List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (2024)

What exotic pets are legal in Texas?


  • What exotic pets are legal in Texas?
  • List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas
    • Lemur
    • Sloth
    • Kinkajou
    • Capybara
    • Asian Leopard Cat
    • Kangaroo
    • Callitrichids
    • Spotted Genet
    • Coatimundi
    • Orangutans
    • Bushbaby
    • Tigers
    • Prohibited Animals – Texas Exotic Animal Law
    • Exotic pet license Texas
    • Texas Statutes about Exotic Animals
  • More Resources on Texas Legal Exotic Pets

People like to keep pets. That explains it in the simplest terms. We like to have animals around to play with and give us some interaction. This has been the practice as far back as history goes, and people have always loved to share their living spaces with animals of different kinds, so there is no need to wonder why we are interested in the list of exotic pets legal to own in Texas.

But it seems that somewhere along the line, people got tired of keeping parrots, dogs, and cats, and started to turn their attention to more exotic -more uncommon animals that stood out, showed their status, and attracted attention to them.

However, when a thing becomes popular it tends to go overboard. If laws are not implemented, every household will have a pet tiger, and people will continue to purchase endangered species regularly from legal and illegal sources. To prevent this, a few regulations stipulate some exotic animals that can be owned as pets in Texas. This article highlights some of them. Read below to learn some exotic animals you can own in Texas.

List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas


    • Natural habitat: Madagascar
    • Size: Lemurs can range from 1.1 oz to 20 lbs depending on the species.
    • Diet: They mainly eat plant material, including leaves and fruit.
    • Lifespan: Some can live from 15 to 20 years, while Larger species can live over 30 years.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (1)

When you mention Lemur, people immediately imagine the Ring-tailed Lemur, which is the most common species of this animal, which was made famous by the film Madagascar. These animals actually do quite well in captivity. In zoos, they are reported to be one of the easiest mammals to handle; they socialize well, interact with humans, and are not feisty. The latter is an important factor because they possess biting capabilities. Still, all primates are considered demanding pets and are therefore not suitable for people who are not willing to devote the needed time and attention. All lemurs are considered endangered species. Because of this, they cannot be sold across state lines.


    • Natural habitat: South and Central America.
    • Size: Sloths range from 7.9 to 17 lbs, depending on the particular species.
    • Diet: Sloths eat mostly leaves, but they also eat fruit and insects.
    • Lifespan: Sloths usually live for about 20 years in the wild. They are recorded to have lived for up to 30 years in captivity.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (2)

Sloths are quite popular animals in Texas, as are their cousins, the tamanduas. Sloths are known to be extremely sensitive to stress (meaning you should leave them alone) and require stringent attention to their environment. A little dirtiness could result in a big sickness. Luckily, they are not readily available, and when you can find them, the pricing for babies usually starts around $6000.


    • Natural habitat: Kinkajous can be found in the Americas, stretching from Sierra Madres in Mexico to southeastern Brazil.
    • Diet: Kinkajous mostly eats fruit, figs in particular.
    • Size: these small animals range between 16-24 inches in length, and usually weigh between 3-10 pounds.
    • Lifespan: They live for up to 23 years in captivity.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (3)

They look like monkeys but are more closely related to raccoons. The most remarkable feature of these animals is their long tongue, with which they can reach for sweets and fruits. In the natural world, the kinkajou is a nocturnal animal. Perhaps that contributes to this animal’s reputation for having unpredictable, aggressive tendencies. Therefore, a large space is needed for them to play around in, especially when not feeling particularly friendly. However, they are said to be quite friendly with their owners.


    • Natural habitat: Forests of South America, typically near water.
    • Size: Capybaras are quite big: they can range between 3.48-4.40 feet in length and measure 20-24 inches in height from their feet to their heads. They can weigh between 77 to 146 pounds in weight.
    • Diet: They mainly eat grass and have a fondness for aquatic plants.
    • Lifespan: Capybaras can live for between 8-10 years in captivity.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (4)

The capybara is a giant rodent- the biggest in the family, including rats, guinea pigs, and grass cutters of Africa. They have webbed feet, further proving that adaptation to water. These dog-sized animals love to swim and need a deep and wide water source to satisfy this need. Capybaras love their owners, and well-socialized individuals can let their owners show them off, even walking on a leash like dogs.

