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ShakeSpeare Spoken & Sung

Dualing pianiStS

Walkin’ in t-toWn


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OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 20132 >>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts

>>> NEWS | t H E c H a m B E R o f c o m m E R c E


This exciting new event, hosted by our Young Professionals of Tuscaloosa group or YP(t) will be held November 1-2 at the end of Greensboro Ave., between the former Chev-rolet lot and the Tuscaloosa Amphitheater.

Entry is only $5/person/day for the public and children 12 and under are free. Patrons will be able to walk around and talk with competitors while viewing a variety of cooking styles and grilling techniques. Times are 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. on Friday, and 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. on Saturday. The nights will be full of performances by live bands and there will be a designated play area for children. Vendors will be on site offering food, beverages, festival

merchandise, and a host of other goods available for purchase.

Marketing Your Business with Google+: You Can’t Afford to Ignore G+

Don’t overlook the second largest social networking site in your marketing plan. Google+ is free! Donna Gilliland, MOSTraining, Inc., will walk you through an overview, detail the benefits of using it, discuss profile vs business page, help you understand creating circles, communi-ties, online events, local marketing using Google places and more. Class will be Wed., Nov. 6 from 9am – 4pm. Registra-tion fee is $125 for members. Register by Oct. 30. This is hands-on training so please bring your laptop or iPad.

Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter Named a Difference Maker

Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter was recognized as a Difference Maker at our Oct. mixer. It handles over 7000 animals a year, offers adoptions, rescues animals, offers humane education, has a lost and found hotline, and offers volunteer op-

portunities. It's the only animal shelter in Tuscaloosa County and it serves as a good resource for area citizens looking for a new family member or info pertain-ing to animals. It's located at 3140 35th St. in Tuscaloosa. Learn more by calling 205.752.9101. Thanks to Linda Hill and crew for your commitment to making such a difference in our community! Together with Moody Radio, we recognize a group each month for being a Difference Maker in our community. Nominate a group today (even your own) at

Social Media Marketing Manager Training

Are you drowning while trying to manage your social media marketing? Do you know what content to post for various social chan-nels? Social Media management requires planning, strategy, organizing, writing and scheduling content. Many go into being the online voice of their company without any formal training. In this class, Donna Gilliland, MOSTraining, will help you determine which social media platforms you should be using, discuss how to choose the best social media

channel based on customer demographic, help you create and use a social media editorial calendar, and so much more includ-ing creating video content using Vine and Instagram. This hands-on training class will be held on Wed., Nov. 13 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Fee is $125/members. Register by Nov. 6.

MBC Business ExpoOur Minority Business Council will

present this event on November 12 from 5 – 7 p.m. at Bryant Conference Center. Limited booth space available. Cost of set-up is $100 ($50 registration fee, plus $50 value door prize). Payment and registra-tion must be submitted to the Chamber by October 31. Contact Carolyn Tubbs at 205.391.0556 or [emailprotected]

Correction: In the previous issue of the Planet Weekly, our headline erroneously stated, "T-TOWN TO GET $9B BUSINESS INCUBATOR". The amount should have read, $9-million. Actual amount will be ap-proximately $9.31 million. The location will be on 10th Avenue.

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7 ESCAPE // VAN ROBERTSAs fun as all get-out


13 DUO PIANOS //STAFF REPORTShelton's Terrific Tuesday event

17 WALKIN' IN T-TOWN // P.O. FRITZIdeas to remedy T-Town's urban sprawl

20 OUT OF THE BOX // WILLIAM BARSHOPMaking music from unlikely sources


27 SHAKESPEARE SPOKEN & SUNG // STAFF REPORTA must-see for everyone







SPORTS 21 HIGH TIDE // GARY HARRISBama keeps improving




COVER DESIGNl au R a l i n E B E R R Y

SOCIAL MEDIA EDITORR Ya n p H i l l i p s



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>>> >>> planetweeklyissue445

9 inside 22

under the cover

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSW i l l i a m B a R s H o pR Ya n p H i l l i p st i m s t E E R Es t E p H E n s m i t Ht R E Y B R o o K sVa n R o B E R t sD o u G p E R R YGARY HARRISP. O. FRITZJIM REED



5 Ready to rock the house

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>>> THE RIVER | t i m s t E E R E


Upon first visit, a guest to tuscaloosa is sure to observe myriad sights and sounds that are innate qualities to the west alabama city. they might notice remnants of damage still lingering in dilapidated cavities of the city after a devastating 2011 Ef-4 tornado. perhaps the tumultuous roar erupting from Bryant-Denny stadium on a warm saturday evening welcomes them to town. or, it could be the faint, yet remarkably neighborly tolls of Denny chimes on the campus of the univer-sity of alabama.

Yet one of the most prominent features of the city, the Black Warrior River, slices through the city as a silent, yet utterly vital vein. the early liveli-hood of alabama and by extension, tuscaloosa, was largely dependent upon the Black Warrior, just as the future livelihood of the Black Warrior is largely dependent upon alabama. at the end of the day, there is no tuscaloosa without the Black Warrior River and there may not be a Black Warrior River without tuscaloosa. to further understand this remarkable relationship, let us first consider how tuscaloosa came to be, in the arms of the Warrior.

it begins with moundville. located just outside of tuscaloosa, moundville began as an early settlement of mississippi native americans along the Black Warrior River, which surprisingly enough, was the largest settlement north of mexico during the 14th century. from that point forth, the region had

remained an integral area for native american settlement and trade, as the river provided the medium for transport and livelihood, allowing the present-day site of tuscaloosa to develop into what was then known as Black Warriors town.

creek, choctaw and chickasaw tribes had used the river primarily for sustenance and transportation. the river provided additional utility in the form of a border between the respective lands of each tribe, following the ex-peditions of de soto. these explorations forced each tribe to move closer than ever before.

With the river enabling a variety of interac-tions between tribes and outsiders alike, a road between the tennessee Valley and the alabama-tombigbee region had been estab-lished shortly after the arrival of Europeans in the early 16th century. as many american tales go, the settlement of the white man was devastating for the three primary tribes of the river. in the form of many battles and ensuing federal land patents, the dominant indian presence in the tuscaloosa region was condemned to the expansionist and settle-ment minded americans.

By the early years of the 19th century, set-tlers began to flood into the region and the Black Warrior River began to foster life for a new population. While the former Black War-riors town had been burned by General John coffee during the creek indian War, the area’s settlers had chosen the name tuscaloosa, in respect to the former native american chief tushkaloosa, meaning “black warrior,” from which the river takes its name.

the ensuing growth of tuscaloosa led to the city being named state capital from 1826 until 1846, a major impact of and on the river. the first load of coal traveled down the Black Warrior River in 1827. steamboat traffic on the Black Warrior River stopped at tuscaloosa from that point on.

With enhanced transportation, came enhanced commerce. the cotton planters of tuscaloosa, taking advantage of the regions rich, fertile soils, were able to see enlarged profits at the hands of the two-mile stretch of shoals along the tuscaloosa banks. in the warm summer months, one could cross the river in a wagon.

During the civil War, the river saw increased industrial presence. iron furnaces scattered the banks from tuscaloosa to Birmingham. these facilities, providing the means to make weapons, remained through the war, until 1865 when union forces under the command of James H. Wilson raided tuscaloosa.

the Reconstruction years saw continued development along the river, despite the loss of the area’s iron works.

an 1888 article in the tuscaloosa Gazette described the river in romantic fashion while commenting on the state of tuscaloosa. although the state capital was no longer tuscaloosa, the river remained an integral piece of the west alabama culture and commerce.

“Besides having all the attractions and equipment of a metropolitan city, she has

these grand old oaks, this beautiful river…and a climate as healthy as any spot on earth, wa-ter as limpid and pure as the dew of heaven,” the transcription read.

the impoundment of the river is still an unending process.

“the first locks were built sometime in the late 1800s and were made of rock and sand-stone. there were three in tuscaloosa,” claims a spokesman at the tuscaloosa office for the army corps of Engineers. these original locks are currently submerged, but remain visible and present no obstacles for the corps of Engineers in taming the river.

at the time, the lock and dam system of the Black Warrior River was the longest channelized waterway in the world. the original nineteen locks and dams were completed in 1917. How-ever, the current system, consisting of six locks and dams, were built between 1954 and 1991.

these locks and dams are an essential feature of the river, as they provide not only flood control, but also a way for commodities such as coal to be shipped to the port of mobile. the Black Warrior is thus alabama’s primary gateway to the globe.

the economic and commercial benefits that blessed tuscaloosa by way of the Black Warrior River came with a price. the twentieth century wrapped the river in a cloak of pollution. no lon-ger was the Warrior a beautiful, crystalline seam of life. Rather, the river became the backyard dumping spot for a variety of riverside opera-tions including a large Westervelt paper mill and the merichum chemical plant.

“old timers tell me the river in tuscaloosa was so polluted in the sixties and seventies that peo-ple wouldn’t dare get in it,” says nelson Brooke, a staff member of Black Warrior Riverkeeper.

“they say the paper mill and chemical plants would discolor the river and give it a foul smell on a regular basis. creeks that fed into the river from Birmingham had nick-names such as ‘creosote creek’ or ‘shit creek’ to give you an idea,” adds Brooke.

the clean Water act of 1972 was the river’s lifeline. it enacted the goal of eliminating pollution in surface waters by establishing the national pollution Discharge Elimination system (npDEs), which remains the major ad-ministrative rule for regulating point sources of water pollution. through this legislation, major pollution sources were eliminated and measures to ensure the health of the nation’s waterways met national standards defined by the Environmental protection agency.

Brooke explains, “While there is no argu-ment needed to say the river is exponentially cleaner than it was prior to the passage of the clean Water act of 1972, there is no such thing as a large river being ‘clean’ these days.”

Brooke’s testimony begs the question: What does the future hold for the Black Warrior River? How healthy or unhealthy can the river become?

that, according to Brooke, depends on the context. the most crucial areas for preserva-tion are relative to the aim of the preservation itself. if one is concerned about drinking water sources, then shepherd Bend on the mulberry fork near Birmingham, threatened by a pro-

posed 1773-acre surface coal mine, is para-mount. or, in the case of wildlife protection, the locust fork flowing through Blount Etowah and marshall counties is a focal point. Brooke says the locust fork is threatened by, “multiple surface coal mines, municipal sewage, chicken farm runoff and a chicken processing plant.”

for others, such as Keith Kirkley, a senior at the university of alabama and member of the school’s bass fishing team, the potential of the river is enor-mous. Kirkley, who has been fishing competitively since the age of six, attests the Black Warrior River is an incredibly diverse body of water.

“i absolutely think the Black Warrior River is an attractive place to fish because it is so versatile,” says Kirkley. “there are parts of the river that the tournament winning fish are predominantly spot-ted bass, then there are parts that are dominant largemouth areas, like the akron area.”

Kirkley also believes that the river could easily be a thriving destination for the two main competitive angling tournaments, B.a.s.s. and flW, respectively, but the river does not get the attention it may deserve.

“i personally don’t think that the Black Warrior will become a stop for the flW circuit or the B.a.s.s. Elite series in the near future simply because it doesn’t get enough media exposure compared to places like Guntersville or pickwick,” explains Kirkley. “But, i believe that is either of the big circuits were to fish the Black Warrior, then it would become a regular stop for either circuit because it is so versatile.”

clearly, the river has the potential to pros-per further. much of that prosperity, according to Brooke, is dependent on tuscaloosa.

“tuscaloosa is the largest population center directly associated with the river, so the city provides a platform for understanding the need to protect a great resource. as the city and university grow, it is important they take great care to protect and restore the riverfront and tributaries flowing into the river,” explains Brooke. “a clean and healthy river directly as-sociates with a healthy and prosperous city.”

the Black Warrior River is a source of life, not only for tuscaloosa, but for the entire state of alabama. conversely, tuscaloosa and ala-bama need to provide the necessary guards for the river’s security.

the fate of tuscaloosa and the Black War-rior River, just like their respective histories, are undoubtedly intertwined.

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5>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> M U S I C | R Y a n p H i l l i p s

Fans oF the growing local music scene will be pleased to hear that on Saturday, November 2, Tuscaloosa-based hard rockers, Leaderdog, will host a release party at Green Bar for their most recent studio project, “Evil In A Good Way”.

Dave Bowman, lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist for Leaderdog, cited this event as a welcoming back to their roots in Tuscaloosa.

“We picked Tuscaloosa for the release because it’s where it all began,” he said. “Even though the album is avail-able now, people have already gotten it so why not play in support of it and have a kick ass fun time and play it for the people who support us.”

According to Bowman, the band’s lat-est album was a project that took years to develop and culminated in a new, yet familiar lineup and sound for Leaderdog.

“It was recorded over a couple of years between 2011-2013,” he said. “Evil In A Good Way" was recorded in Leeds at Dream Catcher Studios. All the previ-ous albums were done there and the guy that recorded the previous stuff is now in the band and is another guitarist with us. He has been part of us for a while with recording and when we were wrapping up this latest album, he joined the band.

Given the time span of their recent recording venture, Bowman said that it took the band’s personal experience to construct a relatable album that encap-sulates the time it took to make it.

“A common theme with this album is to overcome struggle and part of that could be from the band's long time together”, he said. “We haven’t done anything in three years and in late 2010 we backed away for personal reasons. Some of that time away from it, I was able to talk a little bit about continuing being a band and being with the same group of guys for so long. We have chil-dren now and we are just kind of living life and we want to write about how you can kind deal with those struggles. Its down to earth and I believe most of our friends and fans can identify with that.”

The band's break mentioned by Bow-man, helped to give the group an identity that they could use to further develop their sound and through this pseudo-hiatus, a new musical project was born. According to Bowman, the inspiration came from a simple question.

“A few years ago we kind of decided to back off from playing and clean up our act a little bit”, he said. “We had come close a couple of times. The rea-son for the album, as far as the creative part, we had a little bit of gas left in the tank so to speak and if we had not done it another 10 years would have gone by and we would have been asking why we did not try. Its all the what if factor. Per-sonally, I did not want to ‘what if?’

On the technical side of the album,

Bowman pointed to a complete creative and qualitative overhaul to explain a fresh new sound that fans of the ear-lier material will be excited to hear and groove to.

“We have just been writing better songs,” he said. “I feel confident in that and the growth is evident. The subject matter is a little more clear. The hooks are there, some great solos and riffs. Its still hard and edgy but it is more defined as a song and not just a bunch of overwhelming guitar parts. We are going to play everything on the album on Saturday.”

With the release party scheduled for a weekend that does not have a home football game, Leaderdog is expecting a capacity crowd of fans ready to rock the house. Along with the local favorites, familiar friends will also take the stage to get the crowd warmed up.

“We also lucked out in that Alabama does not have a game, so maybe people will come out who want to have fun since,” he said. “There is an album available on iTunes along with earlier recordings. We do have an opening act Beitthemeans who are longtime friends of ours and the singer of the band actually recorded a song on our album with us.”

Bowman and Leaderdog encourage fans old and new to come to the release party in the hopes of providing a fun atmosphere with great music. In a place that means as much to the band as Tuscaloosa does, fans are sure to get there moneys worth, all while supporting a thriving local music scene.

“Fans can expect the exact same thing that they have been missing for awhile except with a little more so-briety, a little more maturing, better songs have been writ-ten and the same old energy will be there, but the over-whelming excitement that we are actually doing this speaks for itself”, he said. “The show will also be filmed for a DVD. We will have cameras there to document it because it will be such a historic night for the band. I think most of the people who are longtime followers of the band and our families, I hate to say fans but longtime friends, live in the area and we felt confident playing


there as opposed to some of the larger cities. We have done well in those places but why not rock out here in a small club that we know so well—it’s home for us.”

