Woolworth Building Historical Marker (2025)


Tribeca inManhattan in New York County, New York — TheAmericanNortheast (Mid-Atlantic)



233 Broadway, Cass Gilbert, Architect, 1910-1913

Exploring Downtown

Photographed by Richard E. Miller, November 1, 2008

1. Woolworth Building Marker

One of America's earliest and greatest romantic skyscrapers, rising 60 stories above City Hall Park, the Woolworth Building held the coveted title of world's tallest building until losing it to the Chrysler Building in 1929. The Gothic inspired, terra-cotta clad skyscraper was built--and paid for in cash--by the inventor of that great American institution, the five-and-ten-cent store. When asked why he did it, Frank Woolworth said he wanted the building to advertise his stores--though there's also a story about competition with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, which refused Woolworth a mortgage and then watched its own famous tower become the world's second tallest building.

Wander in to what was once called the "Cathedral of Commerce" and you will find yourself in a vaulted arcade resplendent in marble walls, bronze Gothic filigree, and golden mosaics. Mimicking the nave and transept plan of church architecture, Woolworth's lobby rises to a gleaming mosaic ceiling. Voluptuous Gothic detail ranges from elaborately finished mailboxes to austere altar pieces of Labor and Commerce on the mezzanines. Sculpted caricatures by Tom Johnson show architect Cass Gilbert holding a model of the building, Woolworth paying for the building with his nickels and dimes, the builder, the steam engineer, and even Edward

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J. Hogan, the rental agent--but only because he protested in a letter to Gilbert that he was being left out.

[Photo captions:]"What shall I say of a city that builds the most beautiful cathedral in the world and calls it an office building?" - British Prime Minister Arthur Balfour.

Gargoyles of F. W. Woolworth (top) and Cass Gilbert (bottom).

(Above) Set further back in the lobby is the Marble Hall, whose grand staircase rises to the former entrance of the Irving Trust Company. Secular rather than ecclesiastical in flavor, reminiscent of a flat-roofed medieval guild hall, it rises to a sumptuous glass ceiling inscribed with the names of history's great commercial cities.

[1] Broadway-Chambers Building. A few blocks north at 277 Broadway. Cass Gilbert's first New York skyscraper--completed in 1900--sports terra-cotta ornament inspired by ancient Roman designs.
[2] Wall Street Building. A dockside Gothic skyscraper for the shipping trade--at 90 West Street, opposite Downtown's former shoreline--Cass Gilbert's second tower (1905-1907) offered its original tenants grand views of their own fleets sailing up the Hudson.
[3] United States Courthouse. In his last work (1934-34), at 40 Centre Street in the Court District, Gilbert wrapped the classical colonnade of a typical federal courthouse

Photographed by Bill Coughlin, November 4, 2009

2. Marker on Broadway

This view of the marker looks south on Broadway.

around a 38-story, 590-foot-tall New York skyscraper.

Erected by Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc.

Topics and series. This historical marker is listed in these topic lists: Architecture. In addition, it is included in the National Historic Landmarks series list. A significant historical year for this entry is 1929.

Location. This marker has been replaced by another marker nearby. It was located near 40°42.743′N, 74°0.475′W. Marker was in Manhattan, New York, in New York County. It was in Tribeca. It was on Broadway, on the right when traveling south. Marker is on the sidewalk between Park Place and Barclay Street, near the building's main entrance. Touch for map. Marker was in this post office area: New York NY 10007, United States of America. Touch for directions.

Other nearby markers. At least 8 other markers are within walking distance of this location: November 6, 2009 (here, next to this marker); July 10, 2015 (here, next to this marker); February 7, 2012 (here, next to this marker); a different marker also named Woolworth Building (a few steps from this marker); February 5, 2008 (a few steps from this marker); October 30, 2000 (a few steps from this marker); October 29, 1999 (a few steps from this marker); The Bridewell 1775-1838 (a few steps from this marker). Touch for a list and map of all markers in Manhattan.

Another marker

Photographed by Bill Coughlin, November 4, 2009

3. Entrance to Woolworth Building

is no longer nearby.
Woolworth Building (was a few steps from this marker but has been confirmed missing).

Regarding Woolworth Building. The building is listed in the "AIA (American Institute of Architects) Guide to New York City, Fifth Edition".

Related marker. Click here for another marker that is related to this marker. This marker has been replaced by the linked marker.

Also see . . .
1.Tallest buildings in NYC. (Submitted on November 8, 2008, by Richard E. Miller of Oxon Hill, Maryland.)
2.Cass Gilbert. (Submitted on November 8, 2008, by Richard E. Miller of Oxon Hill, Maryland.)
3.F. W. Woolworth. (Submitted on November 8, 2008, by Richard E. Miller of Oxon Hill, Maryland.)
4.Woolworth Building NYC Architecture. (Submitted on November 10, 2008, by Bill Pfingsten of Bel Air, Maryland.)
5.The Magificent 1913 Woolworth Building -- Broadway at Park Place. "Daytonian in Manhattan" entry. (Submitted on April 13, 2020, by Larry Gertner of New York, New York.)

Photographed by Richard E. Miller, November 1, 2008

4. Woolworth Building (daytime)

Photographed by Richard E. Miller, November 1, 2008

5. Woolworth Building (twilight)

Photographed by Richard E. Miller, November 1, 2008

6. Woolworth Building (night time)

Photographed by Larry Gertner, February 5, 2019

7. Woolworth Building Marker, 2019

The most recent "Exploring Lower Manhattan" version.

Credits. This page was last revised on January 31, 2023. It was originally submitted on November 8, 2008, by Richard E. Miller of Oxon Hill, Maryland. This page has been viewed 1,753 times since then and 21 times this year. Last updated on April 13, 2020, by Larry Gertner of New York, New York. Photos: 1.submitted on November 8, 2008, by Richard E. Miller of Oxon Hill, Maryland. 2, 3.submitted on November 10, 2009, by Bill Coughlin of Woodland Park, New Jersey. 4, 5, 6.submitted on November 8, 2008, by Richard E. Miller of Oxon Hill, Maryland. 7.submitted on February 5, 2019, by Larry Gertner of New York, New York. • Bill Pfingsten was the editor who published this page.

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Woolworth Building Historical Marker (10)



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Jan. 14, 2025

Woolworth Building Historical Marker (2025)
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