Asian Leopard Cat

    • Natural habitat: Can be found throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia.
    • Size: These are roughly the same size as domestic cats.
    • Diet: Mostly eats small prey like rodents and small lizards.
    • Lifespan: They typically live for up to 13 years in captivity.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (5)

Asian Leopard Cats are a wild cat species found naturally in Southern and Southeast Asia. They are mostly recognized by their spots, making them look like small leopards. These small but mighty cats are challenging animals to own and can be wary of human interaction. There are, of course, more friendly with their owners.


    • Natural habitat: Plains of Australia.
    • Size: Kangaroos can grow to be as tall as 6’7″, weighing up to 200 pounds.
    • Diet: Kangaroos are herbivores. They commonly graze on grass and succulent plants.
    • Lifespan: Kangaroos can live over 20 years in captivity.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (6)

Kangaroos are social animals. They are Marsaupials-animals that are closely related to rodents. They eat strictly plant matter and are giants that should not be caged or house-trained but rather, given a large area to roam about, especially with animals of their own kind. Another factor is that they require adequate fencing to keep them contained. They can jump four feet high and leap 15 feet in the distance. They can, however, be friendly and good to show off to friends and visitors.


    • Natural habitat: South America.
    • Size: The largest species of this animal can grow to be over nine inches and weigh up to 14 oz.
    • Diet: They have a varied diet, including insects, fruit, and sap.
    • Lifespan: They can live from 10-20 years in captivity.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (7)

Callitrichids are small monkeys that are endemic to the Americas. Members of this family include marmosets and tamarins. Due to their small size, there are virtually no restrictions from the authorities preventing or regulating ownership of these animals. Due to their small size, these animals are among the most popular primate species to keep. Unfortunately, these monkeys are quite messy and have a strong smell, making them a poor choice as indoor pets.

Spotted Genet

    • Natural habitat: Native to Africa, north of the Sahara and Southern Africa. They can also be found in Southwestern Europe.
    • Size: They usually range between 17-22 inches in length and can weigh up to 4.4 pounds.
    • Diet: Has a varied diet of insects, birds, fruit, and small mammals.
    • Lifespan: Up to 13 years in captivity.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (8)

Spotted Genets are uniquely patterned: they have the shape of a mongoose, a leopard’s spotted patterns, and a lemur’s ringed tail. They are similar in appearance to the Southwestern ring-tailed cat, which is illegal to own. They love to climb trees but also come down to search the ground for small animals for food. They are not pets that like to be handled or to cuddle; they can be feisty.


    • Natural habitat: The Americas: from the Southwestern US to northern Uruguay.
    • Size: They typically range from 13-27 inches long and can stand 12 inches tall at the shoulder. They can also range between 4.4 and 17.6 pounds in weight.
    • Diet: small invertebrates and fruit.
    • Lifespan: They can live for up to 16 years in captivity.
List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (9)

These medium-sized animals are part of a large family, including the mountain coati, white-nosed, and South American red coati. They are roughly the size of a big house cat. They need large spaces to play around in. They are available in pet stores, but it will require some paperwork because the state protects them.


Orangutans are governed by the Great Ape Laws and, like chimps, must be registered under the Dangerous Wild Animal Act. If an inexperienced person can keep one of these primates as a pet, the individual and those around them may be in grave danger. Great Apes’ behaviors and abilities, particularly in captivity, can make them unpredictable.

It is legal to keep apes as pets under state law. Some ape species are classified as “dangerous wild animals,” Their possession is heavily regulated; others are not, and their possession is virtually unregulated.


    • Natural habitat: Forests of Africa.
    • Size: These are small animals, typically around 12 inches in length on average and between 2.6 and 3.3 pounds.
    • Diet: They eat a wide range of things, including Insects, fruit, and tree sap.
    • Lifespan: They can live up to 12 to 16 years in captivity.

Bushbabies, also known as galagos, are normally and naturally nocturnal primates. However, they are not monkeys; they are more closely related to the lemurs of Madagascar. In their native Africa, very few have seen them, and there are many mysterious folk tales about them. They habitually rub themselves with their own urine, which produces a strong smell that makes them unlikely candidates for house pets.