All of Leaderdog’s recorded material can be purchased online via iTunes. Beitthemeans kick things off for the release party at 9:30 p.m. Tickets may be pur-chased at the door.

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OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 20136 >>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts


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action superstars sylvester stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger co-star in “1408” director Mikael Hafstrom’s “Escape Plan”, an audacious but improbable prison break epic that delivers brawny thrills and chills galore. Unlike the last two “Ex-pendables” outings, Stallone and Schwar-zenegger appear here on equal footing in more than rather than a couple of scenes. Basically, we’ve got “Rocky” and “The Terminator” tangling with Mr. Reese from the provocative, CBS-TV thriller “Person of Interest.” If you’re expecting another wise-cracking yarn with our heroes spout-ing clever one-liners, you’re going to be disappointed. Indeed, little of the dialogue in “Escape Plan” deserves to be immortal-ized on bumper stickers. Refreshingly, neither do our stars make any references to their previous Hollywood blockbusters. Everybody plays it straight-forward in this survival-of-the-fittest saga. Meanwhile, most of the testosterone-laden action consists of men either beating or shoot-ing the living daylights out of each other in examples of outlandish, over-the-top violence. Stallone is cast against type as a mature, serious-minded, MacGyver-like hero with a Houdini talent for crashing out of prisons, while Schwarzenegger plays one of the most dangerous men alive behind bars. Jim Caviezel is cast against type, too, as a villain so dastardly that you will squeal with glee when he gets his comeuppance. Former British soccer star Vinnie Jones chews the scenery with relish as Caviezel’s second-in-command. Jones’ evil prison guard shows no qualms about smashing inmates to a pulp as if

>>> F I L M | V a n R o B E R t s

cloud atlas

they were drums. Scenarists Miles Chapman of “Road

House 2: Last Call” and Jason Keller of “Machine Gun Preacher” generate plenty of suspense about the mysterious setting of the prison. After an exciting introductory sequence at a Colorado prison where our hero demonstrates his masterly escape artist credentials, the remainder of “Escape Plan” occurs in an imposing penitentiary designed for the worst of the worst. Essentially, the convicts occupy cells that resemble glass cages stacked atop each other and framed with steel beams. “Source Code” production designer Barry Chusid has surpassed himself with this visually intriguing setting. Well-armed, incorrupt-ible, prison guards decked out from head to foot in black uniforms with sinister Guy Fawkes masks reminiscent of the police in director George Lucas’ dystopian sci-fi chiller “THX-1138” patrol the premises. An around-the-clock surveillance system denies the inmates any privacy. Hafstrom and his writers will keep you guessing for about an hour into the action where this impressive pen could be situated. When Stallone finally figures out its whereabouts, the revelation is comparable to the lair of a James Bond villain. While “Escape Plan” recycles some of the usual prison movie shenanigans, the imaginative setting sets this movie apart.

Ray Breslin (Sylvester Stal-lone of “First Blood”) has bro-

ken out of 14 prisons over the last eight years. He has formed his one-of-kind company with Lester Clark (Vincent D'Onofrio of “Full Metal Jacket”) along with Abigail (Amy Ryan of “Green Zone”) and computer wizard Hush (Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson of “Get Rich Or Die Tryin’”). Out of the blue, the Central Intelligence Agency makes Ray an offer that he can-not refuse. They challenge Ray to break out of their super-max slammer, and they are prepared to pay him twice his usual million dollar fee. Initially, Ray doesn’t like the set-up. Abigail and Hush share his dread. Lester thinks it will be a picnic. Reluctantly Ray accepts their dare against his better judgment. Predictably, things go badly from the outset. Our hero is ab-ducted, drugged, and the homing device embedded in his body that enables Abigail and Hush to track him is removed. The moment Ray awakens in his exotic prison cell, he wants out of the proposition. Un-fortunately, he learns that he is going no-where. It seems treacherous Lester has

double-crossed him, and Warden Hobbes (Jim Caviezel of “The Thin Red Line”) has orders to keep him permanently on ice. Ironically, Ray discovers Hobbes has designed his prison security measures based on Ray’s book about the most com-mon structural flaws in prison security!

Ray finds himself surrounded by a formidable population of inmates that want to kill him. Initially, one of these brutes is Emil Rottmayer (Arnold Schwarzenegger of “The Last Stand”), and they don’t cotton to each other. When Ray clobbers Emil with his first blow, Emil observes with a smirk, “You hit like a vegetarian!” When the Muslim brotherhood decides to gang up on Ray, Emil changes his mind and comes to our hero’s rescue. Eventually, Ray and Emil become friends. Ray ex-plains that he has been paid to break out. He suffers a number of set-backs, but he recovers from Hobbes’ savage treatment with Emil’s help. Ray reveals his formula for success. He must study the layout of the prison, and this means he must incite a riot so Hobbes can throw him in solitary confinement. Solitary confinement is the equivalent of Hell where inmates are caged up and subjected to a blazing battery of search lights that turn the cage into an oven. Ray notices the screws that in the floor plates are steel rather than aluminum. He suspects the prison may be located in a vast underground cav-ern. Next, he scrutinizes the rotation of the guards and their routines while they watch the inmates. The most important part of Ray’s plan is finding somebody on the inside who will help them since he is cut off from Abigail and Hush. The most likely candidate is the prison doctor, Dr. Kyrie (Sam Neill of “Jurassic Park”), but he displays considerable reluctance.

Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwar-zenegger should have teamed up long before “Escape Plan” because they radiate convincing camaraderie. Director Mikael Hafstrom never lets the momentum lag, and he minimizes the clichés that crop up in most prison flicks. For example, the Muslim inmates are rehabilitated as heroes after they join Ray and Emil. Our heroes suffer considerably at the hands of the sa-distic warden and his lieutenant before they triumph. The worst thing about “Escape Plan” is that its exterior computer-generat-

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Best GAMEDAY Attire

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9>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> PLAYER PROFILE | s t E p H E n s m i t H

College football is all about balance. Though it starts on the offensive side with the quarterback, running backs play a pivotal role in maintaining balance in the run/pass ratio. In the same manner that coaches enjoy having two talented quarterbacks, they probably relish having two game changers at the running back position even more.

For the Alabama Crimson Tide, the fortune of recruiting the best at the run-ning back position talent wise continues to be successful. Though Shaun Alexander stole the show from 1996-2000, the Crim-son Tide began installing the duo running back system in 2002 with Santonio Beard and Shaud Williams. The system didn’t really catch on for the Tide until 2008. In Nick Saban’s second season as head coach, Alabama had its first dynamic duo in Glenn Coffee and Mark Ingram.

Ingram and Coffee guided the Tide to an undefeated 12-0 season in 2008. The next year, Trent Richardson joined the party. In 2009, Ingram and Richardson terrified defenses in the Southeastern Conference and the nation. The one, two punch of Ingram and Richardson gave Alabama an SEC title, its 13th national title and its first Heisman winner, Ingram. In 2011 and 2012, there was no drop off. Behind Richardson and Eddie Lacy (2011) and Lacy along with TJ Yeldon (2012), the Crimson Tide continued to thrive and win championships. This season looks to be no different as a new star will look to make his mark.

As a native of Powder Spring, Ga., Ke-nyan Drake attended and played football for Hillgrove High School. Despite seeing little action in his first three years, Drake exploded onto the national surface as a senior. Under head coach David Ironside, Drake proved that he was ready for the collegiate world. In his senior season, he had 175 carries for 1,610 yards (9.2 yards per carry) and 18 touchdowns.

The thing that had college scouts baffled about Drake was his versatility. He was more than just a running back in high school. He was a gifted receiver and an outstanding return specialist. He totaled

315 yards on the receiving end with five touchdowns and returned two kickoffs for scores as well. Drake was a two sport guy; along with football he also had a love for track and field. He won the 100-meter dash in the 4-AAAAA Championship.

With his ability in being a dominant all-purpose back in high school, Drake was considered a consensus four-star recruit. ranked him as the No.13 prospect in Georgia. 247 sports listed him as the No.4 all-purpose back and ESPNU ranked him as the No.15 running back. ranked Drake as the No.17 running back nationally.

As far as high school awards are concerned, Drake was Georgia’s Gato-rade Player of the Year. He was named second-team All-State Selection by the

KENYAN DRAKE // A PROVEN NO. 2 BACKGeorgia Sports Writers Association (2010 & 2011). He earned Super 11 honors from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

In 2012, Drake decided to take his skills to Alabama. He chose the Crimson Tide over Georgia, Georgia Tech, Tennes-see and Purdue. As a freshman, Drake took his time learning behind Lacy and Yeldon. In 11 games, Drake had 39 car-ries for 273 yards and five touchdowns. He scored his first collegiate touchdown against Western Kentucky on a 32-yard run. Of his five touchdowns, three of them came against SEC opponents (Arkansas, Missouri and Mississippi State).

Though Drake accomplished a championship in being a member of the team, he didn’t get the opportunity to do too much and really show off his abilities. With Lacy now in the NFL with the Pack-ers and Yeldon as the featured back for the Tide, Drake has stepped in and has assumed his role as the No.2 guy. Despite not playing against Virginia Tech (off-the-field issues) in the season opener, Drake has really stepped up and has shown his teammates, the coaching staff and the fan base that he is a productive player. Following the matchup with the Hokies, Drake scored a touchdown in each of the next three games against Texas A&M, Colorado State and Ole Miss.

He didn’t run the ball particularly well against Colorado State, but he came up huge on special teams (defense) in block-ing a punt that was recovered by team-mate, Dillon Lee for a touchdown. Against Mississippi, Drake watched as Yeldon torched the Rebels with 17 carries for 121 yards and a touchdown. When he got his

Contributing sports columnist Stephen Smith is a reporter for Touchdown Alabama Magazine and









opportunity, Drake embraced it. He totaled 12 carries for 99 yards including a 50-yard burst to pay dirt. Against Kentucky and Ar-kansas, he has rushed for over 100 yards and scored twice in both games.

Drake has brought the soft hands that he had in high school to the Crimson Tide in the receiving aspect as well. He has eight receptions for 101 yards and a touchdown. Currently, Drake has 49 car-ries for 402 yards and seven touchdowns. Like the No.2 backs before him, Drake has assumed the job and is doing it well thus far. If he can continue to secure the football and be that great change of pace back opposite of Yeldon, Alabama is going to be a very difficult team to stop now and in the future.

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (10)

OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 201310 >>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts

>>> RESTAURANTS | W H E R E t o E a t i n t u s c a l o o s a

BREAKFAST / DINNER15th Street Diner1036 15th st // 750.8750open for most lunch and dinners, with limited hours onweekends.

City Cafe408 main ave | Downtown northport // 758.9171Established in 1936. Big on food, low on price. open for breakfast and lunch. Historic downtown northport. closed weekends.

CountryPride Restaurant3501 Buttermilk Rd // 554.0215www.ta.travelcenters.comBreakfast 24 hours. lunch and Dinner buffet.

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store4800 Doris pate Dr | Exit 76 //

International House of Pancakes724 skyland Blvd // 366.1130

Jack's1200 Hackberry lane | tuscaloosa // 345.1199

Maggie's Diner1307 ty Rogers Jr. ave | tuscaloosa // 366.0302

Mr. Bill's Family Restaurant2715 mcfarland Blvd | tuscaloosa // 333.9312

Northport Diner450 mcfarland Blvd | northport // 333.7190

Panera Bread1800 mcfarland Blvd *402 | tuscaloosa // 366.8780

Quick Grill1208 university Blvd | the strip | tuscaloosa // 342.0022

Rama Jama’s1000 Bryant Dr // 750.0901closest restaurant to Bryant-Denny stadium.

The Brown Bag9425 Jones Road | northport // 333.0970its speciality, fried green tomatoes, joins barbecue plates andfish filets on an extended list of meats and vegetables.tues 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. | Wed-sat 10:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

The Waysider1512 Greensboro ave // 345.8239open for breakfast and lunch. smoke free.

MEXICANChipotle Mexican Grill1800 mcfarland Blvd E | midtown Village //

Don Rafa's2313 4th street | temerson square // 345.9191

El Rincon (2 locations)1225 university Blvd | tuscaloosa, al // 366.08551726 mcfarland Blvd | northport // 330.1274

Fernando's Mexican Grill824 mcfarland Blvd E | northport // 205.331.4587

Iguana Grill1800 mcfarland Blvd E | midtown Village // 752.5895

Jalapeno’s Mexican Grill2001 new Watermelon Rd | northport // 342.3378

LaGran Fiesta9770 Hwy 69 s // 345.8871

Los Calientes Mexican Grill3429 mcfarland Blvd E // 553.1558

Los Tarascos (2 locations)1759 skyland Blvd // 553.88963380 mcfarland Blvd | northport // 330.0919

Margarita's Grill1241 mcfarland Blvd E // 343.0300

Moe’s Southwest Grill (2 locations)2330 mcfarland Blvd E // 342.14871130 university Blvd //

Pepito’s (2 locations)1203 university Blvd | the strip // 391.90281301 mcfarland Blvd nE // 391.4861 FINE DININGChuck’s Fish508 Greensboro ave | Downtown tuscaloosa // 248.9370steak, seafood, & sushi specialities. open for dinner andsunday brunch. Great atmosphere and excellent service.ladies night on tuesdays. ladies receive ½ off on drinks.uptown Wednesday - $6 uptown shrimp, $8 uptown tacos. Cypress Inn501 Rice mine Rd // 345.6963fax: 345.6997 | www.cypressinnrestaurant.com2003 Restaurant of Distinction. Beautiful riverfront location.steaks, seafood and more with southern flavor. Wine list,full bar. specialities of the house include shrimp cypress innand smoked chicken with white barbecue sauce. Kid friendly.closed saturday lunch. mike spiller is featured the firstthursday of every month. Happy Hour- mon-fri from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. featuring 1/2 price appetizers. $2 Domestic Draft Beers and $3 Well cocktails.

Epiphany Cafe19 Greensboro ave | Downtown tuscaloosa // 344.5583“new american cuisine” with a strong emphasis on localproduce, organic meats, and sustainable seafood. the menuis always changing and features include an extensive wine list,a large vibrant bar and martini lounge area, as well as patioseating. Reservations are available online at or through open table. Hours: mon–sat 5 p.m. - until

Evangeline’s1653 mcfarland Blvd. north // 752.0830located in the tuscaloosa Galleria. 2004 West alabamatourism award Winning Restaurant. american Eclecticcuisine. lunch: mon–fri 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Dinner: tues–sat 5 p.m. - until... fall: saturday Brunch.

The Globe405 23rd avenueowned by legendary thespian and chef, Jeff Wilson. the decor takes one back to merry old England. the food is internationally acclaimed, priced reasonably, and the service is cheerful and professional. cocktails are excellent as are the wines. open 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and from 5-9 pm. tuesday through saturday, sunday 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

FIVE Bar2324 6th street. // 205.345.6089a restaurant/bar based on simplicity. We offer 5 entrees, 5 red wines, 5 white wines, 5 import beers, 5 domestic, and 5 signature cocktails, to go along with our full liquor bar.Dinner: sunday - thursday 5-10; friday and saturday 5-12lunch: friday and saturday 11-3; sunday Jazz Brunch:; 205.345.6089

Kozy’s3510 loop Road E | near Va medical center // 556.0665Eclectic menu, extensive wine list. Dinner at Kozy’s is aromantic experience complete with candlelight and a roaringfireplace. | JAPANESEBenkei Japanese Steak House1223 mcfarland Blvd // 759-5300Hours: mon–thurs 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. | fri–sat 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Bento Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar1306 university Blvd // 758.7426

Hokkaido Japanese RestaurantREopEninG soon!

