Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? : Lavender Room: Slowtwitch Forums (2024)

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Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds?

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Aug 12, 24 6:13

Post #1 of 36 (1240 views)

For those who follow this on a daily, hourly basis. Is it just the algorithm's and Slowtwitch, that are clouding my vision? Just seems in the past week. the RINO's are starting to sense the blood in the water, and their chance to take the party back, by supporting Harris?

In another thread someone just posted this. Its on Fox news, but I don't know who David French is or if he is anyone of significance to RINO's?

Then there was the Rep. mayor of Mesa Ar. at the Harris rally.

I hope this is becoming actually a thing, where Trumps, well being Trump, is finally enough, that the RINO's see Harris as a way to finally end this madness< and get the party back in line? But I feel its not really a growing thing at this point, and just my feeds.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 6:16

Post #2 of 36 (1229 views)

DavHamm wrote:

For those who follow this on a daily, hourly basis. Is it just the algorithm's and Slowtwitch, that are clouding my vision? Just seems in the past week. the RINO's are starting to sense the blood in the water, and their chance to take the party back, by supporting Harris?

In another thread someone just posted this. Its on Fox news, but I don't know who David French is or if he is anyone of significance to RINO's?

Then there was the Rep. mayor of Mesa Ar. at the Harris rally.

I hope this is becoming actually a thing, where Trumps, well being Trump, is finally enough, that the RINO's see Harris as a way to finally end this madness< and get the party back in line? But I feel it's not really a growing thing at this point, and just my feeds.

What you're seeing is the same thing that I'm seeing. They are heading for the lifeboats!

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 6:37

Post #3 of 36 (1194 views)

Sweeney wrote:

DavHamm wrote:

For those who follow this on a daily, hourly basis. Is it just the algorithm's and Slowtwitch, that are clouding my vision? Just seems in the past week. the RINO's are starting to sense the blood in the water, and their chance to take the party back, by supporting Harris?

In another thread someone just posted this. Its on Fox news, but I don't know who David French is or if he is anyone of significance to RINO's?

Then there was the Rep. mayor of Mesa Ar. at the Harris rally.

I hope this is becoming actually a thing, where Trumps, well being Trump, is finally enough, that the RINO's see Harris as a way to finally end this madness< and get the party back in line? But I feel it's not really a growing thing at this point, and just my feeds.

What you're seeing is the same thing that I'm seeing. They are heading for the lifeboats!

Until it's someone who can actually suffer by saying this... I am not buying that they are heading anywhere.

When Lindsay Graham and Turtleneck stand up and say vote Harris... I'll listen. Until then? He ain't going anywhere.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 6:49

Post #4 of 36 (1173 views)

BLeP wrote:

Until it's someone who can actually suffer by saying this... I am not buying that they are heading anywhere.

When Lindsay Graham and Turtleneck stand up and say vote Harris... I'll listen. Until then? He ain't going anywhere.

Who said anything about anyone going? I assume you mean Trumps not dropping out? Never even crossed my mind.

The Trump story only ends, when people stop talking about him. So in that sense, your right, he will be around till, the party moves away from him, Which on of the last steps will be Graham and McConnel to vocally not support him, it wont be the first. I prefer to look for the begining of movements or trends and watch them grow or fade. (Kind of like the Const. Lawsuits, on POTUS, I believe from day 1 you kept saying the next step would never happen, You were finally correct after about 10 x being wrong that SCOTUS didn't let it stand, but it was fun watching that build from a couple of political folks writing an article all the way to the SC).

Which is why I am trying to see is this, the start of a movement, or am I just getting biased input. (Yes I get it for BLEP its not a thing until it succeeds and is over). Also why I typically ignore your comments cause if it isn't happening now its never happening, in your opinion.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 6:50

Post #5 of 36 (1170 views)

BLeP wrote:

Sweeney wrote:

DavHamm wrote:

For those who follow this on a daily, hourly basis. Is it just the algorithm's and Slowtwitch, that are clouding my vision? Just seems in the past week. the RINO's are starting to sense the blood in the water, and their chance to take the party back, by supporting Harris?

