Logitech Support + Download (2024)

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"; var jumpstartToolTip = "

Find your serial number for SmartDock or Tap

"; var jumpstartPrivacy = ""; var jumpstartPostForm = "

If your support request concerns a Tap that was not sold as part of a Microsoft Teams Rooms including JumpStart Service, but as a standalone Tap device or as part of a Zoom Room or Hangouts Meet, contact Logitech support directly through this Link

"; var jumpstartThankyouPage = "

Your service request has been submitted.
An email from a JumpStart expert will be sent to [[form_email]]. Please check your Spam / Junk folder if you do not receive an email from JumpStart within 1 business day.
You may now close this window or continue browsing the support website.

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"; var jumpstartNote = "Please provide information in English."; var jumpstartDescRemnder = "Reminder: please provide description in English"; var submitButton = "SUBMIT"; var preferred_contact_method_id="360019387373"; var country_id="360019382014"; var meeting_platform_id="360019385793"; var connected_hardware_id="360019373114"; var jumpstart_endpoint="https://apim.workato.com/jumpstart-server-side-v1-10/jumpstart-validation"; var jumpstart_token="12f3a49ab58ec7900904a3f0c56153963e84cdcead336a41edb31614a9e40bba"; var emeaLanguages = { "fi": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FI", "no": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NO", "sv": "Logi_T1_EMEA_SV", "da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DA", "cs": "Logi_T1_EMEA_CS", "pl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_PL", "tr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR", "el": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EL", "pt-br": "Logi_T1_AMR_PT"}; var routing_logitech = { "en-za": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","cs": "Logi_T1_EMEA_CS","da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DA","de": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","de-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","de-da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","el": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EL","en-150": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN","en-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN","es": "Logi_T1_EMEA_ES","fi": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FI","fr-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","fr-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","fr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","hu": "Logi_T1_EMEA_HU","it-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_IT","it": "Logi_T1_EMEA_IT","nl-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NL","nl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NL","no": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NO","pl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_PL","ru": "Logi_T1_EMEA_RU","sv": "Logi_T1_EMEA_SV","th": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR","tr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR","en-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN","fr-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_FR","es-ar": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","es-419": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","es-mx": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","pt-br": "Logi_T1_AMR_PT","en-au": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-hk": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-in": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-my": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-nz": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-ph": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-sg": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","jp": "Logi_T1_AP_JA","ja": "Logi_T1_AP_JA","ko": "Logi_T1_AP_KO","vi": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","zh-cn": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHCN","zh-hk": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHTW","zh-tw": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHTW" }; var routing_b2b = { "en-za": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "nl-be": "B2B_T1_EMEA_NL", "nl": "B2B_T1_EMEA_NL" }; var routing_harmony = { "en-za": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Harmony_1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Harmony_1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "nl-be": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_NL", "nl": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_NL" }; var routing_gaming = { "en-za": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR", "cs": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_CS","da": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DA","de": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","de-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","de-da": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","el": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EL","en-150": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN","en-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN","es": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_ES","fi": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FI","fr-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","fr-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","fr": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","hu": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_HU","it-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_IT","it": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_IT","nl-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NL","nl": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NL","no": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NO","pl": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_PL","ru": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_RU","sv": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_SV","th": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","tr": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_TR","en-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN","fr-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_FR","es-ar": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","es-419": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","es-mx": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","pt-br": "Gaming_T1_AMR_PT","en-au": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-hk": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-in": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-my": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-nz": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-ph": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-sg": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","jp": "Gaming_T1_AP_JA","ja": "Gaming_T1_AP_JA","ko": "Gaming_T1_AP_KO","vi": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","zh-cn": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHCN","zh-hk": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHTW","zh-tw": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHTW" }; var routing_seed = { "en-ca": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "en-us": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN" }; var warrantystatusHeader = "Warranty Status Lookup"; var warrantystatusContent = `

Check your Service and Support Coverage by filling out everything correctly.
Selecting the correct Country is highly important*