Ichiban Japanese Grill & Sushi502 15th street // 752.8844

Tokyo Japanese Steak & Sushi Bar6521 Hwy 69 s | Hillcrest center // 366.1177offers steak, seafood, tempura, teriyaki and sushi. includingcooking at your table, if you choose. sun–thurs 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.fri & sat 5 p.m. - 11 p.m.

Kobe Steak House1800 mcfarland Blvd E | midtown Village // 759-1400lunch: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Dinner: 4:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.sat & sun 11:30 a.m. - 11 p.m. ITALIANBroadway Pizzeria2880 Rice mine Road northeast tuscaloosa, // 391.6969

DePalma’s Italian Cafe2300 university Blvd, Downtown // 759.1879menu ranges from sanwiches to finer pasta dishes and pizza.Varied beer and wine selection.Hours: mon–thurs 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | fri & sat 11 a.m. – 11

Little Italy1130 university Blvd. | tuscaloosa // 205.345.4343

Mellow Mushroom2230 university Blvd // 758.0112pizzas, calzones, hoagies and more. open dailyfor lunch and dinner.

Mr. G’s908 mcfarland Blvd n | northport // 339-8505

Olive Garden2100 mcfarland Blvd E // 750-0321open daily from 11 CASUAL DININGBig Daddy’s Cafe514 Greensboro ave | Downtown tuscaloosa // 759.9925

Buddy’s Ribs & Steaks2701 Bridge ave | northport // 339.4885

Buffalo Wild Wings2710 mcfarland Blvd // 523.0273mon–Wed 11 a.m. - midnight | thurs–sat 11 a.m. - 2 a.m.

Cafe J2523 university Blvd // 343.0040

Chili’s1030 skyland Blvd | near mcfarland mall // 750.8881fax: 758.7715 //

Dave’s Dogs1701 mcfarland Blvd E | university mall // 722.2800 Desperados Steak House1530 mcfarland Blvd // 343.1700


>>> WINE REVIEW | R Y a n p H i l l i p s

when the average consumer thinks of wine country, generally the mind will gravitate to regions such as Sonoma and Napa Valley. However, one lone vineyard and winery in Watauga County, NC is blazing a new trail of wine making as the first of its kind in the region.

Grandfather Winery and Vineyard can trace its origins to a family hobby that started in 2003 and blossomed into an impressive family-owned winery in the present day. Offering a wide variety of vinos, Grandfather Winery is sure to have something that thrills your taste buds.

The wine selection offered by Grandfa-ther Winery is intermediately priced, ranging from $15 to $28 and can all be purchased online through various mediums.

For the sake of structure, lets start with the higher priced 2010 Pinot Noir that weighs in at $28.95 online. Sporting subtle hints of plums, tobacco and cherries, this particular Pinot Noir evokes the tastes of the Carolina region. The rich red blend of varietals leads into a warm cherry taste with a smooth vanilla finish that can be filling after a couple of glasses but this will be a welcome sacrifice to those concerned primarily with taste. For optimum enjoyment, try pairing this red with fresh vegetables or grilled poultry to further highlight the fruit accents masked by a dark disposition. If you have the money to spend, the 2010 Pinot Noir is worth every penny.

Another prolific red from Grandfather Winery is the pricey Field Blend Profile that features four distinct varietals all aimed at presenting the drinker with a taste of the region. Named for its diverse profile, the Field Blend combines the flavors of lavender, roses and pomegranate all made possible by Barbera, Carignane, Petite Syrah and Alicante Bouschet Varietals. To give an idea, the profile does live up to its name and shifts to provide an unconventional balance with an eye toward a crisp fruit flavor. Given this fruit taste, the Field Blend is much more versatile in terms of food pairings. Grill lovers should try pairing this red with pork or beef in order

to fully unlock the crisp fruit undertones. Moderately priced at $25.95, this would be a great buy for those drinkers who value creative craftsmanship over a price tag.

Transitioning to the lighter side of the Grandfather Winery selection, a white wine stands out as a crisp reminder of what this family owned vineyard is capable of. The 2012 Sauvignon Blanc is a crisp white that hits the drinker with a refreshing splash of fruit flavors and accents. The nose on this wine is quite welcoming, with a cool blended-fruit accent. According to the winemakers, a light hint of oak and butter is included in the production of this white, which can be tasted in a heavy finish that is not heavy on the stomach. With its unconventional approach in such a bold finish, try pairing this 2012 with white meat or spicy seafood dishes to truly capture the refreshing qualities. Priced at $18.95, the 2012 Sauvignon Blanc is more expensive than competitors, but a solid buy for any sum-mertime get-together.

Lastly, one wine offered by Grandfather Winery attempts to appeal to fans of both the bitter and sweet ends of the taste spectrum. The Watauga River White bridges the gap via winemaking nuance. According to the winemakers, “with 2% sugar it starts sweet and fruity and finishes dry and crisp.” For this reason, the Watauga River White is the tastiest of the aforementioned wines, and will most certainly be a favorite at any function due to its mass appeal. The sugar allows for a smooth, semi-sweet taste that leads into a savory, dry finish. If you are a fan of sharp whites, this treat is worth your time. On the lower end of the price scale at Grandfather Winery, this white can be purchased for $18.95 online. Spicy foods, like hummus or buffalo dip can be enjoyed thoroughly with a glass of this refreshing white, as the cool fruit blend can satisfy a thirsty customer. Given its taste, price should be irrelevant. This is a $50 wine offered at near bottom shelf so grab a bottle and see for yourself.

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sun–Wed 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | thurs–sat 11 a.m. - 11p.m.

FIG (Food Is Good)1351 mcfarland Blvd nE // 345.8888mon–fri 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Five Guys Burgers & Fries1800 mcfarland Blvd E | midtown Village //

Glory Bound Gyro Company2325 university Blvd // 349-0505Glory Bound Gyro company is a unique restaurant that focuses on great food and service in a funky, fun-filled mon-thu: 11am - 10pm | fri - sat: 11am-10pm |sun: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Hooligan’s1915 university Blvd // 759.2424from hamburgers to hummus. open daily 10 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Horny's508 Red Drew ave | tuscaloosa // 345.6869mon 4 p.m. - 2 a.m. | tues-thurs 11 a.m. - 2 a.m.fri 11 a.m. - 3 a.m. | sat 4 p.m. - 2 orleans style atmosphere in the heart of tuscaloosa onthe strip. Horny's offerings include a full liquor bar, beer, anda variety of classic american food. Horny's Bar and Grill offers a limited late night menu from 1:30 a.m. - 2:30 a.m. so, ifyou're hungry after "last-call for drinks," Horny's is the place to be.

KK’s Steakhouse13242 Hwy 69 south // 633.1032

Tacogi500 Greensboro ave | Downtown tuscaloosa // 342.3647

Logan's Roadhouse1511 skyland Blvd E // 349.3554

Madear’s1735 culver Road // 343.7773mon–fri 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. | 2nd & 3rd sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Mugshots Grill & Bar511 Greensboro ave | Downtown tuscaloosa // 391.0572Great burgers & sandwiches. unique setting, full service bar,veggie entrees, kid friendly, and open

Newk’s Express Cafe205 university Blvd. East // 758.2455fax: 758.2470 // www.newkscafe.coman express casual dining experience in a refreshing andstylish atmosphere. serving fresh tossed salads, oven bakedsandwiches, california style pizzas and homemade cakes fromnewk’s open kitchen.sun–Wed 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | thurs–sat 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.

O’Charley’s3799 mcfarland Blvd // 556.5143open daily for lunch, dinner and sunday

Panera Bread1800 mcfarland Blvd E | midtown Village //

Piccadilly Cafeteria1701 mcfarland Blvd E | university mall //

Quick Grill1208 university Blvd | the strip //

The Local Catch // 331.44962321 university Blvd. | tuscaloosafull menu including breakfast served all music mon-sat 11 a.m. - close | sun 11 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. for a complete schedule

Ruby Tuesday (2 locations)6421 interstate Drive | cottondale // 633.3939Just off i-20/59 at exit 77. near Hampton inn and microtel inn311 merchants Walk | northport //

Ryan’s4373 courtney Dr // 366.1114near marriott courtyard and fairfield inn Sitar Indian Cuisine500 15th st // 345-1419

Southland Restaurant5388 skyland Blvd E // 556.3070steaks, chops and home-cooked vegtablesmon–fri 10:45 a.m. - 9 p.m.

zoe’s Kitchen312 merchants Walk // 344.4450a wonderful selection of Greek foods

SPORTS GRILLBaumhower's Wings of Tuscaloosa500 Harper lee Drive | catering-pick-up tuscaloosa //556.5858 | always fresh and always fun. owned by former ua/miami Dolphins great Bob Baumhower. Kid friendly

Buffalo Phil’s1149 university Blvd | the strip // 758.3318sports grille with tVs galore. Diverse beer and wineselection, full bar

Buffalo Wild Wings2710 mcfarland Blvd. East | tuscaloosa // 523.0273sports grille with tVs galore. Diverse beer and wineselection, full bar

Champs Sports Grille320 paul Bryant Drive | inside four points sheraton Hotel // 752.3200Breakfast and lunch buffets. sunday brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Hooter’s5025 oscar Baxter Dr | next to Jameson inn // 758.3035Wings, clams, shrimp and of course the Hooters

Innisfree Irish Pub1925 university Blvd | tuscaloosa // 345.1199

Moe's BBQ101 15th street | Downtown tuscaloosa // 752.3616mon-sat 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.Bar open until 2 a.m., 3 a.m. on fridays

Mugshots Grill & Bar511 Greensboro ave // 391.0572Great burgers. full service bar. open

Wilhagan’s2209 4th st | Downtown tuscaloosa // 366.0913

Wings U 1800 mcfarland Blvd East suite 218 | pick-up tuscaloosa // 561.3984 features the first coal-fired pizza oven in alabama. owned by former ua/miami Dolphins great Bob Baumhower. completely open concept!

Wingzone1241 mcfarland Blvd E | tuscaloosa // 342.2473

BARBEQUEArchibald & Woodrow's BBQ4215 Greensboro ave | tuscaloosa // 331.4858mon-sat 10:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. | sun lunch

Bama BBQ & Grill3380 mcfarland Blvd | northport // 333.9816

Billy's BBQDowntown northport 364.1400We specialize in BBQ, fresh ground beef, poultry, and pork made fresh, served fresh. ask about our specialty potatoes.mon & tues 10-7// Wed. 10 – 5:30// thurs, fri, & sat. 10 - 9

Costa's Famous BBQ and Steaks760 skyland Blvd // 331.4526

Dreamland (2 locations)5535 15th ave | tuscaloosa // 758.8135101 Bridge ave | northport // 343.6677the legend. on game day, get there early if you want to makekickoff. seating is limited. Hours: mon–sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. | sun 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Hick’s BBQ4400 fayette Hwy // 339.3678 // tues–sat 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Moe's Original BBQ2101 university Blvd.. // 752.3616serving up an award-winning, all things southern BBQand live music experience. come dine-in or sit on thepatio and enjoy some great Que, beers, whiskey, and livemusic on thursday-saturday. Roll tide!mon–sat 11am - 10pm | Bar service mon-sat 2am andfri -3am | Kitchen closes at 10pm

Pottery GrillHighway 11 // 554.1815awesome barbecue. the pottery Grill serves up everything from pork, chicken, ribs and sausage to burgers, hot dogs and salads. take-out and catering available.

Tee’s Ribs and Thangs1702 10th avenue // 366.997411 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily

STEAKSLogan’s Roadhouse1511 skyland Blvd | next to sams // 349.3554steaks, ribs and spirits

Longhorn Steakhouse1800 mcfarland Blvd E | midtown Village // 345-8244 #412

Nick's In the Sticks4018 culver Rd | tuscaloosa // 758.9316a long-time tuscaloosa tradition.Good steaks at a reasonable pricetry a nicodemus if you have a designated driver.

Outback Steakhouse5001 oscar Baxter Dr // 759.9000

Desperados1530 mcfarland Blvd. n. | tuscaloosa // 343-1700sun–Wed 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | thurs–sat 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. SEAFOODChuck’s Fish508 Greensboro ave // 248.9370

Local Catch Bar & Grill2321 university Blvd // 205-331-4496american, seafood, cajun/creole. coastal cuisine with a southern twist!. monday & Wednesdays half off house wine and appetizers at happy hourtuesday $3 fried shrimp taco all daythursday ladies night 20% off ladies tabs 4pm-closesunday half off mimosas and bloody marys all daylunch 11am-2pm; Dinner 11am-untilHappy Hour 3pm-6pm with $5 house wine, $5 top shelf, $3 well. $1 off bottle beer

Red Lobster2620 mcfarland Blvd // 553.8810mcfarland plaza shopping center

Tin Top Restaurant & Oyster Bar4851 Rice mine Rd nE #460 // 462.3399mcfarland plaza shopping center

Wintzell’s Oyster House1 Bridge ave | northport // 247.7772

>>> RESTAURANTS | W H E R E t o E a t i n t u s c a l o o s a ( c o n t . ) >>> BEER REVIEW |R Y a n p H i l l i p s


some beers are as memorably tasteful as they are different, which holds true for Atlanta-based Sweet-water Brewing Company. Since 1997, Sweetwater has crafted memorable brews under a banner that proclaims, “Don’t Float The Mainstream”, a fitting motto for brew masters that strive to stand out among a growing craft beer market.

While brewing deliciously uncon-ventional beer has been the primary motive of operation, Sweetwater has also helped support donation projects geared at protecting the Black Warrior River, which should provide even more incentive for Alabama drinkers.

Since their inception, Sweetwater has garnered worldwide fame, but stayed true to its roots with an ever-changing selection of colorfully named treats that reflect the personalities of the people who make it. With such a wide spectrum of beers, reviewing each is a beautiful possibility, but lets stick to a theme for the sake of con-ciseness. It only seems appropriate that the theme of choice is Sweetwa-ter’s is the year round selection, which you are going to be drooling over once the description is given.

Are you a Bob Marley Fan? Sweet-water certainly is and has attempted

to carry on the already endur-ing legacy of the father of reggae with the Exodus Porter, a dark brew that is rich and sa-vory sweet.

Brewed with 2-row, Munich, Chocolate,

and Caramel Malts, the Exodus Porter is a tasty, well-balanced brew that has a lush chocolate finish. The Centen-nial and Golden hops start the drinker off with a rich taste, made possible by a thick head typical of a good Porter. With an ABV of 6.5%, this brew is heavy enough to fill the drinker quickly but light enough in alcohol that allows for a six-pack to be enjoyed over the course of a day. Try pairing the Exodus Porter with salty treats and any food com-plimented by bacon in order to bring out the flavors

of the Chocolate Malts. Also try the Exodus to wash down tangy pasta or anything with a sharp, spicy accent.

Next in line from Sweetwater, we have the award-winning LowRYEder IPA, which took home the prestigious Bronze Medal at the Great American Beer Festival. While lighter than the Exodus Porter, this particular brew is full of bold flavor that is made possible by a delectable blend of Columbus, Mt Hood, Centennial hops. Perfect for tailgating season, the LowRYEder IPA is a must for treats of the grill, such as roasted tilapia, steaks or shrimp skew-ers and vegetable. The LowRYEder also sports a middle of the road ABV at 6.2% that gives it a lighter quality that still packs a heavy punch to the taste buds. The Brew Masters sum it up perfectly when they say, “A flame throwin’ Rye IPA ignited by a 25% shot of rye malt and capped by a booty hop-pin’ blast of Mt Hood and Centennial hops that makes this IPA bounce.”