In another thread someone just posted this. Its on Fox news, but I don't know who David French is or if he is anyone of significance to RINO's?

Then there was the Rep. mayor of Mesa Ar. at the Harris rally.

I hope this is becoming actually a thing, where Trumps, well being Trump, is finally enough, that the RINO's see Harris as a way to finally end this madness< and get the party back in line? But I feel it's not really a growing thing at this point, and just my feeds.

What you're seeing is the same thing that I'm seeing. They are heading for the lifeboats!

Until it's someone who can actually suffer by saying this... I am not buying that they are heading anywhere.

When Lindsay Graham and Turtleneck stand up and say vote Harris... I'll listen. Until then? He ain't going anywhere.

Those are two of the people that they need to stand up and vote out of office. With any luck, Donnie will still be in prison in 2028 (but of course, he'll still be running)

''Sweeney - you can both crush your AG *and* cruise in dead last!! 😂 '' Murphy's Law

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 7:03

Post #6 of 36 (1145 views)

BLeP wrote:

Sweeney wrote:

DavHamm wrote:

For those who follow this on a daily, hourly basis. Is it just the algorithm's and Slowtwitch, that are clouding my vision? Just seems in the past week. the RINO's are starting to sense the blood in the water, and their chance to take the party back, by supporting Harris?

In another thread someone just posted this. Its on Fox news, but I don't know who David French is or if he is anyone of significance to RINO's?

Then there was the Rep. mayor of Mesa Ar. at the Harris rally.

I hope this is becoming actually a thing, where Trumps, well being Trump, is finally enough, that the RINO's see Harris as a way to finally end this madness< and get the party back in line? But I feel it's not really a growing thing at this point, and just my feeds.

What you're seeing is the same thing that I'm seeing. They are heading for the lifeboats!

Until it's someone who can actually suffer by saying this... I am not buying that they are heading anywhere.

When Lindsay Graham and Turtleneck stand up and say vote Harris... I'll listen. Until then? He ain't going anywhere.

This is pretty much how I feel. The country is so politically divided (pro and anti-trump) it is going to be an incredibly close call for the election. On election day, the best odds any candidate will have is 66% (trump won in 2016 with a 28% chance of winning).

Rinos have been jumping ship for a while (see: all of trump cabinet, VP, etc.). None of this has actually made a difference. the MAGA crew are in it for the long haul.

The people who matter about jumping ship are the white nationalists and the joe rogan "independents".

But since 2016 so many high level GOP members have left. They get called RINOs, and the remaining people go further right

Last edited by: sosayusall: Aug 12, 24 7:13

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 7:11

Post #7 of 36 (1133 views)

DavHamm wrote:

BLeP wrote:

Until it's someone who can actually suffer by saying this... I am not buying that they are heading anywhere.

When Lindsay Graham and Turtleneck stand up and say vote Harris... I'll listen. Until then? He ain't going anywhere.

Who said anything about anyone going? I assume you mean Trumps not dropping out? Never even crossed my mind.

The Trump story only ends, when people stop talking about him. So in that sense, your right, he will be around till, the party moves away from him, Which on of the last steps will be Graham and McConnel to vocally not support him, it wont be the first. I prefer to look for the begining of movements or trends and watch them grow or fade. (Kind of like the Const. Lawsuits, on POTUS, I believe from day 1 you kept saying the next step would never happen, You were finally correct after about 10 x being wrong that SCOTUS didn't let it stand, but it was fun watching that build from a couple of political folks writing an article all the way to the SC).

Which is why I am trying to see is this, the start of a movement, or am I just getting biased input. (Yes I get it for BLEP its not a thing until it succeeds and is over). Also why I typically ignore your comments cause if it isn't happening now its never happening, in your opinion.

How was I wrong about SCOTUS?

