your doing a world- beating show every day is impossible. So
people listen for long
periods of time. Let's
say one day I don't play the kind of
music they want to
hear or I don't soy the
things they want to
hear, they will stay with you because they know, having
heard over the years, that if I'm lousy on
Tuesday I'll make it up to them on
Thursday. They
forgive you more.
I think if somebody awakened me out of a truly deep sleep at 3 in the morning and put an on -air sign in front of me, I'd probably start talking automatically.
In order to succeed in radio, particularly in New York, you have to have a rough edge. You can't sound like an announcer. Another pre- requisite is that you can't sound like a New Yorker, because New Yorkers don't like their own accent. I've always felt that being from another part of the country has been a definite asset.
I think I'm the only person in the world who subscribes to The New Yorker
New York Magazine, and The Ozarks Mountaineer, and understands all three equally well.
The fellow on the radio is a little more effusive than I am and a little more extroverted. It's what I'd like to be, probably. My alter ego.
It relieves me to learn that the nation didn't turn its back on the greatest period of
popular culture,
starting with Irving
Berlin until the end of
the Second World War.
We do a blend of that which hcïs already worked and that which is immediate. We point in the direction of something we believe is good. We know we're talking to you and we know who you are. We can say without presumption we think you're going to Iike this.
In the old days they used to have a bow tie with an elastic band around it. It
was pre -tied and you just put it around your neck, and they called them jazzbeaux.
I live in Mill Valley, California, with my wife Patti, and I've got three children...so we figured out a plan. Every night I tape my show, and the next day it goes out. She's able to hear the program... and when I come home on the weekend, I say, "Did you hear that taxicab driver Wednesday night?" She heard him.
I use the Red Sox to
stand for whatever team is in someone's heart.
I think it's criminal to go on the air without an intimate knowledge of every record by each of the artists. Not only one album but every album. Every song on the albums. Every note.
We gratefully acknowledge the present and former employees of WNEW and Metromedia, Inc. who gave generously of their time and assistance, and without whom this book could not have been created.
We wish to thank the WNEW listeners whose contributions enliven the preceding pages: Marian Ambrosino, Richard Antos, Buddy Basch, Donald L. Bessey, Doris S. Bousquet, Bee and Debbie Bradford, Tony Camisa, Anthony Cassero, Theresa Cicero, Phyllis and Arnold Cohen, W.D. Coleman, Faye Crapanzano, Joan D'Amico, Alfred L. Damm, Michael K. Diamond, Don and Louise Donahue, Ethel Eisenberg, Angelo Fantozzi, Ted
Fleischman, Peggy Ellis Fried, Joe C. Friedman, Richard J. Garfunkel, Mildred Gennaro, Ellis Glauser Gordon Green, Mrs. Thomas Hayes, Norman Heckel, Mrs. H.C. Henry, Phoebe Jacobs, Sammy Kaye, James Kerner Howard Koslow, Ann Lemp, Jackie Leonard, Frank Lisoni, Constance Lite, Joe Mammana, Pasquale Mancini, Lisa Massa, Sean McCloud, Bob McGonagle, Felix J. Melleno, Henry J. Merkle, Frank Milano, Dorothy H.
Mullet Tony Narkey, John A. O'Connor Dolores Ottomano, William Pollack, Leo B. Porter, Victoria Raucci, Lila Roberts, Walter Rosenfeld, Marvin Rothenstein, Roberta Ruttenberg, Michael Ryan, Ann Schiff, Herb Shaw, Dinah Shore, Bob Sincerbeaux, Dan Singer, Mrs. F. Spagnola, Ruth Stek, Francine Stock, Mary Toritto,
Rocco Trello, Peter P. Trozzo, William F. Twibill, Allen Urkowitz, Mark Neil Walden, Peter White, Cecile Wichman, Judith A. Woessnei George F. Worcester and Martin Zuckerbrod. To the many listeners whose contributions are not included, we extend our deepest gratitude. We would also like to thank the Broadcast Pioneers Library, the Federal Communications Commission and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black
Culture, The New York Public Library.