Lastly, lets take a look at a beer that encapsulates the spirit of At-lanta, The Sweetwa-ter Geor-gia Brown. Like the Exodus Porter, Georgia Brown is a beer craft-ed with an eye towards sweetness masked by a dark, deceiving hue. According to the Brew Masters, “[The Georgia Brown is] a river of deep caramel and chocolate malts meandering through undercut currents of hop additions. Georgia Brown is part of our year round lineup and is line priced with Sweetwater’s other lip smackin’ core styles.” With an ABV of 5%, this beer is the weakest of the lineup in terms of alcohol content but don’t let that fool you in regards to taste. The sweetness of this beer makes for an ideal pairing with crispy fried treats or heavy holiday meals that require a sugary beverage to wash down the flavors of the season. Of the beers previously mention from Sweet-water, the Georgia Brown is by far the most balanced for this reviewer’s palate and acts as a perfect mate to five-alarm spicy Buffalo wings and a loaded baked potato.

You can find these selections at various establishments in downtown Tuscaloosa or anywhere that craft beer is sold. To learn more about Sweetwa-ter and their wide range of products, visit

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12 >>> Visit us on tHE WEB @ THEPLANETWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> RESTAURANTS | W H E R E t o E a t i n t u s c a l o o s a ( c o n t . )

casual riverfront diningsun–thurs 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | fri–sat 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.

CHINESEBuffet City1747 skyland Blvd E // 553.3308all you can eat buffet. open 7 days a week.

Chang’s Chinese Restaurant1825 mcfarland Blvd n // 391.9131China Fun2600 university Blvd | alberta city // 553.2435

China GardenHwy 69 s | Hillcrest center // 758.0148

Lee Palace6521 Highway 69 s // 391.9990open daily 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Mr. Chen's Authentic Chinese Cooking & Oriental Market514 14th st. | in the oz music shopping center //343.6889 // open sun - thu 11am - 9pm,fri & sat 11am - 9:30pm

Pearl Garden2719 lurleen Wallace Blvd | northport // 339.0880

Peking Chinese Restaurant1816 mcfarland | northport // 333.0361open 7 days a week. super lunch and dinner buffet.Hours: sun–thurs 11 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. | fri & sat 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Swen Chinese Restaurant1130 university Blvd | the strip // 391.9887

Trey Yuen4200 mcfarland Blvd E // 752.0088

ASIAN CUISINERuan Thai1407 university Blvd // 391.9973ruanthaituscaloosa.comExotic thai cuisine. offers vegetarian options, outdoor dining,and a full bar. sushi on thursdays.lunch: mon–sat 11 a.m. -2 p.m. | Dinner: mon–thurs 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. fri & sat 5 p.m. -10pm | sun 11 a.m. -3 p.m.

Surin of Thailand1402 university Blvd // 752.7970authentic thai restaurant and sushi bar. open daily.lunch: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Dinner: 5 p.m. - 9:30

PIzzA AND SUBSA Taste Of Chicago1700 Greensboro avenue 205-342-DoGsmon. - thurs. 10:00am - 9:00pm; fri. - sat. 10:00am - 10:00pm17th street and Greensboro avenue. authentic chicago style foods with a taste of chi-town in every bite. italian Beef sandwiches, chicago Rib tips, and chicago style pizza.View our menu online and order at follow us @tasteofchicagottown on instagram.

Firehouse Subs1130 university Blvd | tuscaloosa // 248.0680

Hungry Howie’s (2 locations)1105 southview ln | south tuscaloosa // 345.60001844 mcfarland Blvd | northport // 333.26331211 university Blvd | tuscaloosa | the strip // 366.15004851 Rice mine Rd | northriver/Holt // 345.3737

Lenny’s Sub Shop220 15th st // 752.7450fax: 752.7481 //

Little Caesars Pizza1414 10th ave //

Little Italy1130 university Blvd. // 345.4354

Mellow Mushroom2230 university Blvd | Downtown tuscaloosa // 758.0112

Subs n' You2427 university Blvd. | tuscaloosa // 205.758.0088

Roly Poly Sandwiches2300 4th street | tuscaloosa // 366.1222

The Pita Pit1207 university Blvd | the strip // 345.9606Hours: mon–sat 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. | sun 11:30 a.m. - mid-night

Tut’s Place1306 university Blvd | the strip // 759.1004

DELICATESSENHoneybaked Ham Company421 15th st. E //

Jason’s Deli2300 mcfarland Blvd // 752.6192fax: 752.6193 // www.jasonsdeli.comlocated in the meadowbrook shopping center.

Jimmy John’s (3 locations)1400 university Blvd | the strip // 366.36991875 mcfarland Blvd n | northport // 752.7714815 lurleen B. Wallace s | tuscaloosa // 722.2268Delivery 7 days a

Manna Grocery & Deli2300 mcfarland Blvd E | tuscaloosa // 752.9955

McAlister’s Deli (2 locations)101 15th st | tuscaloosa // 758.00393021 tyler Dr | northport // 330.7940sandwiches, salads and

Momma Goldberg’s Deli409 23rd ave //

Newk's205 university Blvd E | tuscaloosa // 758.2455

Schlotsky’s Deli405 15th st. E //

Which Wichuniversity Blvd.// Downtown tuscaloosa // mon – sat 10:30 – 9 // sunday 11 – 7 // fun atmosphere,fresh ingredients, great sandwiches. 764.1673

COFFEE SHOPChloe's Cup2117 university Blvd.| tuscaloosa // 764.0218crimson cafe international coffee House & Gourmet Deli1301 university Blvd | the strip // 750.0203mon–fri 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. | sat & sun 8 a.m. - 11

Five Javacoffee, fresh juices, smoothies and treats from mary's cakes. open monday - saturday at 7am; 9am on sundays

Heritage House18 mcfarland Blvd | northport // 758.0042

Krispy Kreme Doughnut1400 mcfarland Blvd //

Starbucks (2 locations)1800 mcfarland Blvd E | midtown Village // 343.24681901 13th ave East | inside super target //

DESSERTSCelebrations Bakery, Inc.1832 mcfarland Blvd n | northport // 339.3221fax: 349.1945

Cold Stone Creamery1130 university Blvd. | tuscaloosa //343.1670www.coldstonecreamery.comspecializes in customized ice creamHours: mon–thurs 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. | fri & sat 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. sun 12 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Mary's Cakes & Pastries412 22nd avenue | behind opus | northport // 345.8610www.maryscakesandpastries.common–fri 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. | sat 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Smoothie King (2 locations)415 15th street | tuscaloosa // 349.1721fax: 349.19451403 university Blvd | tuscaloosa // 462.3664

Sweet CeCe's Frozen yogurt Treats2217 university Blvd. | Downtown tuscaloosa // 561.6458a fun and friendly make your own creation,yogurt experience!

TCBY (3 Locations)2304 mcfarland Blbd | meadowbrook shopping center //349.4661 // 2 mcfarland Blvd | northport | Essex shoppingcenter // 758.6855 // 1130 univ. Blvd. | the strip // 345.0804

Yogurt Lab920 paul W. Bryant Dr ste 200 | tuscaloosa // 347.9522

Yogurt Mountain1800 mcfarland Blvd E | midtown Village // 342.1484self-serve frozen yogurt experiencemon–thurs 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. | fri & sat 11 a.m. - midnight



Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (13)

13>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> CO N C E R T R E V I E W | R Y a n p H i l l i p s


>>> CO N C E R T | D o u G p E R R Y

many say that age is just a number, and how right they are. In closing the fall concert season, country music legends Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson took the stage at the Tuscaloosa Amphitheater on Thursday October 24, and played to a capacity crowd of excited fans

The Paula Nelson Band opened the night and brought a thunderous set that in-cluded a rendition of by Kenny Rogers' “Just Dropped In” and ended with bluesy cover of Waylon Jennings' “Lonesome On’ry And Mean”. After the set finished, the country and blues appeal of the Paula Nelson Band had set the tone for the remainder of the night.

Fan’s burst into cheers when the legendary Merle Haggard took the stage and subsequently took the crowd on a journey through his illustrious mu-sic career. Haggard, 76, plowed through a twang-filled set that included classic hits such as “Silver Wings” and “Mama Tried” along with a healthy rendition of the Johnny Cash smash, “Folsom Prison Blues”. Playing on his signature white and sunburst Fender Telecaster, Haggard picked many of his well-known guitar solos in crowd-pleasing fashion. Naturally, the strap supporting this iconic guitar read in the classic print “MERLE”.

Merle and company rarely broke during the set, and kept the tempo at a proper honky-tonk pace that effectively intertwined the more political songs that made him famous, such as “Okie From Muskogee” and “Are The Good Times Re-ally Over For Good?”

Fans were also treated to a Merle Haggard backing band worthy of tak-ing the stage with any country music act in this or any day. Fans of that classic country sound would have been satisfied following Merle, but another living legend took the stage for the final gig of the night.

Willie Nelson, 80, warmed the crowd up as the breeze cooled the night, open-ing his set with his mega-hit “Whiskey River”. Following the initial loud burst of applause, Willie and his band continued into a masterful set that covered all ends

of the country music spectrum. The last con-cert of the night featured Willie’s hits that included “Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain”, “Georgia” and “You Were Always On My Mind”, all of which were met with thunderous applause. Amidst his vast catalog of classic songs, Willie mixed in a short set of Hank Williams covers that included “Hey Good Looking”, “I Saw The

Light” and “Jambalaya (On The Bayou)”. Each song was better than the last and at no time did his age show as the hits flowed out of his Flamenco guitar.

To polish off the evening, members of The Paula Nelson Band joined Willie for a stunning interpretation of the Creedence Clearwater Revival smash hit “Have You Ever Seen The Rain?” The harmony in the song more than did justice to a song that has been covered more times than there have been people to listen to it.

As the night came to a close, Willie made the trek along the stage and signed

memorabilia for his adoring fans while his band, all with a signature grin on his face.

Overall, fans were left with a memo-rable night of music featuring two men that have left a profound mark on the music industry that stretches far past the country-western genre.













the november 5 terriFic tuesday Concert will feature Adam Bowles and Kathryn Fouse in concert in the Alabama Power Foundation Recital Hall on the campus of Shelton State Community College, 9500 Old Greensboro Road in Tuscaloosa. The 1:15 p.m. performance is free and open to the public.

Both performers are members of the Birmingham Art Music Alliance, a nonprofit organization with the twofold mission of promoting music by Alabama composers and presenting concerts of recently created art music to com-munities in Birmingham and beyond. Members include local composers, professional performers, students, and enthusiasts who wish to preserve and maintain the long tradition of music as a living art form.

Pianist Adam Bowles is a dedicated performer of newly composed art music who also remains an active and passion-ate interpreter of established solo piano, chamber music, and vocal repertoire from the Twentieth Century and earlier. Dr. Bowles frequently performs through-out the country with the Luna Nova ensemble – of which he is a founding member. Through Luna Nova, Dr. Bowles regularly participates in formal concerts, master classes, and a variety of educa-tional outreach activities.

Dr. Bowles is also an active member of the Birmingham Art Music Alliance, having served as Treasurer and Vice President of Membership. Recently, Dr. Bowles has served as adjudicator for competitions such as the Lois Pickard Piano Competition and the NFMC Young Artists Competition and gave a presenta-tion on NFMC Solo Festival Repertoire for the Birmingham Music Teachers As-sociation in the fall of 2010.

He holds degrees from Eastman School of Music (BM) and New England Conservatory (MM), and received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Cincinnati College-Conser-

vatory of Music. Dr. Bowles is currently on the facul-

ties of the Birmingham-Southern College and Conservatory, where he has taught piano, keyboard harmony, theory, and ac-companying. He is recorded on the Living Artists label and was recently featured on a CD of music by Argentinian composer Valdo Sciammerella, “Rosas de Pulpa Rosas de Cal.”

Kathryn Fouse serves on the faculty of Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama where she is the Coordinator of Piano Pedagogy and Class Piano. In addition to her commitment to educa-tion, she continues to maintain an active career as a virtuoso pianist and a profes-sional accompanist. Having developed a strong interest in contemporary music, Dr. Fouse frequently presents lecture-re-citals in an effort to bring greater under-standing of this music to audiences. In 1992 Kathryn was the national recipient of the Merle Montgomery Doctoral Grant awarded by Mu Phi Epsilon for her re-search into the Surrealist movement and its influence on American composers. Her special interest in the study and per-formance of American piano music of the Twentieth Century has resulted in invita-tions to present her research in lecture- recitals at such prestigious institutions as the University of Illinois, Baylor Univer-sity, the Dallas Art Museum, Gothenburg University (Sweden) and the Norwegian State Academy of Music (Oslo).

On the program will be works by Alabamians Adriana Perera, Michael Coleman, Cynthia Miller, William Price, Holland Hopson, Edwin Robertson, and Monroe Golden.

The Birmingham Art Music Alliance is supported by a grant from the Alabama State Council on the Arts.

For additional information on the November 5 performance at Shel-ton State Community College, con-tact Syble Coats at 205.391.2270 or [emailprotected].


Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (14)

OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 201314 >>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts

>>> UA EVENT | s t a f f R E p o R t


The Support the Arts License Tag Committee is now seeking submissions for a new design. The deadline is NOVEMBER 21, 2013 For information and guidelines please send an e mail to: [emailprotected]

Students, Teachers, Artists, Graphic Designers, etc. are all encouraged to submit.

Electronic submission is required. Guidelines are very specific and will be e mailed to anyone who is interested.

on thursday, november 7, at 12 noon, the public is invited, for free, to hear Dr. Robert O. Mellown, Associate Professor of Art History Emeritus at the University of Alabama, and a rec-ognized authority on the architecture of Tuscaloosa and of the UA campus, present the inaugural talk of the Ala-bama’s Center for the Book Lunchtime Speaker Series, spotlighting recent works by Alabama writers. He will talk about some of the fascinating history of Alabama’s historic campus from his new book, The University of Alabama: A Guide to the Campus and Its Archi-

tecture [,5713.aspx]

Dr. Mellown has written numerous articles for Alabama Heritage Maga-zine [] and The Alabama Review []. He is a recognized authority on Tuscaloosa historic structures, including Bryce Hospital, Jemison-Van de Graaf Mansion, the Marmaduke Williams House, and the Drish Mansion, writ-ing detailed reports for the Alabama Historical Commission. Mellown has

also participated in historical archaeo-logical investigations of the UA Rotunda, Alabama Capitol (in Capitol Park) and is currently consultant for the UA Department of Archaeology in the historical investigation of the Downtown Hotel Site. Dr. Mellown is also a popular speaker for the Tuscaloosa Preservation Society and other venues.

The talk will be presented in room 205 in the east wing of Gorgas Library. Attendees are encour-aged to bring a brown bag lunch or purchase lunch in the library’s grab-and-go café. For more informa-tion email: [emailprotected] For parking and other info:

Photo by Jeff H


Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (15)



>>> A L B U M R E V I E W |W i l l ia m Ba R sH o p

an interactive experience, employ-ing the user’s webcam and smartphone to let them manipulate the media they’re consuming, sounds like a string of words a frustrated CEO would shout at his board of directors, slamming his fist on the table, desperate to appeal to millennials. But that’s the best way to describe the short film that accompanies the nu-disco title track from Arcade Fire’s new album, Reflektor.