You said they would remove him from the ballot, I said they wouldn't. They didn't.

I have repeatedly said that they will delay his trials for him until after the election, so far so good.

Be specific, what have they done that was not in line with what I said they would do?

Maybe there is a movement afoot to stop Trump, I am just not seeing it. Is the mayor of Mesa, AR in any danger of getting voted out by standing up to Trump? My guess is no. But feel free to correct me.

So far, all I see is people with no chance of political backlash standing up to Trump.

Except for Liz Chaney, who has bigger balls then the rest of the GOP combined.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [Sweeney] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 7:20

Post #8 of 36 (1114 views)

Sweeney wrote:

DavHamm wrote:

For those who follow this on a daily, hourly basis. Is it just the algorithm's and Slowtwitch, that are clouding my vision? Just seems in the past week. the RINO's are starting to sense the blood in the water, and their chance to take the party back, by supporting Harris?

In another thread someone just posted this. Its on Fox news, but I don't know who David French is or if he is anyone of significance to RINO's?

Then there was the Rep. mayor of Mesa Ar. at the Harris rally.

I hope this is becoming actually a thing, where Trumps, well being Trump, is finally enough, that the RINO's see Harris as a way to finally end this madness< and get the party back in line? But I feel it's not really a growing thing at this point, and just my feeds.

What you're seeing is the same thing that I'm seeing. They are heading for the lifeboats!

I think this is wishful thinking. They are now dependent on the deplorables/MAGAs. I think most of them would abandon Trump in a heart beat if they could but they can't.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 7:39

Post #9 of 36 (1085 views)

On the same day that Trump held his rally in Montana, former MT AG/ former GOP governor/ former head of the RNC, Marc Racicot met with other Montana RINO. They are Republicans for Tester. They say Tester puts people above party.

Reminder: control of the senate is muy importante. Democrat senator Jon Tester is vulnerable with Trump assisting a Republican out-of-stater named Sheehy in Montana.

Republicans for Tester include:
Marc Racicot, Missoula, former governor and RNC chair
Bob Brown, Whitefish, former secretary of state
Mallerie Stromswold, Billings, former state representative
Mike Winters, Great Falls, former mayor, veteran
Mike Shepard, Columbia Falls, city councilmember, veteran
Mick Ringsak, Butte, former Small Business Administration regional administrator, veteran
Terry Baker, Kalispell, veteran
Terry Vermeire, Anaconda, state senator
Justin Schaaf, Fort Peck, town councilmember
Don Seifert, Bozeman, former county commissioner
Wade Jones, Malta, chairman of Milk River Joint Board of Control
Dan Hurwitz, Clyde Park, former state representative
Susan Good Geise, Augusta, former Montana GOP chair and county commissioner
Patty Quisno, Harlem, Fort Belknap tribal council member
Warren Morin, Hays, former Fort Belknap Tribal Council member, veteran
Chuck Butler, Helena, former state Senate Republican chief of staff

This might not seem like much, but when you consider the size of Montana’s population, it’s not bad. The other Montana republicans probably all went to trump’s rally. All 200 of them.

I am hopeful that RINO want to join efforts of Dems to avert the Trump train wreck. If you look at your local politics, what do you see? Are there similar efforts in other states?

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 7:49

Post #10 of 36 (1060 views)

DavHamm wrote:

In another thread someone just posted this. Its on Fox news, but I don't know who David French is or if he is anyone of significance to RINO's?

David French is a regular contributor to the opinion page of the New York Times. IMO, he tends to have a more conservative/libertarian bent than many NYT opinion contributors, and I think may have had affiliation with the National Review for a while (?). If I were being snide, I'd say he's one of the 'token' conservatives that the NYT keeps on the roster to keep things at least facially somewhat neutral. I think he's thoughtful and worth listening to, but I'm not at all confident he holds much sway in the MAGA base. He might get a second look from small 'c' conservatives who aren't natural Harris supporters, but are also disgusted by Trumpism.