    • Natural Habitat: Russia, China, India, Malaysia, Sumatra
    • Size: Tigers can vary in size according to species, but some species of tigers can grow to be 12 feet (3.9 meters ) in length, and weigh around 330 Pounds.
    • Tigers eat Meat. The diet can be narrowed down to Poultry or any other kind of domestic bird. However, they should not be fed with live animals to remove the predatory instinct.
    • Tigers can live for up to 20 years in captivity.

Tigers are probably the biggest of the Big Cats. Surprisingly, however, they are quite tameable. Tigers have a long history of association with humans, having participated in the games in the Colosseum and other ancient theaters. In the present day, Tigers continue to thrill crowds in circus shows around the world. In zoos, they are reported to be quite cooperative with handlers, especially those with whom they have become accustomed due to long association. In Texas, there are quite a number of tigers kept in people’s backyards. However, by law, there a few stipulations: one of which is that you must prove that you have adequate funds to provide for your Tiger, including housing and feeding.

Other Exotic animals that you can keep as pets in Texas are:

  • Finger Monkeys
  • Hedgehogs
  • Squirrels
  • Snakes

(native species of poisonous species) can be kept as pets, but species such as the reticulated python, African rock python, Asiatic rock python, Green anacondas, and the South African python require a lot of paperwork to be owned in Texas.

Prohibited Animals – Texas Exotic Animal Law

If an animal is not prohibited or requires a permit, it can be kept as a pet. However, no person may own more than six animals of any kind at any given time and no more than 25 non-game wildlife animals. Captive-bred coatimundi can be kept as pets, but proof of legal purchase is required. Permits are not required in any county west of the Pecos River with fewer than 25,000 people.

Keeping an alligator as a pet necessitates a special permit from the Department of Parks and Wildlife.

To own “dangerous wild animals,” owners must have a Certificate of Registration (CPR), which includes:

Some animals that are prohibited or require a permit in Texas, include:

  • Chimpanzees
  • Cheetahs
  • Jackals
  • Tigers
  • Cougars
  • Lynx
  • Baboons
  • Gorillas
  • Jaguars
  • Coyotes
  • Bobcats
  • Hybrids
  • Orangutans
  • Leopards
  • Lions
  • Bears
  • Ocelots

Endangered species are not permitted to be kept as pets.

  • Invasive species fish and shellfish
  • Wolves
  • Indigenous birds
  • Diamondback terrapins
  • Bats

For the following snakes, pet owners must have a Residential Controlled Exotic Snake Permit:

  • Asiatic rock pythons
  • African rock pythons
  • Green anacondas
  • Reticulated pythons
  • Southern Africa pythons
  • Exotic venomous snakes

Exotic pet license Texas

The links below provide information on various permits issued by Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Wildlife Division. If you want to apply for one of these permits, you must first download and complete the necessary paperwork (s). Only applications on paper with original signatures will be accepted.

Texas Statutes about Exotic Animals

More Resources on Texas Legal Exotic Pets

Texas Exotic Animal Laws
EXOTIC ANIMALS Exotic venomous snakes, African rock pythons, Asiatic rock pythons, green anacondas, reticulated pythons, and Southern African pythons require a Controlled Exotic Snake Permit (divided into recreational and commercial), and sales receipts count as temporary 21-day permits. Commercial permits require daily records.

Quick Answer: What Exotic Pets Are Legal In Texas? – Buy a …
What kind of exotic animals can you own in Texas? 10 Exotic Pets That Are Legal in Texas. What Are the Laws on Exotic Pets in Texas? Everything is bigger in Texas, so they say. What to Know Before Getting an Exotic Pet. Here are some things to consider before getting an exotic pet. Lemur. Natural habitat: Madagascar. Sloth …

What Kind Of Exotic Animals Can You Own In Texas? Here’s A …
Tigers As of 2019, there are a total of 45 tigers registered to legal owners in the state of Texas. And six of those tigers are in Potter County. Caring for a tiger is no easy feat.