`; var warranty_status_workato_endpoint="https://apim.workato.com/product-lookup-v10/prod/warranty-for-serial-num"; var warranty_status_workato_token="eada23b666b5b1597cac6a0b2b62e219e30f09077fd75cb3ba8c361e74289a0f"; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_ext_warranty =`Warranty End Date
Based on Extended Warranty (YYYY-MM-DD)`; var checking_serial_number_warranty_status_form_id = "360006739433"; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_serial_num =`Warranty End Date
Based on Serial Number (YYYY-MM-DD)`; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_purchase_date =`Warranty End Date
Based on Purchase Date (YYYY-MM-DD)`; var productList_Response; var warranty_end_date; var warranty_type; var today; var continuebutton = `Continue`; var backbutton = `Back`; var Unexpectederror = `Error to get warranty end date via workato`; var invalidSerialerror = `Please enter a valid serial number`; var noproduct_message =" No Products Found"; var fieldIdMap = new Map([ ["Product",{"id":"360019373854","name":"Product", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["serial_number_or_confirmation_code" , { "id":"360019376633", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["name" , { "id":"360019375594", "hideonload":false,"required":true}] , ["company_name" , { "id":"360019364774", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["email" , { "id":"requester_email", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["language" , { "id":"360019366794", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["country" , { "id":"360019382014", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["phone_number" , { "id":"360019385593", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["software_one_case_id" , { "id":"360019378373", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["description" , { "id":"description", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["RMA_required" , { "id":"360019378533", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["shipping_method" , { "id":"360019366894", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["street_address" , { "id":"360019376293", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["city" , { "id":"360019364094", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["state" , { "id":"360019376333", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["postal_code" , { "id":"360019364134", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["internal_note" , { "id":"360019366814", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["software_one_agent_name" , { "id":"360019366854", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["authentication_code" , { "id":"360019366874", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["attachment" , { "id":"request-attachments", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["type" , { "id":"360011873473","name":"type", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["priority" , { "id":"360011873493","name":"priority", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["ticket_origin" , { "id":"360019375494","name":"ticket_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["secondary_origin" , { "id":"360019749493","name":"secondary_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["disposition" , { "id":"360019426594","name":"disposition", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["linked_product_id" , { "id":"360019372674","name":"linked_product_id", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["business_group" , { "id":"360019386653","name":"Business Group", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["routing_category" , { "id":"360019426873","name":"Routing Category", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["product_id" , { "id":"360019382494","name":"Product Id", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["product_short_name" , { "id":"360019373054","name":"Product Short Name", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ]);; var fieldDependancyMap = new Map([["RMA_required" , new Map([ [ "yes" , [ { "field":"shipping_method", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"street_address", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"city", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"state", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"postal_code", "display":true, "required":true}] ], [ "rma_no" , [ { "field":"shipping_method", "display":"false", "required":false},{ "field":"street_address", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"city", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"state", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"postal_code", "display":false, "required":false}] ] ]) ] ]);; var jumpstartEscalationStaticFieldVal = new Map([ ["subject", {"value": "JUMPSTART Service Escalation Request"}], ["ticket_form_id", {"value": "360001032333"}], ["routing_cat", {"value": "routing_seed","id": "360019426873"}], ["product_id", {"id": "360019382494"}]]);; var assetsSmartdock = "/hc/theming_assets/01J0B626M5VKYW02RMB0G1NNB2"; var jumpstartEscalationHeader = "JUMPSTART SERVICE ESCALATION REQUEST"; var jumpstartEscalationContent = "

Please use this form to submit a support ticket to Logitech customer care

"; var jumpstartEscalationBanner = "

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Logitech Support + Download (2)

"; var invalidError = "This does not look like the serial number from a Tap display. The S/N can be found at the base of the Tap by unscrewing the bottom case of the Tap and/or removing any pre-installed adapter. You can also find the S/N on the box of the Tap product."; var invalidErrorForjumpstartEscalation = "Invalid Code, Please re-enter either Confirmation Code or product serial number."; var expiredError = "Unfortunately your JumpStart service expired. If you need troubleshooting or technical assistance, please contact Logitech Customer Care at https://support.logi.com"; var unexpectedError = "an unexpected error has occurred. please contact Logitech Customer Care at https://support.logi.com"; var invalidEmail = "Please enter a valid email address."; var invalidAuthenticationcode = "Please enter a valid authentication code." var jumpstartEscalationThankyouPage = "

Your service request has been submitted.
One of our service experts will be in contact within one business day to assist you.
You may now close this window or continue browsing the support website.