The Vincent Morisset-directed video that complements the seven minute disco epic reacts to a smart phone pointed at the webcam like a mirror concentrating light rays. It sounds like a cheap gimmick, but when you actually watch the film, wav-ing around a device with more process-ing power than the Apollo 11, it doesn’t feel like something that would have been impossible 50 years ago. The surreal im-ages of mirror monsters roaming beautiful Haitian landscapes trump the absurdity of technology.

The song itself does lend to the in-vigorating magic of the full package. The shadowy verses on “Reflektor” explode into a dazzling chorus with grandiose lyrics about a desperate search for meaning. David Bowie swoops in toward the end, lending dramatic vocals to the song’s gravitas. By the time the band comes down from the theatrical high with the lyric “If this is heaven, I want something more,” the space of the record has expanded and contracted in rhythm like a working lung. The final product gives infectious energy to the sum of its parts.

Unfortunately, a great deal of Arcade Fire’s fourth album does almost the oppo-site. The Montreal band takes the earnest intensity of their seven-man ensemble and crushes it between too many sweeping ideas. While the production of LCD Sound-system frontman James Murphy usually gives glossy dance music ample room to breathe in a rock atmosphere, here it suffocates Arcade Fire’s ethos, turning the roots of ambitious songs into cheesy club fodder. Buoyant melodies are held down by overbearing arrangements (“You

Already Know”). Whooshing transitions into brassy breakdowns (“Afterlife”) command the listener to dance like a mother insisting her son show off what he learned in trom-bone lessons to house guests. It might be fun if it didn’t point at itself so explicitly.

The disco direction of Reflektor can’t take all the blame for its shortcomings, though. The songwriting, with lyrics mostly from vocalist Win Butler, lacks the precise and powerful emotional blows that their previous works dealt so gracefully. Fu-neral brought palpable pain to the budding sounds of modern indie rock, documenting a loss of family and a search for peace in mortality. The Suburbs brought the same longing to the pains of displacement and leaving childhood behind. The only longing inspired by Reflektor is for more convincing disco.

“Normal Person” is the worst offender in terms of lyrics. The worn-out sentiment that no one is really normal would feel equally at home on a Hot Topic tee shirt and a Ke$ha song designed to piggyback on the parade of packaged individuality. And for all the cluttered arrangements on Reflektor, “Flashbulb Eyes” packs the most into three minutes. Every quirky sound in the excessive menagerie begs for attention instead of leading the listener to something more substantial.

Buried toward the end of the second disc, though, is “Porno,” a gem that reflects the themes presented in the title track, mourning a failure to communicate. The relative calm and the gentle lyrics let But-ler’s voice remind the listener of the bitter tales Arcade Fire can spin at their best.

With a Grammy award for Album of the Year under their belt, Arcade Fire may be shooting for the crown of the biggest band in the world. Making their music an event, something worth talking about, is a great result of their dreams of the big leagues in the “Reflektor” single. However, the rest of the album is a failed attempt to be deep and cultured enough for critical acclaim while being funky enough to score sum-mer blockbusters, a balance of sensibilities Arcade Fire is not yet equipped to deliver.

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (16)

16 >>> Visit us on tHE WEB @ THEPLANETWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> EVENTS CALENDAR | t H E s o u t H E a s t ' s l a R G E s t

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31Trick or TrickingWHEN: 9 a.m. - 9p.m.WHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library, Main BranchCOST: FreePHONE: 205.345.5820DESCRIPTION: Goodies for the kids; green screen photos for the kids in their costumes from 10:30 – 12.30 and from 5 – 7 p.m.

Intermediate Microsoft WordWHEN: 10:30 - noonWHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library Weaver Bolton BranchCOST: FreeCONTACT: 205.345.5820, ext. 1264 to register.DESCRIPTION: Become familiar with tools to make document creation faster/easier: inserting headers and footers, page numbers, using borders, creat-ing labels and envelopes and learn how to create graphs and charts, along with inserting formulas into spreadsheets.

Toddler TimeWHEN: 10 – 10:30 a.m.WHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library Story CastleCOST: FreeDESCRIPTION: Toddler Time consists of stories, songs, activities and crafts. Ages 24 months to 36 months

FRIDAY, NOvEMBER 1First FridayWHEN: 5 – 9 p.m.WHERE: Cultural Arts Center and Down-town Tuscaloosa Galleries, Businesses and RestaurantsCOST: FreeLINK:

"Charlotte's Web" presented by Tuscaloosa Children's TheatreWHEN: 7 - 8:30 p.m.WHERE: Bama TheatreCOST: Not listedPHONE: 205.758.5195CONTACT: of events.phpDESCRIPTION: Showtimes also on Nov. 2 at 2 and 7 p.m., and Nov. 3, at 2 p.m.

"Little Shop of Horrors"WHEN: 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.WHERE: Bean-Brown TheatreCOST: $22 adults; $18 seniors 60+; $14 students/childrenPHONE: 205.391.2277LINK:

Prentice Chorale and The Rude Mechanicals Present "Shakespeare Spoken & Sung"WHEN: 8 – 9:30 p.m.WHERE: Cultural Arts Center Black Box TheatreCOST: $10 adults; $5 studentsDESCRIPTION: An evening of scenes, monologues and songs taken from a vari-ety of Shakespeare plays.

SATURDAY, NOvEMBER 2 "Little Shop of Horrors"

WHEN: 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.WHERE: Bean-Brown TheatreCOST: $22 adults; $18 seniors 60+; $14 students/childrenPHONE: 205.391.2277LINK:

Prentice Chorale and The Rude Mechanicals Present "Shakespeare Spoken & Sung"WHEN: 8 – 9:30 p.m.WHERE: Cultural Arts Center Black Box TheatreCOST: $10 adults; $5 studentsDESCRIPTION: An evening of scenes, monologues and songs taken from a vari-ety of Shakespeare plays.

SUNDAY, NOvEMBER 3"Little Shop of Horrors"WHEN: 2 p.m.WHERE: Bean-Brown TheatreCOST: $22 adults; $18 seniors 60+; $14 students/childrenPHONE: 205.391.2277LINK:

MONDAY, NOvEMBER 4 Jeff Speck's Walkable City // How Downtown Can Save America One Step at a TimeWHEN: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Cultural Arts Center, Black Box TheatreCOST: FreeLINK: tuscarts.orgDESCRIPTION: Presentation and discus-sion by renowned city planner, Jeff Speck.

Basic Microsoft Word / ExcelWHEN: 9 - 10:30 a.m.WHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library, main library, computer lab.COST: FreeCONTACT: 205.345.5820, ext. 1264DESCRIPTION: Learn the basics about word processing, spreadsheets and using them to compute financial data with a simple formula. Users should have a basic understanding of how to use a computer with a keyboard and a mouse.

TUESDAY, NOvEMBER 5Dance AlabamaWHEN: 7:30 p.m.WHERE: Morgan Auditorium/UA CampusCOST: $18 adults; $15 faculty, staff & seniors; $12 studentsCONTACT: 205.348.3400LINK: Presented University of Alabama department of Theatre & Dance.

Margaret WrinkleWHEN: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. WHERE: UA Gallery, Cultural Arts CenterCOST: FreePHONE: 205.758.5195LINK: of events.phpDESCRIPTION: The Summersell Center for the Study of the South presents artist and novelist Margert Wrinkle who will speak about her novel, "Wash," dealing with slavery. Also an exhibition of her pho-tography that will run through Nov. 15.

Pre-School Story Time

Forget the chocolate and give a furry gift of love this Valentine’s Day! I’m Sally, a short-haired gray female tab-by. I am about one-year-old. My caretakers at the Humane Society of West Alabama say I’m petite for my age and may not get much bigger. I am su-per sweet and very friendly. I have a good amount of youth-ful energy but not so much as a younger kitten. I am friendly with other cats, and should do fine around children. I’ve nev-er met a dog but I might not mind a smaller one. I would love to make a gift for a spe-cial someone this Valentine’s Day! If you are interested in giving me the forever home I want so badly, visit my friends and caretakers at the West Alabama Humane Society at or call them at 205.554.0011.


>>> PET PLANET | t H i s m o n t H ' s p E t s

Vanna is a two year old female Hound/Terrier mix with a gorgeous black and brown smooth brindle smooth coat and an adorable nub tail with a bit of curled hair on the end! Vanna is a good size dog, weighing 40 pounds. She is fun loving and full of energy and excitement! She will be great for an active owner who likes to run, walk or hike. Van-na will require a fenced in yard and probably has too much energy for an apartment unless she gets plenty of exercise. She is very friendly and playful and would be fine with kids 12 and up, though she would not be the best fit for a younger child due to her energy level. Vanna is good with other dogs but does like to be the dominant dog. She has never been around cats. Vanna has started her crate training. She is up to date on her vet care, spayed, heartworm negative and is microchipped. She is on heartworm and flea/tick prevention. If you are interested in giving Vanna the forever home she wants and deserves, visit the West Alabama Humane Society at or call them at 205.554.0011.

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (17)

17>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> EVENTS CALENDAR | t H E s o u t H E a s t ' s l a R G E s t


WHEN: 10 – 10:30 a.m. WHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library, Story CastleCOST: Free (age 3 - 5) CONTACT: 205.391.9989EMAIL: [emailprotected]: Simple stories, songs, activities and crafts.

WEDNESDAY, NOvEMBER 6Dance AlabamaWHEN: 7:30 p.m.WHERE: Morgan Auditorium/UA CampusCOST: $18 adults; $15 faculty, staff & seniors; $12 studentsCONTACT: 205.348.3400LINK: Presented University of Alabama department of Theatre & Dance.

THURSDAY, NOvEMBER 7 Art Night at KentuckWHEN: 5 – 8 p.m.WHERE: Kentuck Art Center's Courtyard of Wonders, Downtown NorthportCOST: FreeCONTACT: 205.758.1257LINK: kentuck.orgDESCRIPTION: An Ode to Warhol.

Dance AlabamaWHEN: 5:30 p.m.WHERE: Morgan Auditorium/UA CampusCOST: $18 adults; $15 faculty, staff & seniors; $12 studentsCONTACT: 205.348.3400LINK: Presented University of Alabama department of Theatre & Dance.

Toddler TimeWHEN: 10 – 10:30 a.m.WHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library Story Castle COST: Free - ages 2 - 3 year-oldsEMAIL: [emailprotected] LINK: Stories, songs, activities and crafts.

FRIDAY, NOvEMBER 8Chuck Leavell & the Randall Bramblett BandWHEN: 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. COST: $47.50 main floor reserved; $35 balcony general admissionWHERE: Bama TheatreCONTACT:

Bama vs. LSU MasqueradeWHEN: 9 p.m. – 2 a.m. (Sat.)WHERE: Cypress Inn loft at 504 Greens-boro Ave.CONTACT: for ticket information

Dance AlabamaWHEN: 7:30 p.m.WHERE: Morgan Auditorium/UA CampusCOST: $18 adults; $15 faculty, staff & seniors; $12 studentsCONTACT: 205.348.3400LINK: Presented University of Alabama department of Theatre & Dance.

Readers' Theater for ChildrenWHEN: 12:30 p.m.WHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library main branch Story CastleCOST: FreeCONTACT: 205.345.5820, ext. 1134EMAIL: [emailprotected]: Fun, interactive story time where children listen to a story, think and ask questions about the story, and then become a part of the story by acting it out with their friends. This activity is also held the first Saturday of each month in the Story Castle at 10:30 a.m.

SATURDAY, NOvEMBER 9MenagerieWHERE: UA Ferguson Center GalleryCOST: Prepaid reservations requiredCONTACT: Exhibition by Claire Siepser

MONDAY, NOvEMBER 11Tuscaloosa Academy Players Present "Alice in Wonderland"WHEN: 7 – 9 p.m.WHERE: Bama TheatreCOST: CallLINK:

TUESDAY, NOvEMBER 12Tuscaloosa Academy Players Present "Alice in Wonderland"WHEN: 7 – 9 p.m.WHERE: Bama TheatreCOST: CallLINK:

Pre-School Story TimeWHEN: 10 – 10:30 a.m. WHERE: Tuscaloosa Library Story CastleCOST: FreeLINK: tuscaloosa-library.orgDESCRIPTION: Ages 3 to 5 years

WEDNESDAY, NOvEMBER 13Homework HelpWHEN: 3 - 5 p.m.WHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library, Weaver-Bolden branchCOST: FreeLINK: tuscaloosa-library.orgDESCRIPTION: One on one homework assistance for students K - 8. Drop in.

THURSDAY, NOvEMBER 14Author Wendy ReedWHEN: 6 p.m.WHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library Rotary RoomCOST: FreeLINK: tuscaloosa-libarary.orgDESCRIPTION: Discusses her book, "An Ac-cidental Memoir".

Introduction to the MacWHEN: 10:30 – noonWHERE: Tuscaloosa Public Library, Weaver-Bolden branchCOST: Free


despite never having set foot in Tuscaloosa, renowned city planner, architectural designer and author, Jeff Speck, believes that T-town just might have the makings of a “walkable city”. Exploring its design using Google Maps, he is especially interested in the interface between the University of Alabama campus and the city itself.

As Director of Design at the Na-tional Endowment for the Arts from 2003 through 2007, Speck oversaw the Mayors' Institute on City Design and created the Governors' Institute on Community Design, a federal pro-gram that assists state governors in creatively combating suburban sprawl. He “advocates for smart growth and sustainable design” in urban areas, emphasizing that walkable cities are healthier, more economically resilient and more environmentally sustainable. Speck describes a walkable city as one where the "walkability score" is high and where walking is safe, con-venient, interesting — a place where dependency upon vehicles to meet the

>>> FUTURE TUSCALOOSA | p. o. fR i t Z


basic needs of citizens is much decreased. With decreased commuting and increased rec-reation and access to services in city centers, the quality of life for the residents goes up.

In a TED talk he gave re-cently, the city planner referred to suburban sprawl as the “worst idea we [America] have ever had”, detailing the nega-tive impact that shift has had on people through increased sedentary lifestyles leading to obesity, breathing difficulties due to auto emissions, and the budget-devastating costs of purchasing gasoline necessary to commute to suburban and rural homes. He also points out that as the baby-boomer generation ages, they will be forced to move further away from urban areas and into contained communities due to a lack of walkability in American cities and a decline in driving skills to get there.

Speck cites Portland, Oregon, as an example of a city that implemented a policy of limited urban sprawl as early as the 1970s, investing instead in protected bicycle lanes and pedestrian walkways. As a result, college-educat-ed millennials have been relocating to that city, and others like it, in increas-ingly greater numbers. He thinks Tuscaloosa has good potential to move in this direction as well.

Larger, more pedestrian-friendly cities such as New York, Chicago and Boston are attractive to people, but expensive, notes Speck. By drawing increased numbers of its citizens to a walkable downtown, Tuscaloosa can become more competitive.

Jeff Speck, an entertaining and thought-provoking speaker, will be sharing his knowledge and ideas, on this subject, from his recent book, Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time, at the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center on Monday, November 4 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (18)

OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 201318 >>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts

Fox Theatre660 Peachtree St NE 404.881.2100


Marathon Music Works 1402 Clinton St615.891.1781

Minglewood Hall1555 Madison Ave901.312.6058

>>> R OA D T R I P D I R E C T O RY Travel the South's best venues. Visit their website for ticket info and more.