None of which is to say he shouldn't be listened to or that he isn't making good points.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 7:54

Post #11 of 36 (1044 views)

About that candidate, Sheehy. Today's post had a thorough article on his company, Bridger Aerospace and how he is stepping down as its CEO. Seems they need some wildfires to get going so they can pay for their Super Scoopers and stop losing money.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 7:55

Post #12 of 36 (1040 views)

If Trump goes away I think his base will find somebody else to follow who is not a conservative. So I don't see RINOs taking the party back by helping Harris get elected. Harris getting elected likely puts in play policies more to the left of Biden which likely will lead to a backlash in the 2028 election. It seems unlikely Harris will be a two term President. The longer high debt levels go on the more likely they have to be dealt with by very unpopular measures. This does not mean that Trump will do anything to put fiscal house in order if elected

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [gofigure] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 8:08

Post #13 of 36 (1020 views)

gofigure wrote:

About that candidate, Sheehy. Today's post had a thorough article on his company, Bridger Aerospace and how he is stepping down as its CEO. Seems they need some wildfires to get going so they can pay for their Super Scoopers and stop losing money.

Oh great.

I haven’t read his book, but it might be good to know what it says. Trump-supporting elites apparently liked the book enough to give Sheehy $150M for the company and additional millions for his senate campaign. He’s a “less government” kind of guy, so I assume that means something favorable for the elites, who continue to need the support of American tax-payers to live their luxurious lifestyles.

Sheehy and rich out-of-staters have a tendency to not share the values of most Montanans who enjoy access to public lands and need federal infrastructure dollars to support their small-businesses. For instance, Montana has irrigation projects that are necessary to ranchers. Eliminating federal government subsidies and grants will literally cause the profits of Montana ranchers to dry up.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [spockman] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 8:08

Post #14 of 36 (1018 views)

spockman wrote:

If Trump goes away I think his base will find somebody else to follow who is not a conservative. So I don't see RINOs taking the party back by helping Harris get elected. Harris getting elected likely puts in play policies more to the left of Biden which likely will lead to a backlash in the 2028 election. It seems unlikely Harris will be a two term President. The longer high debt levels go on the more likely they have to be dealt with by very unpopular measures. This does not mean that Trump will do anything to put fiscal house in order if elected

I think the flaw in your vision is if the GOP holds Congress during a Harris Presidency then the we might see the federal deficit start to shrink. History has shown that a Dem President and GOP Congress has had the best successes in deficit fighting. I think you would see a lot of the time limited cuts of the Trump tax bill not get extended and spending be capped.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [torrey] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 8:17

Post #15 of 36 (997 views)

torrey wrote:

spockman wrote:

If Trump goes away I think his base will find somebody else to follow who is not a conservative. So I don't see RINOs taking the party back by helping Harris get elected. Harris getting elected likely puts in play policies more to the left of Biden which likely will lead to a backlash in the 2028 election. It seems unlikely Harris will be a two term President. The longer high debt levels go on the more likely they have to be dealt with by very unpopular measures. This does not mean that Trump will do anything to put fiscal house in order if elected

I think the flaw in your vision is if the GOP holds Congress during a Harris Presidency then the we might see the federal deficit start to shrink. History has shown that a Dem President and GOP Congress has had the best successes in deficit fighting. I think you would see a lot of the time limited cuts of the Trump tax bill not get extended and spending be capped.

This could be true. Clinton and the Republican Congress would be an example of that.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 8:20

Post #16 of 36 (962 views)

Barks&Purrs wrote:

On the same day that Trump held his rally in Montana, former MT AG/ former GOP governor/ former head of the RNC, Marc Racicot met with other Montana RINO. They are Republicans for Tester. They say Tester puts people above party.

Reminder: control of the senate is muy importante. Democrat senator Jon Tester is vulnerable with Trump assisting a Republican out-of-stater named Sheehy in Montana.