"; var jumpstart_escalation_endpoint="https://apim.workato.com/jumpstart-server-side-v1-10/jumpstart-escalation"; var jumpstartphoneinfo = ""; var enterEmail = "Enter Email Address"; var emptyNameErrorMsg = ""; var emailSuccess = "The email has been sent successfully."; var emailRetry = "Please try again."; var countryList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({ country: { "zh-hk": "country_hk", "en-150": "country_gb", "en-hk": "country_hk", "en-in": "country_in", "en-ie": "country_ie", "en-my": "country_my", "en-nz": "country_nz", "en-ph": "country_ph", "en-sg": "country_sg", "en-za": "country_za", "en-ch": "country_ch", "zh-cn": "country_cn", "en-gb": "country_gb", "en-us": "country_us", "en-001": "country_us", "fi": "country_fi", "fr": "country_fr", "fr-be": "country_be", "fr-ca": "country_ca", "fr-ch": "country_ch", "de": "country_de", "de-at": "country_at", "zh-tw": "country_tw", "de-ch": "country_ch", "el": "country_gr", "hu": "counrty_hu", "id": "country_id", "it": "country_it", "it-ch": "country_ch", "ja": "country_jp", "ko": "country_kr", "no": "country_no", "pl": "country_pl", "cs": "country_cz", "pt-br": "country_br", "ru": "country_ru", "es": "country_es", "es-ar": "country_ar", "es-419": "country_mx", "es-mx": "country_mx", "sv": "country_se", "th": "country_th", "tr": "country_tr", "vi": "country_vn", "da": "country_dk", "nl": "country_nl", "nl-be": "country_be", "en-au": "country_au", "en-ca": "country_ca" }})); var IEFieldMap = new Map([["name" , { "id":"360019375594","name":"Name", "hideonload":false,"required":true}] ,["email" , { "id":"requester_email","name":"Email", "hideonload":false,"required":false}],["Country" , { "id":"360019382014","name":"Country", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["product_type" , { "id":"360019373874","name":"Product Type", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["escalation_origin" , { "id":"360019375554","name":"Escalation Origin", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["authentication_code" , { "id":"360019366874","name":"Authentication Code", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["description" , { "id":"description","name":"Description of Customer's Issue", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["type" , { "id":"360011873473","name":"type", "hideonload":true,"required":false}],["priority" , { "id":"360011873493","name":"priority", "hideonload":true,"required":false}],["ticket_origin" , { "id":"360019375494","name":"ticket_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}],["secondary_origin" , { "id":"360019749493","name":"secondary_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}],["disposition" , { "id":"360019426594","name":"disposition", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["linked_product_id" , { "id":"360019372674","name":"linked_product_id", "hideonload":true,"required":false}] ]);; var IEStaticFieldVal = new Map([ ["subject", {"value": "Internal Escalation Request"}], ["ticket_form_id", {"value": "360001040834"}]]);; var IEHeader = "INTERNAL ESCALATION REQUEST"; var IEContent = "

Please use this form to submit a social media escalation to customer care

"; var IEThankyouPage = "

Your service request has been submitted.
One of our service experts will be in contact within on business day to assist you.
You may now close this window or continue browsing the support website.

"; var assetsEducationSupportHeroImage = "/hc/theming_assets/01J0B6EJBDNR9DTRKPTXVCV2RM"; var serialNoInfo = "

Please enter only one serial number. If you need to register multiple serial numbers, you can upload a CSV file as an attachment below.

"; var eduHeroTitle = "Logitech Education Support"; var notLoggedInUserInfo = "Having a My Account is not required but allows you to register your product to validate your limited hardware warranty duration, view your support history and allows us to provide you more personalized support."; var productInfoConsumerURL = "

Don't see your product? Try our Consumer Support Page!