Acoustic Café2758 County Hwy 9205.647.3237

Amphitheater at the Wharf23101 Canal Rd251.224.1020

Bridgestone Arena501 Broadway615.770.2000

Centennial Olympic Park265 Park Ave W NW404.223.4412

Moe’s Original BBQ6423 Park Dr251.625.7427

Montgomery Performing Arts Center201 Tallapoosa St334.481.5100

The Nick2514 10th Ave S205.252.3831

Sloss Furnaces20 32nd St N

205.324.1911Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre2200 Encore Pkwy 404.733.5010

Von Braun Center700 Monroe St SW256.551.2345

WorkPlay500 23rd St S205.380.4082

Zydeco2001 15th Ave S205.933.1032

>>> ROAD TRIP | s o u t H E a s t E R n co n c E R t s a n D E V E n t s

August Burns Red, RocketownAlabama, Ryman Auditorium

NEW ORLEANSCocorosie, Tiptina’s

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5ATLANTAAlkaline Trio and New Found Glory, The Buckhead Theater

NASHVILLE Gary Gibson, Nashville PalaceWayne Mills Band, Blue Bar

NEW ORLEANSCoheed and Cambria, The Civic TheaterLupe Fiasco, Tiptina’sWa Wa Band, The Beach on Bourbon St

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6MONTGOMERYDon Williams, Montgomery Performing Arts Center

NEW ORLEANSTwo Door Cinema Club, House of Blues

NASHVILLE Cat Power, 3rd and Lindsley Bar and Grill

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7MONTGOMERYBiscuit Miller and the Mix, Capitol Oyster Bar

NEW ORLEANSTornado Brass Band, Preservation Hall

ATLANTABlack Uhuru, Variety Playhouse

NASHVILLE Fitz and the Tantrums and Capital Cities, Marathon Music Works

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8BIRMINGHAMDon Williams, Alabama TheatreSaving Abel, Iron Horse CaféLarry Mitchell, War Eagle Super ClubVerge of Bliss, Head on the Door

ATLANTAKevin Gates, Masquerade

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1BIRMINGHAMJames Gregory, Comedy Club Stardome

ATLANTAThomas Rhett, Wild Bill’sBig Bad Voodoo Daddy, Georgia Tech

NASHVILLE Blue Oyster Cult, Wildhorse Saloon

NEW ORLEANSSTS9, The Joy TheaterVoodoo Music Experience, New Orleans City Park

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2ATLANTALupe Fiasco, VinylSense Fail, Masquerade

BIRMINGHAM Unknown Hinson, zydecoKing Bee, Gip’s Juke Joint

MONTGOMERYRed Clay Revival, Kenan’s MillAnother Hero, Rock Bottom

NEW ORLEANSVoodoo Music Experience, New Orleans City Park

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3BIRMINGHAMMotion City Soundtrack and Reliant K, WorkPlay Theater

ATLANTAHugh Laurie, Vinyl

NASHVILLE Lupe Fiasco, Nashville War Memorial ColiseumDierks Bentley, Riverfront ParkLovenoise, 12th and Porter

NEW ORLEANSVoodoo Music Experience, New Orleans City ParkTheresa Caputo, Saenger TheaterMario, House of Blues

MONTGOMERYClaire Lynch Band


to HaVE YouR VEnuE anD EVEnts listED HERE plEasE Email [emailprotected] to BE incluDED in tHE nEXt issuE.

Chris Tomlin, The Arena at Gwinnett Center

NEW ORLEANSWashed Out, Republic New Orleans

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9BIRMINGHAMFestival Expressions, zydeco


ATLANTAJourney, Buckhead TheaterSuicide Girls, Masquerade

NASHVILLEThe O’Jays, Schermerhorn Symphony Center

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12NASHVILLEKrewella, Nashville War Memorial AuditoriumKarl Denson’s Tiny Universe, Exit In

ATLANTAThe Head and the Heart, The Buckhead TheaterTori Kelly, The Loft

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13NEW ORLEANSThe Head and the Heart, Tiptina’s

BIRMINGHAMSteve Vai, WorkPlay TheaterThe Story So Far, zydecoVelvet Elvis, The Nick

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14ATLANTAWhiskey Myers, The Local at Sidelines

BIRMINGHAMSinbad, Montgomery Performing Arts Center

NEW ORLEANSJamey Johnson, The Civic Theater

fun. // OCTOBER 22 // ATLANTA








Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (19)





4th & 23rd

1831 // 331-4632

Alcove // 469-9110

Bear Trap // 345-2766

Big Al's // 759-9180

The Booth // 764-0557

Bo's // 759-1331

Buffalo Wild Wings // 523-0273

Capones // 248-0255

Carpe Vino // 366-8444

Catch 22 // 344-9347

Copper Top // 343-6867

Downtown Pub // 750-0008

Gallettes // 758-2010

Gnemis Top Shelf Tavern // 343-0020

Grey Lady // 469-9521

Harry's Bar // 331-4151

Houndstooth // 752-8444

Innisfree // 345-1199

Jackie's Lounge // 758-9179

The Jupiter // 248-6611

The Legacy // 345-4848

Mellow Mushroom // 758-0112

Mikes Place // 764-0185

Mugshots // 391-0572

The Red Shed // 344-4372

Rhythm & Brews // 750-2992

Rooster's Blues House // 334-4507

Rounders // 345-4848

>>> LO C A L B A R S

>>> TUSCALOOSA MUSIC | WHo's plaYinG aRounD toWn

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31Jupiter Bar: CBDB & Looksy, 9 pm, $5Green Bar: Economy Cartel / Dead Balloons / Pen PalsRounders: DJ Boxhead. Halloween party with best costume prizesRhythm & Brews: Halloween party / Mojo Trio

FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 1Rounders: DJ AlchemyGreen Bar: Belle Adair / RTB2 / Daniel MarkhamJupiter Bar: DJ SilenceRhythm & Brews: Rexton Lee // Black Jack Billy

SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 2Rounders: DJ AlchemyGreen Bar: Leaderdog / Beitthemans Rhythm & Brews: Mojo TrioJupiter Bar: DJ Silence

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6Rhythm & Brews: DJ ProtoJRounders: BorlandGreen Bar: Open Mic with Ham BagbyJupiter Bar: Minnesota with Manic Focus

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7Jupiter Bar: Randy Rogers Band with Wade BowenGreen Bar: "Out of the Box" Folk Art ShowRounders: DJ Spinnzz

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Green Bar: DownrightRounders: Sean Rivers, DJ SpinnzzJupiter Bar: The 17th Floor // DJ HoundstoothRhythm & Brews: Velcro Pygmies

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9Rounders: The Devines // Sean Rivers band //Trio // DJ SpinnzzJupiter Bar: DJ Proto J // MellowshipRhythm & Brews: Snazz

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13Rhythm & Brews: DJ ProtoJGreen Bar: Open Mic with Ham Bagby

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14Rounders: Soul Tide // DJ SpinnzzGreen Bar: New Madrid

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15Jupiter Bar: Jamey JohnsonRhythm & Brews: Wes Loper






BAR // N



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20 >>> Visit us on tHE WEB @ THEPLANETWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> THE ARTS | W i l l i a m B a R s H o p

a banjukimer and a three-neck diddley bow aren’t creatures from a Dr. Seuss story — they are instruments played by Tuscaloosa musician One Hand Dan. Daniel Russell, 28, will be playing with other cigar box musicians Nov. 7 at Green Bar in Tuscaloosa.

The Out of the Box art show will fea-ture art with a musical theme, including homemade musical instruments like One Hand Dan’s. The art displays, curated by Neel Alexander of the Maubilans Art Collektive, will be accompanied by music played on the same kind of instruments made from recycled materials.

“We’re all inspired by music,” Alexander said. “That’s one of the reasons we wanted to be at Green Bar, was because we think people who love music will be interested in

different kinds of art. And we think they’ll be in-terested in the sounds these guys can make.”

Green Bar’s event coordinator, David Allen, said he is glad to have folk artists coming in to Green Bar, which promotes mostly musical acts. Allen said he had been working with One Hand Dan and wanted a way to show people the kind of instruments he makes with mundane materials.

“We wanted to show some art to separate from what’s going on around Tuscaloosa and also be appropriate to Green Bar,” Allen said. “This just seemed like the way to bring those worlds together.”

One Hand Dan, a 28 year old Alabama native, said people are always surprised by how easy it is to find all the components of a guitar. He said he’s seen instruments made

of everything from broom handles to Sharpie markers, and some even more bizarre.

“I’ve seen coke bottle guitars, ash tray guitars, everything you can think of,” Dan said. “If I came to your house right now I could probably build a guitar in about ten minutes, and not have it sound that bad. I’ve made one in minutes just being bored at work”

Dan credits the origin of cigar box guitars to Depression-era rural Mississippi, where poor workers would use the metal wire of porch screens as a guitar string and play through the nights. Now the culture has grown to include passionate musicians and “builders” around the world.

“It’s amazing how detailed these things are getting now, but there are also people selling $200 guitars that are absolute crap,” Dan said. “At the same time, though, you can pay $600 for a beautiful piece.”

Dan said while there’s a lot of trickery being pulled by builders who sell guitars for more than they are worth, but at the same time cigar box guitars aren’t always about making a high-quality instrument.

“It’s not really about how good you can play a Bob Dylan song on it,” Dan said. “It’s more about what kind of sound you can get out of it. What can you get to make a note.”

Some instruments are even made of materials with significance to the musi-cian. Dan recalled a friend made an instrument of his grandmother’s kitchen cabinets, door hinges and sewing bobbins after his grandmother passed.

The banjukimer, an original instrument by Dan himself, is a combination of a 4 string banjo scale neck on top, ukulele scale in the middle, and 3 string dulcimer on the bottom. The three-neck diddley bow is a modification of the one-string instrument that gave Bo Diddley his name. The Out of the Box show will also feature a washboard equipped with bells and a harmonica, and a two-string bass.

“The bass is just gorgeous, too.” Dan said. “I had to rush to get it finished. I really wanted it in the show.”

Dan became a part of the Maubilans Art Collektive in March when the group

came together, after moving to Tuscaloosa and busking on University Boulevard with his homemade instruments. Dan said some of the more crude inventions can be rough to play for long periods.

“Playing on the street, my hands will get cut up. I’ll get splinters and I’ll be bleeding,” Dan said. “I used to busk on the strip but the cops were giving me a hard time so I lay low now.”

Alexander, who is also a painter in the art collective, said it was formed to expose artists who aren’t usually shown in galleries.

“We create an atmosphere to view art in a non-gallery setting,” Alexander said. “We tend to do live things around town, bring art to places that you don’t expect it.”

Alexander does live paintings from time to time, and said a lot of the Mau-bilans members like to translate the emotions of music onto a canvas or into a sculpture, and that’s where the idea for the Out of the Box show originated.

“I can speak for myself, when I’m working. I listen to art when I make it,” Alexander said. “The emotions people get across in music can also be portrayed visually, and I think all of us get inspired by that.”

For Maubilans shows, Dan said he always brings his authenticity, and doesn’t let the oddity of his instruments prop up the whole show. He said homemade instruments can be a gimmick for some artists who want to stand out.

“Some of these guys, they’re not in love with the music, they’re in love with playing on a cigar box,” Dan said. “Me, I play the blues because I love it. Although some of us don’t, I’ve always loved some simple country songs.”

While Dan has his opinions about the craft, he said he is confident that anyone could build their own guitar with a little guidance, and it’s not that difficult to learn the basics of how to play.

“People spend ten minutes just fooling around with these instruments,” Dan said. “Before they leave they’re playing halfway of a song. I like to think of it as art but it’s something anyone can do if they want.”

Alexander said he expects the show to be an enjoyable and relaxed night of music and art, and he’s excited to see his fellow artists show their work to Green Bar customers.

The Out of the Box show will start at 8 p.m. at Green Bar, with art for display and sale by Neel Alexander, Jamie Cicatiello, Raquel Duplin, Tyler Key, Kat Snider, and Piper Walder. The music by One Hand Dan and Johnny Nickel will start at 10 p.m.


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21>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> HIGH TIDE | G a R Y H a R R i s


the alabama Football team's mission to win a third consecutive BCS National Championship is now just six wins away. The 45-10 thumping of arch rival Tennessee moved the Crimson Tide to 8-0, and with a number one ranking in the BCS, Alabama needs to win it's remaining four regular sea-son games, the SEC Championship Game and the BCS National Championship Game at the Rose Bowl. It's getting closer but there is still much work to be done. The Good news is, Alabama continues to improve and the team looks better each week.

TIDE OWNS TENNESSEEBama Blows Out vols Again

Alabama's victory over Tennessee was its seventh straight win in the series and the 35 point margin of victory was the largest in the historical rivalry since the Tide posted a 35-0 shutout win over the Vols in 1963. This year's Alabama team matched that 35-0 score in the first half.

"We played especially well in the first half," head coach Nick Saban said. "We want every guy to dominate his space when he plays his position. That's what we want our identity to be. I'm pleased with the way our team has come out and competed in the past four games. You get defined by what you do every week."

Crimson Tide quarterback AJ McCarron threw for 275 yards and two touchdowns and said afterwards he wasn't happy that Tennes-see had refereed to Alabama as "The Red Team" during the week prior to the game.

"I usually don't take trash talk personally, but I did this time. For them to say they're playing 'The Red Team' and not Alabama is disrespectful. Then, they're coach (Butch Jones) said they could play with anybody. We're not just anybody. We're Alabama, and we've got three national championships in the last four years. It feels great to say my class left here never losing to Tennessee in five years. It was a great win."

One player indicated the talk from Knox-ville about "The Red Team" didn't faze him. Junior linebacker Trey DePriest said of the Tennessee chatter, "Sure, we heard about it. It gave a little something (extra) to the game, but we can't worry about things like that."

At the end of the day, Alabama is all

about taking care of business and the Tide did exactly that against Tenneessee

NEXT UP IS LSUTide And Tigers Will

Tussle In T'townAlabama can now turn it's attention to the

November 9 matchup against the LSU Tigers. Both teams have a bye week to get ready for the showdown which usually decides the SEC West Division Championship. This year, the Tigers will come into the game with two losses but they still will provide a formidable challenge to top ranked Alabama. LSU is one of the few teams that can match up with the Tide from a size and speed standpoint. As is the case almost every season, the game will probably not be decided until the final few minutes of the fourth quarter.

RECRUITING UPDATEHand Recaps Alabama visit

The spotlight was on Da'Shawn Hand this past weekend in Tuscaloosa. The Wood-bridge, VA standout defensive end/line-backer was in town making his official visit to Alabama. Hand, who has narrowed his list to Alabama, Florida and Michigan, made the trip with his father.

"It was a great visit," says Hand, who

measured 6-4, 256 at UA. "Really all I can say about it is that it was great. I flew down there Saturday morning with my dad. It was really a great experience overall.

"The game was a great atmosphere. Great enthusiasm and energy there. The people are great. People were passionate. The fans, the coaches, the players, everybody around, they were all great. I enjoyed taking it all in at the game. The crowd was pretty awe-some. Not much else I can say about all of that. I thought the team played well."

For Hand, the visit was more than about football. During a visit to Michigan this past summer, Hand was blown away by the sports management program offered in Ann Arbor. In Tuscaloosa this weekend, his focus was on learn-ing more about Alabama's engineering program.

"I spent most of my time on the visit to Alabama focusing on the academic side of things," Hand says. "I spent most of the day on Sunday with the academic people. If I were to go to Alabama, I'd major in engineer-ing. If I went to Michigan, I'd major in sports management. If I went to Florida I might major in something else. I just have to decide what I really want to major in. But at Alabama I spent my time with the engineering people. Dean Carr from the engineering department spent a lot of time with me. He's an awe-

some guy. I really enjoyed him. I have a great relationship with him."

"While I was taking the academic tour, I got to experience an earthquake simulator they have," Hand says. "Man, that is an awe-some thing. They actually have two of them at Alabama. If you haven't experienced it, you need to. That was really awesome. That was the highlight of the whole visit for me.