Republicans for Tester include:
Marc Racicot, Missoula, former governor and RNC chair
Bob Brown, Whitefish, former secretary of state
Mallerie Stromswold, Billings, former state representative
Mike Winters, Great Falls, former mayor, veteran
Mike Shepard, Columbia Falls, city councilmember, veteran
Mick Ringsak, Butte, former Small Business Administration regional administrator, veteran
Terry Baker, Kalispell, veteran
Terry Vermeire, Anaconda, state senator
Justin Schaaf, Fort Peck, town councilmember
Don Seifert, Bozeman, former county commissioner
Wade Jones, Malta, chairman of Milk River Joint Board of Control
Dan Hurwitz, Clyde Park, former state representative
Susan Good Geise, Augusta, former Montana GOP chair and county commissioner
Patty Quisno, Harlem, Fort Belknap tribal council member
Warren Morin, Hays, former Fort Belknap Tribal Council member, veteran
Chuck Butler, Helena, former state Senate Republican chief of staff

This might not seem like much, but when you consider the size of Montana’s population, it’s not bad. The other Montana republicans probably all went to trump’s rally. All 200 of them.

I am hopeful that RINO want to join efforts of Dems to avert the Trump train wreck. If you look at your local politics, what do you see? Are there similar efforts in other states?

Thanks for the above.
I always thought Racicot was a good governor. He'd be a good POTUS, as would Bullock & Schweitzer (much more than the current "choices")

I saw this on a white board in a window box at my daughters middle school...
List of what life owes you:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [torrey] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 8:22

Post #17 of 36 (955 views)

torrey wrote:

spockman wrote:

If Trump goes away I think his base will find somebody else to follow who is not a conservative. So I don't see RINOs taking the party back by helping Harris get elected. Harris getting elected likely puts in play policies more to the left of Biden which likely will lead to a backlash in the 2028 election. It seems unlikely Harris will be a two term President. The longer high debt levels go on the more likely they have to be dealt with by very unpopular measures. This does not mean that Trump will do anything to put fiscal house in order if elected

I think the flaw in your vision is if the GOP holds Congress during a Harris Presidency then the we might see the federal deficit start to shrink. History has shown that a Dem President and GOP Congress has had the best successes in deficit fighting. I think you would see a lot of the time limited cuts of the Trump tax bill not get extended and spending be capped.

I don’t think we can count on the current crop of GOP congressmen to act in accordance with historical GOP behavior. Recent history suggests the old GOP is gone.

What do you think the new GOP will do in Congress? Will they behave responsibly? lol

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 8:22

Post #18 of 36 (953 views)

My YouTube feed, for some strange reason, is full of Shady Sheehy advertising. US political advertising is much more rough and tumble than Australian political advertising.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 9:35

Post #19 of 36 (889 views)

I think we should consider a few facts and remind ourselves of two universal truths.


Republicans are writing pro-Harris op-eds, endorsing her publicly, and encouraging others to follow suit.

FOX News is broadcasting this occurrence to a wider audience (platforming) without attacking the Republicans for doing/saying it.

There is a new "Republicans for Harris" PAC that is creating a permission structure to support her.


1) Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd. That benefits Harris, as her poll numbers climb, people see the size of her rallies, and so on. Trump is a fool to underscore the size of her rallies (claiming they are AI and getting laughed at for it). To push back on him, expect the media to show the crowds more, to provide more photographic and video proof that the rallies are packed.

2) Rats will flee sinking ships. That hurts Trump, as his poll numbers sag, his rallies are boring and there are a lot of empty seats, and more Republicans want to make sure they aren't the last one at the party.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 9:45

Post #20 of 36 (869 views)

Barks&Purrs wrote:

torrey wrote:

spockman wrote:

If Trump goes away I think his base will find somebody else to follow who is not a conservative. So I don't see RINOs taking the party back by helping Harris get elected. Harris getting elected likely puts in play policies more to the left of Biden which likely will lead to a backlash in the 2028 election. It seems unlikely Harris will be a two term President. The longer high debt levels go on the more likely they have to be dealt with by very unpopular measures. This does not mean that Trump will do anything to put fiscal house in order if elected

I think the flaw in your vision is if the GOP holds Congress during a Harris Presidency then the we might see the federal deficit start to shrink. History has shown that a Dem President and GOP Congress has had the best successes in deficit fighting. I think you would see a lot of the time limited cuts of the Trump tax bill not get extended and spending be capped.

