Medical Technology | SwissOptic AG (2025)

Medical Technology | SwissOptic AG (1)

We offer you complete solutions for medical technology applications from concept to volume production, all from one source. Our expertise includes everything a successful product requires, from feasibility tests for customer-specific requirements to planning, advising, procurement and prototype production all the way to reliable volume production.

Market Segments

In Heerbrugg, we focus on the areas of ophthalmology and life sciences.

Our range of medical technology solutions is expanded by Jenoptik Medical. The focus there is on the segments dentistry and endoscopy. You can find additional information about this under:

Jenoptik Medical - Dentistry & Endoscopy


For the ophthalmology market, we develop, manufacture and integrate optics, mechanics, and electronics into innovative system solutions. Our high-performance optics are used in various areas of eyesight diagnosis and correction:


In Heerbrugg we produce precise tools used in manufacturing of contact lenses.


For refractive laser eye surgery, we produce customer-specific beam control and visualization systems.

This includes:

  • Beam expander
  • Zoom lenses to focus from cornea to lens at various depths
  • Visual beampath for viewing with binotubes and/or camera systems
  • Optics for OCT applications
  • Active beam adjustment in laser systems
  • Optic control systems (performance, beam position, scanner position, cutting depth)


We produce assemblies and modules used in retina scanners.

This includes:

  • Special optics for multispectral wide angle imaging under dark-field conditions
  • Patient-alignment systems
  • Beam guidance and scanning systems
Medical Technology | SwissOptic AG (2)

Beam guiding systems for ophthalmologic devices

Life Sciences

Staying healthy is more important for people than ever. Diagnostics in the area of prevention and early detection of illness plays an essential role. Diagnostic tests show whether a person is healthy or whether there are features present that could lead to an illness. Diagnostics also help to develop individual treatment methods. Many of the instruments used for diagnosis are based on optical principles. This is where SwissOptic comes into play.


Maximize your sample throughput, e.g. in next generation sequencing. With our experience, we can contribute to a strong improvement of the information acquisition speed. This can increase the processing and evaluation performance of your system.

We offer you:

  • Highly sensitive optics with large fields of view to reduce the number of recordings and/or accelerate the process
  • Special beam splitters for simultaneous recording of four or more channels
  • Optimization of the optical design to sample size, illumination and sensor layout for an optimal result
Medical Technology | SwissOptic AG (3)

Next Generation Sequencing


In order to be able to produce instruments, e.g. cytometers of outstanding quality, SwissOptic optimizes the optics towards high sensitivity, so that the PMT’s used in the machine can also detect weak fluorescence signals quickly and reliably.

We offer you:

  • Reduction of service costs and increased service life of the optics under high UV exposure to excitation lasers
  • Improving the Signal-to-noise ratio and increasing the transmission allows the detection of weak signals and rare events
  • Elimination of auto fluorescence by omitting cemented lens groups
Medical Technology | SwissOptic AG (4)


Remove complexity from your optical setup and outsource correction factors into software or other parts of the system. This can increase performance, save space and cost. For example, knowing your optical characteristics exactly can help to improve results, e.g. in deconvolution. Other corrections can be color correction, spherical aberrations and flatfield correction.

We offer you:

  • We help you to understand which optical corrections can be achieved using algorithms in order to improve performance.
  • Small changes can have big effects. Moving away from standard optics allows concentrating on what really counts in your application. Using fully color corrected standard optics in a monochromatic system might limit the performance of your system unnecessarily.
  • We map out the essential requirements for your design with you and develop design to cost or design to performance with you.
  • Everything from a single source: feasibility, construction, production: ensures manufacturability and performance.


Tailor-made components or fine-tuned standard products can make the difference: Lenses with special properties such as complex shapes or non-standard materials, e.g. for illumination, make your design unique in terms of functionality and preserve your technological lead. Optimize your system with standard components that have been specially refined for you or optical elements that are precisely tailored to your application.

We offer you:

  • Zenike polynomials on aspheres or prism assemblies optimize your system exactly where it makes the difference
  • Optimized coatings for mirrors, lenses and beam splitters improve your design, also as a contract coating on catalog products of reputable suppliers
  • Microstructures combined with anti-reflective coatings and increased laser resistance open up new application possibilities

Our competencies

  • Feasibility studies, development and production with your solution in mind
  • Assembly concepts, optimized adjustment (also at the customer’s site) and serviceability through intelligent and robust designs
  • Expertise in lens selection, mounting technology and assembly
  • Plano optics, spherical/aspherical optics, measurement technology, assembly - everything from a single source
  • Over 300 types of glass in stock, and the associated know-how
  • Coating and coating design suitable for your field of application
  • RoHS-compliant microstructures in black chrome

Your long-term partner - from concept to volume production

Our strengths:

  • SwissOptic has a long tradition of optimizing existing optical components and assemblies with a focus on value engineering (VAVE).
  • Leading-edge expertise in the fields of metrology, design, coating development, optical calculation and the corresponding technical equipment
  • Global supply chain management

Contact our specialists

Please choose your contact partner:

Medical Technology | SwissOptic AG (5)

Dr. Heinrich Bürgers

Life Sciences

Phone +41 71 747 06 18

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Medical Technology | SwissOptic AG (6)

Nicolas Hetzel


Phone +41 71 747 06 23

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Data sheet

Aspheres and Freeforms

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Data sheet

Customized Modules

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Data sheet

Customized Lenses

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Success Story

Custom systems for cytometry instruments

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SwissOptic AG
9435 Heerbrugg, Switzerland

Phone +41 71 747-0420

Contact details

Medical Technology | SwissOptic AG (2025)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.