"The overall academic presentation was great. It covered everything I wanted and needed to know."

Hand also spent time learning more about the Alabama football program from current players. He spoke with some of them about what it's like to be a player at Alabama.

"I spent most of the time with OJ Howard, " Hand says. "I spent a little time with Reuben Foster, too. The players are real cool. Every-thing went well there."

Hand says that his meeting with Coach Saban also went well. "Basically, Coach Saban just went over facts," Hand says. "He just talked about the facts of the pro-gram. That's really all it was about. I got to hang out at his home a little bit. That was great. I felt comfortable with everything."

Hand's next visit will be to Florida on November 9. He'll announce his decision on November 14.

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (22)

OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 201322 >>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts

>>> K I N D N E S S | R Y a n p H i l l i p s


jerry pike ran a finger across a wide expanse of property on a map in his office and with a smile said, “We are so excited to get moved over there.” As he gazed over the map, he pointed to each indi-vidual structure and explained its intended purposes.

Pike, along with his wife Sandra, own Eagles’ Wings Inc., a Northport-based or-ganization that provides a hybrid care and work atmosphere for adults with special needs. Since September 2008, they have facilitated work programs aimed at giving individuals a sense of independence and monetary compensation for their work while also providing on-site medical care.

According to Jerry Pike, Eagles’ Wings has grown in popularity, leaving many still waiting for a place in the program. This led to their current expansion project on 96 acres in Coker, Ala.

“We have around 20 people on the waitlist currently and when those individu-als do not have an outlet for independence, they are more likely to stay at home and regress,” he said. “This growth really led to our move into a new facility that will be able to support around 40 adults with special needs. The new facility will include houses, a recreation center, a stable for horse riding therapy, a walking track—basically it will function as a community for these individuals.”

Government support has also been given that will help fund other therapy proj-ects. Jerry Pike then said through these funds, the groundwork has already been laid for gardening therapy.

“We recently got a grant from the De-

partment of Agriculture, so we just built two new green houses on the new property,” he said. “If things go like we hope, we want to build seven more green houses in the future. It’s located in Coker, and we want to hopefully start building homes next year. This will give the individuals a place to live and basically will function as a community for adults with special needs.”

Jerry Pike also pointed out that while the local school systems do cater to stu-dents with specials needs, there are still regulations in place that restrict participa-tion based on age. After directly learning about the lack of adult special-need care in Tuscaloosa, Pike set out to provide a socially stimulating atmosphere where indi-viduals over 21 could go during the day.

“My wife and I have a son that is special needs”, he said. “He is also medically frag-ile and has a permanent feeding tube. He has a rare syndrome called Marshall-Smith syndrome that affects him mentally and physically. The way all the individuals we have here are, they can go in the school system until they are 21 years old, then they are out of the school system and have to sit at home or another facility like ours. The problem is that there isn’t that many facilities like us in Tuscaloosa, and what few we do have here are backed up with waitlists. In our case, even if these facilities that were out here had an opening, they would not take our son, because they were not set up to take medical fragile individu-als who have to have a nurse with them at all times.”

After their son aged out of school, the Pikes began to think about the future, which led them to found Eagles’ Wings.

“After he turned 21, he sat at home for two years basically regressing so me and my wife wanted to do something about it,” he said. “We were also concerned with what he was going to do after we are gone so we wanted to make sure he had a safe, Christian environment and a gated com-munity.”

The name “Eagles’ Wings’” was de-cided upon by Jerry and Sandra after their

frustration over a title led to biblical inspira-tion. When they found the right verse, it just seemed to click.

“Sandra and I had a hard time think-ing of a name and had been wracking our brains,” he said. “Then she opened the Bible and turned to Isaiah 40:31 where it says ‘But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.’ It fit perfectly with what we are trying to do here, so we knew that would be our name. It gives me chills right now thinking about it.”

Co-owner Sandra Pike, affectionately called “Mama Sandra” by the individuals she cares for, said Eagles’ Wings has had an impact on her from day one.

“Opening day was very memorable,” she said. “We had five individuals to walk in, and they were all so excited to have somewhere to attend. That number quickly changed from five to 15. We knew there was such a need in Tuscaloosa for something like this and once we opened the door, it was like ‘if you build it they will come.’ Right now we have 20 individuals

that we serve, and we probably have 25 or 30 on our waiting list.”

A key component of Eagles’ Wings operation is getting the special needs indi-viduals involved with the community.

Lorrie Spencer, who leads devotion and is the floor supervisor for Eagles’ Wings, said this is made possible by supportive partner-ships with major institutions in the area.

“We want to get them out into the com-munity by teaching them job skills catered to their abilities,” she said. “They shred documents for law offices, crush cans for recycling and various other jobs tailored to the individual. They get paid adjusted minimum wage, and they love getting that paycheck. It is always nice to see them light up on payday.”

In addition to work therapy, Eagles’ Wings also offers other forms of therapy aimed at fostering a sense of belonging in the community. According to Spencer, those in the area also contribute and can benefit from this outreach.

“Art and singing therapy are something we enjoy with the individuals we have here,” she said. “There are times where we will take them to nursing homes to sing, and the people there really enjoy it. We also have someone come in and do art therapy, which has proven successful. Several of their works have gone to charity auctions and been purchased by people in the community.”

Sandra Pike was especially proud of

the Eagles’ Wings choir, which is booked for performances at churches and nursing homes through January of next year.

“We go around to different churches and nursing homes to sing, and it truly is special,” she said. “When we go to the places and our individuals get up and start singing, there is not hardly a dry eye in the house. These individuals sing from their heart, and when you hear them doing that and praising God, it just blesses your heart. We are booked all the way through January and if anyone wants us to come to their church and sing, just give us a call.”

In setting themselves apart from other facilities, Jerry Pike stressed the impor-tance of on-site care.

“There are a few across the country doing what we are doing but not many,” he said. “What sets us apart is having on-site care for medically fragile individuals like our son.”

Cherri Edge, an on-duty registered nurse, has enjoyed watching the individu-als grow and has gain a special attachment to the people for whom she cares.

“I have been here a total of three months, and my experience has already been wonderful,” she said. “Once you come here you get such an experience. I have never worked with a population like this until a few months ago, but I am already so close to all of them. It is great to watch them grow. Watching them at their utmost ability and whatever is wrong does not inhibit that. “

Edge also cited the importance of the therapy done with the special-needs individuals.

“We do arts and crafts, exercise, objectives and music,” she said. “With the objectives, we encourage them in relation to their abilities to do jobs. They do things like shred documents and weigh things. We have it to where they come in and clock in like it is a job.”

According to Jerry Pike, there has been no lack of support from many around the state, which lends hope to the future of care for adults with special needs.

“We have had so much support from around Tuscaloosa, such as Alabama Power, Mercedes, Jim Walter Resources, local delegations and the University of Alabama,” he said. “Governor Bentley has also been supportive and when I saw him a couple of weeks ago in Montgomery, he said ‘I still want to come to the grand open-ing of your new facility and will find a way to work it into my schedule’.”

Jerry Pike

Lorrie Spencer

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (23)


a woman, perhaps your mother, could visit you this week. she may not be in a great mood, so perhaps you'd better take her out in public where she'll have to maintain some self-control. if not, you could set yourself up for a scolding over something that seems inconsequential. Defuse the situation by encouraging her to talk about what's really bothering her. it's probably not you.

traffic in your neighborhood could be congested beyond anything you've seen before. perhaps an accident or road construction is blocking the street. it may be nearly impossible to get anywhere by car, even the grocery store. if you must go out, either walk or ride a bike or it might take an hour to do what would normally take a few minutes. Better yet - stay home!

You're apt to feel rather tense this week and blame it on boredom and discontent with your current life. You could spend much of the morning daydreaming, formulating outrageous plans to escape what you see as a rut. While doing this you might discover an idea that's not only appealing but also workable. consider it carefully over the next few days. You might want to go for it!

Do you feel like you're about to explode? tension may have built up through the week and now there may be no outlet for it. if you aren't careful, you might take it out on those closest to you. Go for a workout or clean the house. Engage in any kind of physical activity and get the endorphins going so you can feel good again. life's too short to waste on being stressed and upset.

Dark dreams may haunt your sleep and cause you to awaken in the night. the dreams probably represent nothing more than your unconscious mind releasing the darkest of your worries, fears, and frustrations that you've been going through over the past week. a closer study of what the symbols mean to you could be enlightening. Write them down!

over the past few years you've been aware that both you and your chosen life path are changing. this hasn't always been easy for you, because it sometimes means saying goodbye to parts of yourself that you're rather fond of. today the tension of the past week may get to you. Defuse the tension. Go for a workout, shop, or clean the house. Keep the emotions in check.

Have you resolved to give your house a thorough cleaning? You may have gone to the store and bought every conceivable type of cleaner. You're determined not to quit until the house is spotless. use natural cleaners if possible. chemical substances could seem especially harsh today. second, don't try to do it all now. take care of the worst and then leave the rest for tomorrow.

are you planning to hear a sermon, lecture, or speech of some kind this week? Don't be surprised if what the speaker says turns out to be more hot air than useful information. He or she is probably more interested in venting feelings than presenting the facts. opinions can be valuable, too, so listen. take it all with a grain of salt until you've checked out the facts.

You're romantic by nature, but this week you're probably more interested in sensuality than roses and champagne. Even the idea of inviting seduction seems too insipid right now. You're more inclined to action. this is oK your lover is in the same frame of mind. use your intuition to judge. if not, you might have to go for the champagne and roses after all.

>>> HOROSCOPES | W E E K l Y o V E R V i E W

Was there a task you wanted to have completed by now that was delayed for reasons beyond your control? Don't obsess over it. it isn't your fault, and there's nothing you can do about it. find something else to do so that thoughts of this chore don't creep in. Better yet, go out with a friend. if the universe had meant for that task to be completed, it would have been!

Your partner may be worried because a family member is ill. this could cause your friend to be distracted. if this is a love partner, offer sympathy, but don't expect any gratitude now. if this is a business partner, you may have to take on a heavier workload over the next week. the family member will recover, but your partner won't be much good to anyone until then.

It's easy to play Sudoku! simply fill every column, row and 3x3 box so they contain every number between 1 and 9. the game is easy to play but difficult to master! solution page 27

if you're in the mood for love, remember to be sensitive to your partner's needs and give lots of love in return. Don't forget that the old standbys of champagne and chocolate still work! or a warm bubble bath - that's sure to relieve any tension.

>>> PUzzLEMANIA | s u D o K u


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24 >>> Visit us on tHE WEB @ THEPLANETWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013

>>> PUzzLEMANIA | c R o s s W o R D p u Z Z l E


Across1. Noted James Earl Jones stage role5. Like a cold fish10. Adam's second14. Arctic abode15. "She ___ Yellow Ribbon"16. Mount from which Moses viewed the Promised Land17. Test-taker's tool19. "Star Trek: TNG" counselor Deanna20. Thumb ___: hitchhike21. Post-danger signal23. Sufficient, old style26. Architectural wing27. Mississippi River boat32. Ending for ball or bass33. Long time periods34. Misleading maneuver38. Savings plans: Abbr.40. Drench42. 602, Roman-style43. Cleaner/disinfectant brand45. "The Devil Wears ___"47. Yore48. Relaxed51. Hedy of 'Samson and Delilah'54. Belgrade citizen55. Very brave58. Pluperfect, e.g.62. Actress Kate of "Atlantic City"63. "White Christmas" setting, 194266. " ___ two!" (Welk intro)67. O'Connor's Supreme Court replacement68. Extra things in the env.69. Tarry70. Actor J. Carrol ___71. European freshwater fishDown1. Feminine name2. "Rome of Hungary"3. Jai____4. Glider section

5. Stupefaction6. Pitcher Warneke of the '30s and '40s Cubs and Cardinals7. Seal hunter8. Trompe l' __ (visual deception)9. Bit of finery10. Like the male moose11. Artist's headgear12. WW II German torpedo craft13. The longest river in France18. Quaker State: Abbr.22. First symbol on a musical staff24. Is indebted25. "Uh-oh"27. Flower pot filler28. Broadway award29. Onetime Spanish queen and namesakes30. Make used (to)31. Emerson products35. Decorates a cake36. 4,160-mile river37. Orderly39. Time interval from one midnight to the following midnight41. Inch44. Tribal stories and such46. Major blood carrier49. Annie was one50. Followed the leader51. Italian coins replaced by euros52. In regard to53. Highest peak in Crete: Abbr.56. City in Kansas57. Mid-sixth century date59. Historic ship.60. Rights org. estab. 196061. First word in Mass. motto64. "___ in his kiss" (1964 pop lyric)65. Homer Simpson's outburst

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25>>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 2013


Flo Rida

Robert Randolph & The Family Band

Q: Simone,I’m a thirty-year-old engineer who

has experienced a career setback. For now, that’s how it feels, and it’s blown my confidence and trust in myself. I’m strug-gling to regain a foothold; in other words, I’m floundering and a bit depressed. In college, I changed my major a number of times until I finally landed in mechani-cal engineering, and it has felt right ever since. I’ve always been creative and inventive and am good at what I do. Right after college, I got a local engineering job, which I liked. I stayed there a year before I took a job opportunity in Dubai (I love travel) and had a great time in terms of my work, my income and my no-doubt-too-of-ten partying (and the tabs I accrued). And I still managed to stash a chunk of cash in my savings, a habit I acquired early in life.

The job in Dubai ended as the build-ing surge slowed. When I got back to the states, I didn’t find work in my field for many months, and that put a scare in me. As I said, I had a reserve, and I generated multiple sources of income: I started a dog-walking business, got a part-time job, and bought low and sold high musical instru-ments, motorcycles, etc. I’m resourceful.

Finally, I landed an engineering job again. I was relieved, but didn’t it enjoy nearly as much as my first two jobs. The firm was small, the employees (most of whom were related) were conservative, and I’m fairly liberal. It just wasn’t a good fit; I dreaded going in most days. And I learned that I’m not really as much of a nine-to-five kind of guy as I imagined, but I think I was still quite competent at my work.

Then I got sacked; I was stunned. Still am. Some small voice in my head says: It’s okay. You’ll land on your feet; it wasn’t a good fit. But a slightly louder voice is yelling: Failure! Now what are you going to do? (Sigh)

I’m single and planning to stay that way for now. Although I have a steady girlfriend, I’m only responsible for me. But I have been saving to buy my first house, so this is a set-back on a number of fronts. To be honest I’m feeling embarrassed, confused, kind of lost, and I need some objective input.

Signed, “Sacked”

A: Dear “Sacked”,To quote you: “It wasn’t a good fit.”

Getting fired from a job feels so major to the employee, and sometimes, depend-ing on the grounds, it is. But in private, non-civil-service jobs, it can occur for little more reason than the whim of the

>>> ADVICE | J u s t a s K

employer. You describe yourself as re-sourceful, and the examples you provide seem to prove this is an understatement. I feel more than confident in telling you that I believe you will land on your feet in employment much more suited to your temperament and talents. And kudos to for your saving savvy, which resulted in the safety net in these unexpected times of need.

Regarding your observation that you may not be a perfect fit for the nine-to-five formula, I would say: observe it, acknowl-edge it and be patient. The day and opportunity will arrive when you will know how to create a more perfect fit. You are, no doubt, an amazing guy with a fortuitous future. I salute your destiny!

Signed, Simone

Q: Simone,I hope the subject I want to discuss

doesn’t make me seem superficial: It’s money, or rather the way my boyfriend handles money. We live together and split most costs, so I wouldn’t be sticking my nose into his financial affairs, except that we’re getting more serious and he’s start-ing to drop hints about marriage. I love him a lot; he’s a great guy, but I’m worried about his attitude toward money.