I don’t think we can count on the current crop of GOP congressmen to act in accordance with historical GOP behavior. Recent history suggests the old GOP is gone.

What do you think the new GOP will do in Congress? Will they behave responsibly? lol

We saw similar behavior during Obama's term with GOP's sequestration tact. Not quite the MAGA team we have now, but much more recent example than the Clinton era surpluses.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [sosayusall] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 12:53

Post #21 of 36 (737 views)

sosayusall wrote:

BLeP wrote:

Sweeney wrote:

DavHamm wrote:

For those who follow this on a daily, hourly basis. Is it just the algorithm's and Slowtwitch, that are clouding my vision? Just seems in the past week. the RINO's are starting to sense the blood in the water, and their chance to take the party back, by supporting Harris?

In another thread someone just posted this. Its on Fox news, but I don't know who David French is or if he is anyone of significance to RINO's?

Then there was the Rep. mayor of Mesa Ar. at the Harris rally.

I hope this is becoming actually a thing, where Trumps, well being Trump, is finally enough, that the RINO's see Harris as a way to finally end this madness< and get the party back in line? But I feel it's not really a growing thing at this point, and just my feeds.

What you're seeing is the same thing that I'm seeing. They are heading for the lifeboats!

Until it's someone who can actually suffer by saying this... I am not buying that they are heading anywhere.

When Lindsay Graham and Turtleneck stand up and say vote Harris... I'll listen. Until then? He ain't going anywhere.

This is pretty much how I feel. The country is so politically divided (pro and anti-trump) it is going to be an incredibly close call for the election. On election day, the best odds any candidate will have is 66% (trump won in 2016 with a 28% chance of winning).

Rinos have been jumping ship for a while (see: all of trump cabinet, VP, etc.). None of this has actually made a difference. the MAGA crew are in it for the long haul.

The people who matter about jumping ship are the white nationalists and the joe rogan "independents".

But since 2016 so many high level GOP members have left. They get called RINOs, and the remaining people go further right

Its one thing, when they go against but are out of the picture, your now seeing them Actively campaigning for the DEM. If even 1 or 2% of conserv, repbublicans start to bail to to Harris, It will make a HUGE diffirence in the Election results. Sure Liz bailing and then losing and never heard from is one thing, but now we are talking about them actively saying don't vote Rep go vote Dem to save the Republican party.

Its early, but if this is really already happening more than just the few I mention, it will destroy Trumps chance of winning, this is Dems not voting cause biden is old (-1 pt) but Rep not voting Trump voting Harris (thats a 2 pt swing)

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 12:58

Post #22 of 36 (731 views)

BLeP wrote:

How was I wrong about SCOTUS?

You said they would remove him from the ballot, I said they wouldn't. They didn't.

I believe when I first posted it you said no one would take him to court, then they did, then you said they would never get a case, then they did, then you said they would never win the trail then they did, then you said the district court will overturn, then they didn't, then you said SCOTUS will block it, which they partially did.

So yeah you got 1 right, and a lot wrong. To me the journey was the interesting part. Like I said elsewhere the person who always says the market will drop gets a few right, and sometimes gets a lot of press for that, people seem to in the moment forget that every month they say the market will drop.

Anyhow... Don't want to lose the topic,

Which we are.. Are people seeing this in other areas, or are the 2 times mentioned above all that's happened recently?

Trying to see if this might have legs and grow or not.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 13:01

Post #23 of 36 (721 views)

Barks&Purrs wrote:

On the same day that Trump held his rally in Montana, former MT AG/ former GOP governor/ former head of the RNC, Marc Racicot met with other Montana RINO. They are Republicans for Tester. They say Tester puts people above party.