"; var education_support_form_id = "360004097733"; var education_fields = "360019375594,360019382014,360019395193,360044898493,1900002403645"; education_fields = education_fields.split(" ").join(""); var serialNumberTicketFieldId = "360019395193"; var response_center_form_id = "360001149214"; var responseCenterFieldMap = new Map([["name" , { "id":"360019375594", "name":"Name", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true }] ,["email" , { "id":"requester_email", "name":"Email", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["topics_case_category" , { "id":"360019379113", "name":"Topics/Case Category", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["Country" , { "id":"360019382014", "name":"Country", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["description" , { "id":"description", "name":"Description of Customer's Issue", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}]]);; var resCenterFormCont = "

Thank you for visiting Logitech Response Center. Please use this form to (1) submit feedback about our privacy practices or request deletion of your data; (2) submit a claim of copyright or trademark infringement; (3) report a website security issue, phishing mail, counterfeit product; or (4) inquiries on other available topics. We’d like to hear from you. To help us process your request, please choose a topic from the list below and complete the following fields.

Specific product, software, sales and/or warranty inquiries are handled separately at Logitech Support. Please submit your issue or question at support.logi.com/contact.

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Logitech Support + Download (2024)


Where is the Logitech Download Assistant? ›

Step 1: Right-click the taskbar and then choose Task Manager. Step 2: Switch to the Startup tab. Step 3: Find Logitech Download Assistant from the list.

How to download drivers for Logitech? ›

Use Device Manager to download Logitech mouse drivers manually
  1. Press Windows Key + R and then type devmgmt. ...
  2. In the Device Manager window, browse to Mice and other pointing devices category and expand it.
  3. Choose your mouse and right-click it.
  4. Next, select update driver.

Does Logitech have software? ›

Logitech Options is a powerful and easy-to-use application that enhances your Logitech mice, keyboards, and touchpads.

How to disable logitech download assistant? ›

Open Device Manager and expand Human Interface Devices. Right click on "Logitech Download Assistant" and choose Uninstall Device. Make sure that "Delete driver software for this device" is checked and then click Ok.

How do I update my Logitech software? ›

To get software updates, select Check For Updates. The Logitech Gaming Software checks online for an updated version of the software. If there is an updated version available, the Logitech Updater downloads and installs it. To view the latest news for your device, select Internet Latest Information.

Are logi and Logitech the same? ›

Logitech, the company most of us still know for selling that very nice computer mouse we bought around the first time we dialed in to AOL, is about to drop the “tech.” As part of a new rebranding, the company will simply go by Logi (pronounced “lodge-ee”).

How do I install downloaded drivers? ›

You can usually double-tap or double-click the downloaded file to begin the installation. The driver then installs itself on your PC. If the driver you got from a disc or downloaded from a website doesn't install itself, you might need to install manually.

How do I check my Logitech firmware version? ›

Checking firmware version

Navigate to Menu, then > Settings > General > About.

How can I get my Logitech mouse to work? ›

On Windows, turn your Bluetooth mouse on and pair. Then go to Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Add device > Bluetooth > and click your mouse. On Mac, turn your Bluetooth mouse on and start pairing. Go to System Settings > Bluetooth > and click your mouse.

How do I get Windows 10 to recognize my Logitech mouse? ›

Windows 10

Select the Windows icon, then select Settings. Select Devices, then Bluetooth in the left pane. In the list of Bluetooth devices, select the Logitech device you want to connect to and select Pair. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish pairing.

How do I install Logitech drivers? ›

Downloading Logitech Mouse Drivers Manually
  1. Open Device Manager: Either search for the device manager, or open the run box by pressing the Windows Key + R and typing in devmgmt.msc.
  2. Select Your Mouse: You should see all your hardware devices organized into categories.

What software controls Logitech's mouse? ›

Logitech G HUB gives you a single portal for optimizing and customizing all your supported Logitech G gear: mice, keyboards, headsets, speakers, and webcams.

Can you use Logitech mouse without software? ›

Do I have to use the Unifying software to make the Unifying device work? Will my compatible mouse or keyboard work out-of-the-box? Each compatible product works out-of-the-box without any setup, just like any other Logitech wireless device.

Where are Logitech settings stored? ›

Navigate to the folder C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\LGHUB. Right-click on settings. json and click on Properties.

How do I add a device to my Logitech app? ›

Go to Apps, then find and select Control Panel. Select Devices and Printers. Select Add a device. In the list of Bluetooth devices, select the Logitech device you want to connect to and select Next.

How do I get the on my Logitech keyboard? ›

Hold down Alt , press 0 0 6 4 on the numeric keypad (for laptops without a numeric keypad, you may need to hold the Fn ) in sequence, then release Alt .

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.