I was raised to be financially respon-sible from an early age. My older brother, younger sister and I were given an allow-ance since we were young and required to save ten percent each week. If we had done this, at the end of each month, my father matched the amount we’d saved. At age eighteen, each of us was allowed to do as we chose with our respective accumulated funds. Seven years later, I’m still adding to mine. My boyfriend, on the other hand, spends his money almost as fast as he earns it. His attitude is easy come, easy go. And to a point, I actually like this; he just takes it too far, in my opin-ion. He can be down to a few hundred and blow one hundred on a lavish meal out. He often picks up the tabs for others, and again, while I value his generosity, something seems off about it, kind of reck-less. That worries me. Am I being silly?

Signed, “Fiscal fog”

A: Dear “Fiscal...”,On the objective, purely physical level, money is a commodity that is assigned an agreed-upon value which can then be exchanged for goods and services. In the reality of our human cultures, the role of money has evolved into something much greater than that, representing and reflect-ing beliefs and related emotions of people — collectively and individually.Of course, some people center their lives around the acquisition of pecuni-ary resources such as may wield great power and allow lavish lifestyles. At the other end of the money-management and lifestyle continuum are those that reject it almost completely. The rest of us fall somewhere in between.Attitudes and behaviors toward money

SIMONE says...

reflect varied personality patterns and feelings: greed, guilt, selfishness or gener-osity, fear, defiance, responsibility versus irresponsibility, self-worth and self-sab-otage, and so on. So I don’t think you’re silly, but are instead wise to question and address your potential fiancé’s financial patterns before you combine resources and commit to a future together.

I’ve long thought that basic money man-agement courses should be taught as a part of our general education. There are good money management courses available to adults for a fee. And there are books which address money issues from all angles, including addiction to the highs and lows of acquiring and squandering vast sums.

If you’re boyfriend is growing serious about a long-term future with you, most likely he will be open to honest communi-cation about your combined approach to financing that future. A toast to your joint wisdom and prosperity!

Signed, Simone

Q: Simone, I’m a twenty-eight-year-old woman who finds it difficult to socialize and make friends easily. This has always been a bit of an issue for me but less of a challenge when I was a girl in school and belonged to a small circle of odd-ball friends who had grown up together. College was a little more difficult, but, again, I found a couple of girls in my dorm the first year who were as nerdy (wink) as me and I felt okay. Now, however, I’ve graduated and be-gun my career in urban planning in a mid-size town ten hours away from my parents and my home town. Suddenly my social awkwardness is a bigger problem. And the more I see others having a social life, the more I compare and critique myself, feeling even less confident. I feel like I’m digging a mental hole and I need a ladder out.

Signed, “Nerd in need”A: Dear “N.I.N.,”

You didn’t say, but I hope you are enjoying your job. I’m glad that you are able to stand back and observe that you are engaging in critical self-talk, negatively critiquing and comparing yourself to others. So, step one is to stop doing that. Accept yourself as you are and begin there. You didn’t say what you do socially. Is church an activity in your life? Do you have hobbies? What are your interests? How do you pursue them? Begin where you are by embracing your nature: make a list of ten things you like and value about yourself. This is to get your thinking back in order. Don’t put it off. Then determine what kind of activi-ties appeal to you. If social gregariousness is not your cup of tea, try connecting with like-minded others through your interests. Join a club or a group or find a hobby that allows you to connect with others around your shared in-terests. Develop a sense of humor about your perceived shortcomings. We all have a niche. Find and celebrate yours. And congratulations on landing a job in urban planning. Sounds super interesting.

Signed, Simone

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (26)

OCTOBER 31 + NOVEMBER 14 201326 >>> PLANETWEEKLY • tuscaloosa's souRcE foR EntERtainmEnt, music, spoRts & tHE aRts

I’m meandering the ever-changing aisles of a dollar store after work, trolling for Hal-loween candy with which to bribe any would-be evildoers who appear on our porch on The Night.

Since we live in Norman Bates’ mother’s house, a beautiful 1906 carpenter gothic dwell-ing that fits us like an old shoe, I am constantly aware that we may or may not see trick-or-treaters this year.

Some years, the ‘hood is too bereft of children and too daunting to parents who are afraid to drive down a street that sports, among other things, a permanent giant Smiley Face placed there by the Lost Boys, many years ago.

Then, other years, parents are brave and adventuresome and bring their kids to see what’s what, in a community that just might nourish ghosts and ideas about ghosts.

This makes my task easy. Just in case nobody rings the bell this year, I stock up on goodies that Liz and I won’t mind having around—stuff we ourselves like. I pick up a bag of candy corn, but it tastes of Clorox and a bit of staleness, so I’ll have to find another brand in another place on another day.

I get Reese’s Cups for Liz so that I can always tell from her peanut butter breath when she’s been into the stash.

I buy a dark chocolate bar for Liz, because she LOVES that stuff. I pick up some small candy bars mixed together in a variety pack and try not to eat all the Mounds Bars on the way home.

By Halloween, we’ll be all set for the kids. I’m dressed as a weird-looking bearded gee-zer, just to play along—it’s a come-as-you-are Halloween event.

Liz dresses like the smiling and sweet and always-interested-in-kids person she is—she’s ready to play all year long.

Will the Munchkins come and will we see our fair share of Star Wars characters and princesses and zombie dudes and Bat Man midgets, or will we be sick to our stomachs by Thursday, having eaten all that candy ourselves?

Stay tuned


>>> RED CLAY DIARY | J i m R E E D


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Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (27)




>>> THE ARTS | s t a f f R E p o R t


Widespread Panic


prentice concert chorale, under the direction of Leslie Poss, featuring The Rude Mechanicals, directed by Steve Burch and Mark Hughes Cobb, present “Shakespeare Spoken & Sung.” Performances are scheduled on November 1st and 2nd at 8:00 PM in the new Black Box Theatre in the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center, located on the corner of Greensboro Avenue and Seventh Street, downtown Tuscaloosa. General admission tickets, $10 for adults and $5 for students, will be available at the door.

Music played an important part in Shakespeare’s work; his words not only filled doz-ens of sonnets and narrative poems, but also appeared in songs sprinkled throughout his plays. The Rude Mechanicals’ selections for “Shakespeare Spoken & Sung” include scenes and soliloquies from a variety of plays including: “A Midsummer’s Night Dream,” “As You Like It,” “Hamlet,” “Much Ado About Nothing,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “The Taming of the Shrew,” and “Twelfth Night.” Interspersed among the theatrical excerpts will be choral, ensemble, and solo settings of Shakespeare’s song texts from many of these plays, and from “Measure for Measure” and “The Tempest.” Additional music is also included from “Kiss Me Kate” and “Westside Story,” modern musical theatre adaptations of “The Taming of the Shrew” and “Romeo and Juliet.”

Scene selection was influenced either by the role of music and how it played an impor-tant – and sometimes direct – influence on the characters or the scene’s ability to stand alone outside the larger work. Musical settings of Shakespeare’s texts were selected to provide either a direct connection to a specific play or to provide musical commentary to a scene’s general theme. Certainly, the quality of Shakespeare’s spoken and sung words is without debate. The composers, too, who set his words to music, are superior: Emma Lou Diemer, Thomas Morley, Cole Porter, John Rutter, and Leonard Bernstein.

William Shakespeare's influence exceeds that of many historical figures. Four hun-dred years after his death, contemporary writers, actors and filmmakers continue to find inspiration in his work. Filled with quotable quotes and commonly used words and phrases that he originated, his plays touch on timeless themes of love and friendship and incorporate characters that are real and recognizable. “Shakespeare Spoken and Sung” provides an accessible portal into Shakespeare’s view of human behavior, the comedy and tragedy of life observed through carefully chosen scenes and songs, and eliminates the fear and frustration frequently associated with watching an entire Shakespearian play.

The Rude Mechanicals just completed their eleventh season of highly successful outdoor summer performances of Shakespeare in the Park. Affectionately referred to as “Shakespeare Camp,” the Rude Mechanicals is comprised of University of Alabama students and community theatre artists. Co-founder and musical director, Mark Hughes Cobb composes original music for each production and works with Steve Burch to co-produce The Rude Mechanicals, and Deborah Parker serves as company manager. Taken from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” The Rude Mechanicals refers to Quince and his six artisans, referred to as “Rude Mechanicals” by Puck, who must put on a show in order to please the Duke.

Prentice Concert Chorale is an auditioned choir of professional and amateur singers joining to perform major works of choral literature, original compositions by local com-posers (including commissioned pieces), and high quality choral music of all genres, from classics to pop. Founded in 1970 as Tuscaloosa Community Singers, Prentice Concert Chorale has been and is actively engaged in the local Tuscaloosa and West Alabama communities. Beyond its Tuscaloosa home, Prentice Chorale has recently performed in Demopolis and this past season presented free concerts in Greensboro and Brent. Prentice Chorale’s most recent events include invited performances at the 2013 Alabama Choral Director’s Summer Celebration Workshop and at the gala open-ing of the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center.

Snoop Lion



TOP 10 REASONS TO ADOPT AN OLDER DOG1. What You See Is What You Get Older dogs are open books—from the start, you’ll know important things like their full-grown size, personality and grooming requirements. All this information makes it easier to pick the right dog and forge that instant love connection that will last a lifetime. If you’re not so into surprises, an older dog is for you!

2. Easy to Train Think you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Hogwash! Older dogs are great at focusing on you—and on the task at hand—because they’re calmer than youngsters. Plus, all those years of experience reading humans can help them quickly figure out how to do what you’re asking.

3. Seniors are Super-Loving One of the cool parts of our job is reading stories from people just like you who have opted to adopt. The emails we get from pet parents with senior dogs seem to all con-tain beautiful, heartfelt descriptions of the love these dogs give you—and those of you who adopted dogs already in their golden years told us how devoted and grateful they are. It's an instant bond that cannot be topped!

4. They’re Not a 24-7 Job Grownup dogs don’t require the constant monitoring puppies do, leaving you with more freedom to do your own thing. If you have young children, or just value your “me time,” this is definitely a bonus.

5. They Settle in Quickly Older dogs have been around the block and already learned what it takes to get along with others and become part of a pack. They’ll be part of the family in no time!

6. Fewer Messes Your floors, shoes and furniture will thank you for adopting a senior pooch! Older dogs are likely to already be housetrained—and even if they’re not, they have the physical and mental abilities to pick it up really fast (unlike puppies). With their teething years far behind them, seniors also are much less likely to be destructive chewers.

7. You Won’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew There are those who yearn for a doggie friend of their own, but hold back because they worry what might happen in their lives in the years to come. And they are wise to do so—a puppy or young dog can be anywhere from an 8- to 20-year responsibil-ity, which is not appropriate for the very elderly or those with certain long-term future plans. Providing a loving home for a dog in her golden years is not a less serious commitment, but it can be a shorter one.

8. They Enjoy Easy Livin’ Couch potato, know thyself! Please consider a canine retiree rather than a high-energy young dog that will run you ragged. Not that older dogs don’t require any exercise—they do—but they’re not going to need, or want, to run a marathon every day.

9. Save a Life, Be a Hero At shelters, older dogs are often the last to be adopted and the first to be euthanized. Saving an animal’s life offers an unparalleled emotional return on your investment, and you’ll feel the rewards every day you spend together.

10. They’re CUTE! Need we say more?

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (28)

Planet Weekly 445 - [PDF Document] (2025)


How do we get our skin color biointeractive answers? ›

A person's skin color is determined primarily by the proportion of eumelanin to pheomelanin, the overall amount of melanin produced, and the number and size of melanosomes and how they are distributed.

What was the first skin color of humans? ›

From the origin of hairlessness and exposure to UV-radiation to less than 100,000 years ago, archaic humans, including archaic Homo sapiens, were dark-skinned.

What is selective pressure for lighter skin color? ›

6. Indigenous populations in low-UV environments tend to have lighter skin tones. One hypothesis is that, in low-UV environments, the selective pressure for dark skin is low. Instead, there is selective pressure for lighter skin, which absorbs more UV radiation, since UV is needed for vitamin D production.

What evidence supports the vitamin D hypothesis for the evolution of lighter skin tones? ›

How do these data support the hypothesis that the evolution of lighter skin colors was driven by selection for vitamin D production? Light-skinned individuals are better able to synthesize sufficient vitamin D, especially at higher latitudes. That means that light skin increases fitness away from the equator.

Which foods increase melanin? ›

Foods that may increase melanin in hair include antioxidant-rich foods like berries, nuts, beans, citrus fruits, and leafy greens. Eating foods high in copper, such as crab meat, almonds, lentils, peanuts, and beef liver, may also support melanin production in hair.

What vitamins increase melanin? ›

Vitamin A. Studies suggest vitamin A is important to melanin production and is essential to having healthy skin. You get vitamin A from the food you eat, especially vegetables that contain beta carotene, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and peas.

Were Adam and Eve black? ›

The Bible does not start off with the creation of a special or privileged race of people. When the first human being is created he is simply called adam, which is Hebrew for “humankind.” Adam and Eve are not Hebrews or Egyptians; they are neither White nor Black nor even Semitic.

What is the rarest skin color? ›

People with a rare condition called methemoglobinemia have actual blue skin. The Blue Fugates of Kentucky are the only known family carrying this trait. Tan skin complexion with blue eyes is rare combination. Rarest Hair and skin color is: Red head, Tan complexion and blue eyes.

When did humans turn white? ›

Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes.

What are the disadvantages of dark skin? ›

Nature selects for less melanin when ultraviolet radiation is weak. In such an environment, very dark skin is a disadvantage because it can prevent people from producing enough vitamin D, potentially resulting in rickets disease in children and osteoporosis in adults.

What are the advantages of dark skin? ›

Dark-pigmented people living in high sunlight environments are at an advantage due to the high amounts of melanin produced in their skin. The dark pigmentation protects from DNA damage and absorbs the right amounts of UV radiation needed by the body, as well as protects against folate depletion.

What skin conditions make you lighter? ›

Vitiligo occurs when pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) die or stop producing melanin — the pigment that gives your skin, hair and eyes color. The involved patches of skin become lighter or white. It's unclear exactly what causes these pigment cells to fail or die.

Do dark skinned people have more vitamin D? ›

As mentioned earlier, people with dark skin have a higher risk of developing vitamin D deficiency due to their increased melanin content. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), individuals with darker skin are more likely to have lower Vitamin D levels than those with lighter skin.

What produces melanin in the body? ›

Melanin is produced in melanocytes. These cells are located in different areas of your body, including: Your hair.

Does folate affect skin color? ›

Essentially, there is an adaptation that causes a lighter skin color and an adaptation that creates a darker skin color than the default (17, 18). The darker adaptation seems to come from a need for folate.

How do we get our skin color? ›

Skin color is determined by the type of melanin produced, the amount of melanin, and how many melanosomes (which are organelles, not skin cells) are distributed to skin cells.

How do we get our natural skin color? ›

Melanocytes make these little things called melanosomes. These are little melanin producing factories that get transferred from the melanocyte to surrounding keratinocytes. There, the melanin provides protection from UV radiation and determines the color of our skin.

How is human skin Colour determined? ›

Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes in the skin and is the primary determinant of skin color in people with darker skin. Indeed, >150 genes have now been identified as having a direct or indirect effect on skin color.

How do you get skin tone color? ›

Mixing Skin tones

Here is one way to mix skin tones using a limited palette: Begin by mixing together equal parts of cadmium red, yellow ochre, and titanium white to create a basic peach tone. Adjust the color by adding more red to create warmer skin tones, or more yellow to create cooler skin tones.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.