Reminder: control of the senate is muy importante. Democrat senator Jon Tester is vulnerable with Trump assisting a Republican out-of-stater named Sheehy in Montana.

Republicans for Tester include:
Marc Racicot, Missoula, former governor and RNC chair
Bob Brown, Whitefish, former secretary of state
Mallerie Stromswold, Billings, former state representative
Mike Winters, Great Falls, former mayor, veteran
Mike Shepard, Columbia Falls, city councilmember, veteran
Mick Ringsak, Butte, former Small Business Administration regional administrator, veteran
Terry Baker, Kalispell, veteran
Terry Vermeire, Anaconda, state senator
Justin Schaaf, Fort Peck, town councilmember
Don Seifert, Bozeman, former county commissioner
Wade Jones, Malta, chairman of Milk River Joint Board of Control
Dan Hurwitz, Clyde Park, former state representative
Susan Good Geise, Augusta, former Montana GOP chair and county commissioner
Patty Quisno, Harlem, Fort Belknap tribal council member
Warren Morin, Hays, former Fort Belknap Tribal Council member, veteran
Chuck Butler, Helena, former state Senate Republican chief of staff

This might not seem like much, but when you consider the size of Montana’s population, it’s not bad. The other Montana republicans probably all went to trump’s rally. All 200 of them.

I am hopeful that RINO want to join efforts of Dems to avert the Trump train wreck. If you look at your local politics, what do you see? Are there similar efforts in other states?

Thanks this was the stuff I was asking / wondering about. Being retired, I don't get much interaction with my Republican friends. A lot of Rep hated trump in 2016 and voted for him because of the Supreme Court and RvW. They won that, they have the court, my thoughts are if enough in the party and local parties start speaking up and say hey don't vote for TRUMP if you want to save the Rep party.. it could turn significant.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [DieselPete] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 13:08

Post #24 of 36 (709 views)

DieselPete wrote:

I think we should consider a few facts and remind ourselves of two universal truths.


Republicans are writing pro-Harris op-eds, endorsing her publicly, and encouraging others to follow suit.

FOX News is broadcasting this occurrence to a wider audience (platforming) without attacking the Republicans for doing/saying it.

There is a new "Republicans for Harris" PAC that is creating a permission structure to support her.


1) Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd. That benefits Harris, as her poll numbers climb, people see the size of her rallies, and so on. Trump is a fool to underscore the size of her rallies (claiming they are AI and getting laughed at for it). To push back on him, expect the media to show the crowds more, to provide more photographic and video proof that the rallies are packed.

2) Rats will flee sinking ships. That hurts Trump, as his poll numbers sag, his rallies are boring and there are a lot of empty seats, and more Republicans want to make sure they aren't the last one at the party.

to the other comments.
IF RINO's jump to Harris, its possible between the RINO's and the DEMS in congress the MAGA voice gets lost, and true progress for the country can be made, If trump gets left by the wayside, the MAGA will go away, to some extent they are the more succesful reincarnation of the Teaparty republicans. But I think if RINO takes control, that movement is dead in the water, The numbers are their for RINO they have just been to scared. But Trump if he loses wont be a factor in 4yrs.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.

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Re: Are RINO's speaking up or is it just my feeds? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]

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Aug 12, 24 13:50

Post #25 of 36 (669 views)

I’m gonna be perfectly honest here. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve always said that I’ll believe that Trump is going to prison when I see it. The other stuff I don’t know maybe I said that I don’t have those memories

I’ll take your word for it, but I don’t remember any of that.

I always thought the documents case was a slam dunk. That one has been tossed by a corrupt judge.

I think the Georgia case should put him in prison but the DA is a twit.

We’ll see what happens with his actual conviction in NY.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?

Last edited by: BLeP: Aug 12, 24 13:54

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