Pets – Animal Law – Guides at Texas State Law Library
Section 42.092 of the Texas Penal Code sets out the criminal offense of “Cruelty to Nonlivestock Animals.” The definition for the word “animal,” as used in this statute, includes “a domesticated living creature, including any stray or feral cat or dog.” Section 42.10 of the Texas Penal Code

PDF Exotics in Texas
uninspected venison entering Texas from other states. Harvesting and processing of venison and exotic animal meat in Texas for commercial use require inspection by state-licensed meat inspectors ( the commercial sale of meat from native game animals is prohibited under state law). Operators of zoos,

14 Animals That Are Surprisingly Legal to Own As Pets
From lions to tigers to bears, some of the exotic animals legally owned in the US will surely surprise you. Though owning some of these animals may be legal, many experts advise against it.

Exotic Pets: 10 Unique Animals + Where They Are Legal to Own
Although mostly adorable and sweet, capybaras can be a challenging pet. They do better in groups as they are extremely social animals, so pet owners should avoid getting a single capybara. This semi-aquatic rodent is legal to own in Texas and Pennsylvania. In some states, they are legal but require licenses.

Texas Exotic Animals | Breeders of Unusual Pets
Texas Exotic Animals is a small local exotic animal breeder in Northeast Texas. My name is Pam, and I specialize in breeding unusual kinds of pets. This is a lifelong passion I have pursued as a hobby for as long as I can remember. I have worked as a volunteer for different exotic ranches, herpetological societies, and wildlife …

Exotic Animal Laws by State – FindLaw
In addition to federal laws governing animal ownership and treatment, every state has certain prohibitions or restrictions on which exotic animals can be owned as pets. Whether you already own an exotic animal, are thinking about purchasing one, or have been harmed by someone else’s pet, contact a personal injury attorney to get a better handle …

Wild Animals – Animal Law – Guides at Texas State Law Library
Texas Parks and Wildlife Regulations on wildlife, including necessary permits for various species. Animals regulated include game animals, game birds, deer, exotic species, threatened and endangered species, bobcats, raptors, alligators, and “fur-bearing” animals (beavers, raccoons, foxes, minks, and others).

Large & Small Exotic animals for sale in Texas with Prices
Looking for Exotic animals for sale in Texas? Browse photos and descriptions of 1000 Texas Exotic animals for sale in Texas of many breeds available right now! Page: 1

Janda Exotics Animal Ranch | Exotic Pets and Animals
Janda Exotics Animal Ranch is a state and federally-licensed private zoo and professional zoological breeding facility proudly located in Kingsbury, Texas. We are a family owned and operated exotic ranch built from the ground up.

Exotic Animals For Sale In East Texas | Exotic Pets
Bringing Exotic Pets & People Together Since 1990, Tri-County Exotics is an exotic animal and feed store in Winnsboro, TX. We sell animals from all over the world to exotic pet lovers in East Texas. View Our Current Selections

Exotic Animal Breeders in Texas
Address: Bulverde, Tx. We specialize in breeding high-quality common & super exotic African hoofstock, both pen & ranch raised. We raise Addax, kudu, wildebeest, springbok, zebra, eland, Persian ibex, Nubian ibex, markhor, gemsbok, Dama gazelle, impala, sitatunga, Transcaspian urial & more.

What Kind Of Exotic Pets Can You Own In Texas? – Buy a tiger
In most areas of Texas, if you want to own a tiger, there is nothing to stop you. The state has no regulations when it comes to exotic animals. And federal laws do not apply because most Texas tigers are considered private pets. Texas police departments also have to deal with tigers on the run.

For Sale | Texas Exotic Animals
Available Animals White-nosed coati NAME: Oswald DOB: 28/05/2021 GENDER: Male PRICE: $1000 Great personality Ring-tailed lemur NAME: Preston DOB: 01/05/2021 GENDER: Male PRICE: $2,500 Just another test ad

Birthday Parties | Critters Exotic Pets | United States
Critters Exotic Pets is a locally women-owned pet store specializing in reptiles, exotic pets, standard pets, and their supplies. We also provide grooming services for all household pets. We also provide birthday parties and educational events, sharing our love and passion for animals.

List Of Exotic Pets Legal To Own In Texas - Texas Capital Forum & Coalition (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.